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The Parliament – The Riksdag. The Government supported by the Government offices. Government Executive Agencies. Governing the Swedish Transport Administration. Instruments Governing construction of new infrastructure Governing operation and maintenance Governing of other activities.
The Parliament – The Riksdag The Government supported by the Government offices Government Executive Agencies
Governing the Swedish Transport Administration Instruments Governing construction of new infrastructure Governing operation and maintenance Governing of other activities
Instruments – the Riksdag • Annual budget decisions (in December for the following year, supplementary decisions in June and in December)
Instruments – the Riksdag JANUARY FEBRUARY DECEMBER JANUARY The Government: the ministries go through forecasts for their expenditure areas and appropriations. The Ministry of Finance goes through revenue forecasts and analyses the macroeconomic development. MARCH NOVEMBER APRIL OCTOBER MAY SEPTEMBER JUNE AUGUST JULY
Instruments – the Riksdag JANUARY FEBRUARY DECEMBER FEBRUARY The Government: the ministries go through forecasts for their expenditure areas and appropriations.The public authorities submit annual reports and budget documents to the Government. MARCH NOVEMBER APRIL OCTOBER MAY SEPTEMBER JUNE AUGUST JULY
Instruments – the Riksdag JANUARY FEBRUARY DECEMBER MARCH The Swedish national audit office, presents audit reports to the Government. MARCH NOVEMBER APRIL OCTOBER MAY SEPTEMBER JUNE AUGUST JULY
Instruments – The Riksdag JANUARY FEBRUARY DECEMBER APRIL The Government presents the Spring Fiscal Policy Bill, a Bill on a proposed supplementary budget and the Central Government Annual Report to the Riksdag. The Riksdag starts work on the Spring Fiscal Policy and the Bill on a proposed supplementary budget. MARCH NOVEMBER APRIL OCTOBER MAY SEPTEMBER JUNE AUGUST JULY
Instruments – The Riksdag JANUARY FEBRUARY DECEMBER MAJ The Riksdag continues its work on the Spring Fiscal Policy Bill and the Bill on a proposed supplementary budget. The Government: Work on the budget continues at the various ministries. MARCH NOVEMBER APRIL OCTOBER MAY SEPTEMBER JUNE AUGUST JULY
Instruments – The Riksdag JANUARY FEBRUARY DECEMBER JUNE The Government holds deliberations.The Riksdag takes a formal decision on the Spring Fiscal Policy Bill and the Bill on a proposed supplementary budget. MARCH NOVEMBER APRIL OCTOBER MAY SEPTEMBER JUNE AUGUST JULY
Instruments – The Riksdag JANUARY FEBRUARY DECEMBER SEPTEMBER The Government presents the Budget Bill and a Bill on a proposed supplementary budget to the Riksdag. MARCH NOVEMBER APRIL OCTOBER MAY SEPTEMBER JUNE AUGUST JULY
Instruments – The Riksdag JANUARY FEBRUARY DECEMBER OCTOBER The Riksdag considers the Budget Bill.The Opposition presents different alternatives to the Governments budget proposal. MARCH NOVEMBER APRIL OCTOBER MAY SEPTEMBER JUNE AUGUST JULY
Instruments – The Riksdag JANUARY FEBRUARY DECEMBER NOVEMBER The Riksdag takes decisions on the expenditure ceiling, expenditure area framework and central government revenues. MARCH NOVEMBER APRIL OCTOBER MAY SEPTEMBER JUNE AUGUST JULY
Instruments – The Riksdag JANUARI FEBRUARI DECEMBER DECEMBER The Riksdag takes its decision on central government budget appropriations. The Government decides on the objectives and responsibility of each public authority (appropriation directions). MARS NOVEMBER APRIL OKTOBER MAJ SEPTEMBER JUNI AUGUSTI JULI
Instruments – The riksdag • Annual budget decisions (December for the following year, supplementary decisions in June and in December) • Special parliamentary decisions (on the budget bill as well as in other cases, often economic decisions for a longer period than one year) • Laws (e.g. the budget law)
Instruments – The riksdag Accessibility of Good quality for all • Swedish Transport Policy Objectives Sustainable Transport Environment Health Safety
The Swedish Government 2013 Jämställdhets-minister Maria Arnholm Statsminister Fredrik Reinfeldt Kulturminister Lena Adelsohn Liljeroth Justitieminister Beatrice Ask Civil- & bostads-minister Stefan Attefall Utrikesminister Carl Bildt Migrationsminister Tobias Billström Utbildnings-minister Jan Björklund Handelsminister Eva Björling Finansminister Anders Borg Biståndsminister Gunilla Carlsson Miljöminister Lena Ek Infrastrukturminister Catharina Elmsäter-Svärd Arbetsmarknads-minister Hillevi Engström Försvarsminister KarinEnström Landsbygds-minister Eskil Erlandsson Socialminister Göran Hägglund Socialförsäkrings-minister Ulf Kristersson Barn- & äldre-minister Maria Larsson Näringsminister Annie Lööf Finansmarknads-minister Peter Norman EU-minister Birgitta Ohlsson Integrations-minister Erik Ullenhag It- & energiminister Anna-Karin Hatt
General objectives for the public administration • Good control of central government finances • Resource allocation in accordance with political priorities • High productivity and efficiency in the use of central government resources
Instruments – The Government • Ordinances Instructionsto the public authorities Otherregulations • Otherdecissions Appropriationdirections (the allocationoffinancialresources, financialconditions, performance management, assignments) Assignments Operations management, Appointmentof the Director General and Board
Instruments – The GovernmentThe Instruction In the instruction the government specifies the agency's • tasks • organisation • management
Instruments – The GovernmentAppropriation directions (regleringsbrev) Yearly specifications of the agency's • Budget and financial framework • Directives concerning special tasks and assignments • Annual and other reports
The Government is assisted by the Government Offices, an integral authority comprising the Prime Minister's Office, the ministries and the Office of Administrative Affairs
Organisation Secretariats Divisions Expeditionschefs-sekretariatet Regional growth Entrepreneurship Market and competition Legal services Transport Research and innovation Coordination IT Policy Communikations(PR) Energy International
Budget 2010 Billion SEK Transport policy 39,6 Business development policy 5,1 Regional growth policy 3,4 Energy policy3,2 Policy for the Information Society 0,4
Minister for Infrastructure Mrs. Catharina Elmsäter-Svärd
Instruments - The Government Offices • Some economic decissions • Informal dialogue
Activities of the Swedish Transport Administration • Construction of new infrastructure • Operation and maintenance • Other activities
Governing construction of new infrastructure Swedish infrastructure planning Transport authorities, counties Riksdag The Government Decides on transport policy Orders background material Produce background material Proposes Government bills Decides on Government bills Decides on planning directives Establish and promote plans Establishes plans and budgets Informs the Riksdag Begin implementation of plans
Governing construction of new infrastructureSwedish infrastructure planning • Preparations ahead of action planning • Regional and national system analyses • Implementation of action planning • Open process • Regions and national agencies in cooperation
Governing construction of new infrastructure Riksdag decision on allocation of budget amounting • 2014-2025: SEK 281bn for the state framework for development of the transport system, earmarked for measures for national roads and for measures for the national railway network, interest and amortisation, etc.
Governing construction of new infrastructureAssignment to Swedish Transport Administration • Government decission on object within the economic frame from the Riksdag (assigment) to the Swedish Transport Adminstration • 12 years ahead (1-12) – renewed every four years • 3 years ahead (1-3) – renewed each year • 6 years ahead (4-6) – renewed each year
Governing construction of new infrastructure Alternativ financing • Road charges and congestion taxes (partially financed through borrowing, excl. interest costs) • Local government and private contributions • EU funds
Dialogue between the Government officies and the Swedish Transport Administration • Every four months, three hours • Minister, secretary of state, chairman of the board, Director General • Thorough preparations • Report on financial status, big investments and strategic questions
1. 3. During the meeting 4. After the meeting Preparations 2. Before the meeting 2 3 4 t 3.1 Follow up of 3.2 The agency’s - 3.4 Big 3.5 Strategic 3.3 Follow up 3.6 Any other previous report investments agenda business meeting program Syfte: Att säkerställa att Syfte: Att GD initialt ger Syfte: Att myndigheten Syfte: Att på ett kontinuerligt Syfte: Att ge utrymme Syfte: Att få en tydlig bild de åtgärdspunkter som sin bild av verksamheten redovisar de viktigaste sätt lyfta myndighetens för mötesdeltagarna att hur de stora beslutats vid tidigare i stort genom att avvikelserna i sitt resultat, strategiska agenda och lyfta eventuella aktuella investeringsprojekten/progra möte har infriats presentera kvartals - sin prognos och sitt arbete riktning frågeställningar. mmen fortlöpor, mot tidplan rapporten och med effektivitet och samt ekonomiskt plan Beskrivning: Beskrivning: Denna punkt Beskrivning: Det kan kommunikations - produktivitet. Uppföljningen av på agendan föredras av röra sig om politiskt Beskrivning: Denna punkt kommunikén föregående Beskrivning: Denna punkt styrelseordförande/GD. Den heta frågor som på agendan föredras av mötesåtgärdslista leds av Beskrivning: Denna på agendan föredras av strategiska utvecklingen statssekreteraren har styrelseordförande/GD. den som var punkt på agendan styrelseordförande/GD. diskuteras i regel utifrån ett på sin agenda och Innehållet bygger i regel helt uppföljningsansvarig föredras av Innehållet bygger i regel helt antal givna dimensioner som behöver svar kring eller på myndighetens eget under det tidigare mötet. styrelseordförande/GD på myndighetens eget lyfts fram för myndigheten kortare avstämnings - arbete och endast större och han/hon väljer själva arbete och endast större utifrån den Transport - /informationspunkter avvikelser och risker som Huvudsaklig input: vad de vill lyfta fram men avvikelser och risker som politiska strategin. Dimen - som behöver belysas. I uppmärksammats under Föregående mötes dragningen bör ge en uppmärksammats under sionerna diskuteras dels denna punkt bör också förmötet tas upp åtgärdslista helhetsbild av förmötet tas upp utifrån var myndigheten ska behovet av extern Huvudsaklig input: Huvudsaklig output: verksamheten. vara på lång sikt och dels kommunikation Huvudsaklig input: Myndighetsarbete och 2.4 Avstämda åtgärdspunkter utifrån de vägval , konkreta diskuteras Huvudsaklig input: Myndighetsarbete och 2.4 samt ev. restlista frågeställningar som mynd - Huvudsaklig output: … Kvartalsrapporten och Huvudsaklig input: Huvudsaklig output: … igheten står inför som har Tidsram: ca 5 min GDs egna reflektioner Mötesdeltagarna själva Tidsram: ca 30 min långsiktiga konsekvenser Tidsram: ca 30 min Huvudsaklig output: Huvudsaklig output: Huvudsaklig input: 2.5 Helhetsblid av NA verksamheten Huvudsaklig output: Tidsram: ca 20 min Strategisk diskussion om Tidsram: ca 20 min myndighetens strat. riktning Tidsram: ca 60 min Dialogue between the Government officies and the Swedish Transport Administration
Governingoperation and maintenanceThe Riksdag’sdecision on allocation of budget amounts Expenditures for the period of 2014-2025: Operation and maintenance of state roads SEK 155 bn including bearing capacity, frost proofing and reconstruction of roads and state grants for private roads Operation and maintenance of national railway network SEK 86 bn
Operation and maintenance - governance today The government assigns annually economical frames for operation and maintenance on state roads and railways respectively
Operation and maintenance - governance todaySwedish Transport Administration responsibility The STA is responsible for optimazing a balancedallocation of resourceswithin the transport modes • national policy objectivesguidelines • infrastructurelinkhierarchy • usersneeds on different links • service standards involvingusersurveys • maintenance managements systems
Operation and maintenance - governance today Howdoes the Governmentsecure relevant information for evaluation and control? • Regularreportsand dialogues on the Transport Administration’sachievements • Throughreports from e.g. National Audit Office • National OfficialReports • Complaints from localauthorities, road users, hauliers, railway operators, media publicityetc
Operation and maintenance - governance reform Insufficiencies in Swedish transport system has been exposed in recent years Due to high growth in transport demands, shortage of maintenance and, on top, two consequtive severe winters An investigation on the transport system capacity was ordered from the STA by the Government
Operation and maintenance - governance reform Conclusions from the CapacityInvestigation Report: • The transport demandwillcontinuetogrow • New investmentsalonewill not solve the problems • Effectiveuse and careof the existing system is decisive In short: An effective performance in operation and maintenanceshould be moreemphazised
Operation and maintenance - governance reform • Last year a task wasassigned to the Transport Administration to develop a system focusing on deliverancequalities • In December a new frameworkfor governance of operations and maintenance for all transport modes waspresented
Operation and maintenance - governance reform The deliverancequalitiesproposedincludes: • Punctuality • Capacity • Robustness • Usability • Security • Environment and health The system will be implementedgraduallystarting 2013
Governing other activities • Traffic Agreements • Emergency Airports • Information and awareness-raising activities
Changed structure for agencies and state owned companies Agencies Companies Svedab Arlandabanan AB Botniabanan AB SweRoad Jernhusen Vägverket Banverket Luftfartsverket Luftfartsstyrelsen Järnvägsstyrelsen SIKA Sjöfartsverket Rederinämnden Rikstrafiken ASJ VTI 2 0 0 8 2 0 1 3 Svedab Arlandabanan AB SweRoad Jernhusen Vectura AB Svevia AB InfraNord Swedavia Transportstyrelsen Trafikverket Luftfartsverket Trafikanalys Sjöfartsverket VTI
Transport Analysis Responsible for • “staff agency” to the government • analysis and evaluations of measures taken within the sphere of transport policy • official statistics in the transport and communication sectors • estimated personnel: 40 in Stockholm and Östersund
A new Swedish Transport Agency • a joint air, maritime, railway and road agency Responsible for • rules for access to the transport market • requirements construction, • qualification etc