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Economic Mechanisms

Economic Mechanisms. Grand Challenge: Design economic mechanisms that provide incentives for increasing the utility of the network Motivation Features Example Research Issues. Joint work with J ö rn Altmann & Linhai He. Economic Mechanisms. Service Provider Ecosystem. Network. Data.

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Economic Mechanisms

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  1. Economic Mechanisms Grand Challenge: Design economic mechanisms that provide incentives for increasing the utility of the network • Motivation • Features • Example • Research Issues Joint work with Jörn Altmann & Linhai He Economic Mechanisms

  2. Service Provider Ecosystem Network Data Planning and Resource Management Collection Pricing Economically Resource End - users / Efficient Service Resource Enterprises Providers Allocation Technology Data Data Collection Collection Content Service Providers Economics Business Relationship Stakeholder Motivation • Different application requirements • Enable new applications  higher revenues • Different user utilities • Enable market segmentation  higher revenues • More flexible economic arrangements • 800-service, third party billing, … • Various players get fair share of revenues • Incentive for improved services • Flexible peering agreements Revenues improve increases Service Quality Economic Mechanisms – Motivation

  3. Desirable Features of E.M. • Everybody is a player • Not simply social maximization • Designed for multi-provider and multi-business environment • Heterogeneous • Incentive-compatible • Don’t assume altruism • Scalable • 12,000+ ASes • Flexible: Support different service types • Dependable service, variable price • Dependable price, variable service • Catalyst for ecology • Network; Storage; Distribution; Contents; … Economic Mechanisms – Features

  4. monitor marks and process inter-network billing info p1+p2 + p1 + p2 Example • Simple protocol atcall set up time • Game between providers and users • Can be designed fordependable service • Price controlsutilization • Analysis shows that • In tandem network with at least 3 providers • If demand is the constraint Cooperation > Nash > Stackleberg • Suggests charging protocol • Ideas extend to complex topologies and capacity constraints (congestion pricing + revenue sharing) Economic Mechanisms – Examples

  5. Research Issues • Necessity of economics-networking synergy • Upgrades of networks require incentives • Incentives necessitate economic mechanisms • Economic mechanisms require protocols • Design of protocols that are flexible • Support different economic models • Suitable mechanisms • Impact on industry structure • Implementation considerations • Are overlays desirable? • Security Economic Mechanisms – Research Issues

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