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Unit I Presentation

Learn about Fredrick Taylor's scientific management, Mary Follett's modern leadership, and Henri Fayola's personnel interaction theory. Understand the pros, cons, and impact of these influential management theories on public administration.

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Unit I Presentation

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  1. Unit I Presentation [Insert your name] PUA 5308, MPA Seminar

  2. Fredrick Taylor’s Theory

  3. Description Formulated by Fredrick Taylor, the scientific management theory is an approach that focused different aspects of traditional public administration. The theory basically argues on the application of certain principles in creating a system while avoiding wastage, ensuring production process is more improved and fair distribution of goods The principles in this theory are: Developing a science for every type of job Hiring employees with the right and required abilities Training and motivating employees. Supporting employees in terms of planning and helping them work in accordance with the science

  4. Pros/Cons Pros • Reduced production cost • Saves on time • Resources are well utilized • Better working conditions provided • Proper utilization of resources • Provide good method of training and selecting workers • Cons • Worker’s exploitation • Its application is narrow • Some assumptions were wrong like assuming workers to be motivated by financial gains rather that incentives, personal egos and social needs • It more of individualist approach • Causes a problem in separating planning from doing • It is associated with mechanical approach

  5. Impact on Public Administration • Can Leads to mutual collaboration between the management and employees in the context of public administration • Can result into to progressive development in public administration since the workers are selected scientifically • Can lead to Equal division of task and responsibility between the employees and management in public administration • principles of scientific manangemnt theory can lead to the reduction of public administration short-coming • The scientific managemnt theory can results into the relaization of basic needs for citizens

  6. Mary Follett’s Theory

  7. Description • Mary Follett’s is said to be the mother of modern management who focused on functional structure of an organization as well as authority hierarchies • Mary Follett’s Theory holds that, the art of making things done by people is what is believed to be management (Samba, 2018). • This theory holds that, exercising power is not leadership and leadership is viewed to be the capacity to have an increased sense of power • According to the Mary Follett’s Theory, is fundamental task of a leaders is creating more leaders. The theory has the following principles • Direct contact, early stages relationship reciprocation and continuous process are some of the principles in this theory

  8. Pros/Cons Pros • Increased worker productivity • Quality of services provided • It addressed strategies for management that led to motivation in work force Cons • The idea of integrationin Mary Follett’s Theory is viewed as illusionary • The Mary Follett’s Theory ignored the steps involved in organizational management • This theory is viewed to have a problem of idealism portrayed by Mary Follett’s herself

  9. Impact on Public Administration • The theory can transform he future of public participation by embracing creativity and democracy in public administration • Theory has contributed to the democratic governance in public administration(Eustis, 2013). • Results into integration of interests and desires of each and every member in the docket of public administration leading to realization of solutions to problems • Responding to conflict through dominance in public administration in short terms where, victory is realized on one side • Can Lead to coordination of individuals and groups in public administration by bringing people together through domocracy

  10. Henri Fayola management theory

  11. Description • The Henri fayol management theory focuses on the interaction of personnel and managemnt within an organization. • This theory covers so broader concept that many business can apply this theory in their management • The theory has around 14 principles about management that shows how personnel and management should related to each other. • The theory show that, for a business to control its production the basic ways to be used include: planning , organizing, commanding, coordinating and controlling the organization (JANET, (2017).

  12. Pros/Cons Pros • Promotes the structure of an organization which is the key principle of management emphasized by Henri Fayol • Enhances team work through subordination of personal interests to those of an organization • Through fair competition, the theory can motivate employees Cons • In his theory Fayol only described the structure of formal organization • The theory does not address issues like general versus individual concerns • There has been more principles that have been absorbed by organization in the modern world • The theory viewed the interest and sensitivity of patient’s needs in the context of rational organization rather than changing behavior of people and adapting structure that can both customers and businesses

  13. Impact on Public Administration • Promotes division of work by enabling the employees to specialize hence, increasing the output of the public administration since workers becomes efficient and more skilled • Bring an understnding to the public administration that, any form of authority comes with respnsiblity • Embracing discipline that public adminstration need to uphold by use of different methods (Reid, 1995). • Promotes unity of direction in public administration whereby teams sharing similar objective work under one manger’s direction.

  14. References Eustis, J. (2013). Tech Services on the Web: Steven J. Miller's Metadata Resources Page https://pantherfile.uwm.edu/mll/www/resource.html. Technical Services Quarterly, 30(2), 237-238. doi: 10.1080/07317131.2013.760372 Sambi. T (2018). Scientific Management of Public Administration: Need, Origin and Criticism.http://www.yourarticlelibrary.com/public-administration/scientific-management-of-public-administration-need-origin-and-criticism/63422 JANET KRENN (2017).Management Theory of Henri Fayola. Henri Fayal's management theory is a simple model of how management interacts with personnel. Fayola's management theory covers Reid, D. (1995). Fayol: from experience to theory. Journal Of Management History (Archive), 1(3), 21-36. doi: 10.1108/13552529510095134

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