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Forestry enterprises as an integrating part of economy as a whole

FOPER Master Program Forest Enterprise Management - Country reports – Dragan Nonić Jelena Nedeljković.

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Forestry enterprises as an integrating part of economy as a whole

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  1. FOPER Master ProgramForest Enterprise Management- Country reports – Dragan NonićJelena Nedeljković

  2. Outline MondayUnit 4: Forest Enterprise Management in the Western BalkansUnit 5: Preparation of group work on country reportsWednesdayUnit 16: Internet data collection - group work on country reportsUnit 17: Internet data collection - group work on country reports ThursdayUnit 21: Preparing of group conceptual paperUnit 22: Preparing of group power-point presentation Unit 23: Preparing of group power-point presentation FridayUnit 26: Presentation of group work (part of the exam)Unit 26: Presentation of group work (part of the exam)Unit 26: Presentation of group work (part of the exam)

  3. Forest Enterprise Management - Country reports -To analyzeForestry Enterprises in West Balkan Countries:1. the position in relationtotheeconomicenvironment;2. the management system;3. the hierarchicalmanagement levels;4. the management levels of action;5. the operational goals, vision and leading image;6. the stakeholders groups.

  4. Forest Enterprise Management - Country reports –Topics:1. BiH/Fed: KJP “Sarajevo-šume” d.o.o. (www.sarajevo-sume.ba)2. BiH/RS: JP “Šume Republike Srpske” a.d. (www.sumers.org)3. CROATIA: “Hrvatske šume” d.o.o. (www.hrsume.hr)4. MACEDONIA: JP “Makedonski šumi” (www.mkdsumi.com.mk)5. SERBIA: JP “Srbijašume” (www.srbijasume.rs)6. SERBIA: JP “Vojvodinašume” (www.vojvodinasume.rs); 7.ALBANIA or MONTENEGRO

  5. Forest Enterprise Management - Country reports -1. To analyze the position of the forestry enterprises in relationto theeconomicenvironment

  6. Forestry enterprises as an integratingpart ofeconomy as a whole --- Flow of Goods --- Moneyflow Service station for forestry machine Paper mill --- Self aplicant/ entrepreneur Forestry enterprise Sawing mill Planing mill Household --- ----

  7. Ideal typology of economic units Economic units Private household Enterprises Public-enterprises Public-administr. Businesses Non-profit organisation

  8. Forest Enterprise Management - Country reports -2. To analyze the management system of the forestry enterprises

  9. Systemic-Model of a economic unit Value System Management System Information System Production System Social & Natural Environment Abb. 10; S. 46

  10. Structure of the management system from afactual aspect (management cycle) Value system Management system Information system Production system Management system Planning and control Organization Controlling Personnel management

  11. Forest Enterprise Management - Country reports -3. To analyze hierarchicalmanagement levels in the forestry enterprises

  12. Executive functions Management levels in (forestry)enterprises Top-management (e.g. Executive board, forest president) Management functions Hierarchical level Middle management (e.g. Plant manager, district forest officer) Lower-management (e.g. office manager, district forester) Share of functions

  13. Organization chart and group relationships inthe enterprise Y D i r e c t o r S e c r e ta r y Head of department A B C Person in charge O r g a n i s a t io n p la n D E F G H Observablestrong positive contacts within the department

  14. Forest Enterprise Management - Country reports -4. To analyze the management levels of action in the forestry enterprises

  15. The management levels of action Operations management managing the processes to produce and distribute products and services Goal: direct safeguarding of efficiency and effectiveness of processes in order to success Strategic management Formulating, implementing, and evaluating strategies that will enable an organization to achieve its long-termobjectives Goal: safeguarding of future operational success Normative management Building up of credibility and communication potentials Goal: appropriate dealing with all stakeholders of theenterprise

  16. The operational performancesystem Value system Management system Information system Non-marketoutput Performance system Performance system Production/ waste disposal Output market Input market Financing Logistic flow Nominal flow Financial markets Abb. 15; S. 60

  17. Forest Enterprise Management - Country reports -5. To analyze theoperational goals, vision and leading image of the forestry enterprises

  18. Categories of operational goals 1. Performance goal (e.g. goals of acquisition, warehousing, production and sales volume) Examples are: Objectives of production according to type, quality, quantity, structure Market shares Production- and warehousing capacities Locations of production, etc. 2. Financial goal (e.g. objectives of liquidity, investment and financing) Examples are: Extent and structure of liquidity reserves Extent and structure of the investment programs Structure of capital Credit worthiness, etc. 3. Goals of performance (e.g. goals of sales volume, value added and profitability) Examples are: Sales volume and structure Value added Profit Capital profitability Dividends, etc. 4. Employee related (human) goals Examples are: Income Job satisfaction Employment security Personal development, etc. 5. Society related goals (environment related and social objectives) Examples are: Protection of natural resources Limitation of emissions Conservation of the cultural landscape, etc.

  19. Leading image and vision as guardrails ofoperational action Leading image: description of the vision Vision: image of our enterprise in the future Goalposts for operational activities Strategic goals (Product/market-goals, organizational goals) Our enterprise today Strategies (translated into measures and and action programs)

  20. Forest Enterprise Management - Country reports -6. To analyze the stakeholders of the forestry enterprises

  21. The stakeholders of the forestry enterprise employee h u n te r c u s tom e rs trade un io n s s ta te s u p p lie r p ro p r ie to r Fo re s try e n te rp r ise a s so c ia tio n c om p e tito r public inte re st g ro up i n v e s to r p a r tie s n e ig h b o u rs

  22. Questionnaire for the ongoing analysis ofstakeholders Who are our entitlement groups? What issues do these entitlement groups have? What do theyexpect of us? What do they accuse us of? Which short-term and long-term goals do these entitlementgroups have? Which motives and values are behind these goals? How do the entitlement groups behave? How do different entitlement groups behave towards eachother? What impacts do the entitlement groups have on theenterprise? What power do the entitlement groups have?

  23. KJP “Sarajevo-šume” d.o.o. Group 1 BiH/Fed 1. 2. 3.

  24. JP “Šume Republike Srpske” a.d. Group 2 BiH/RS 1. 2. 3.

  25. “Hrvatske šume” d.o.o. Group 3 Croatia 1. 2. 3.

  26. JP “Makedonski šumi” Group 4 Macedonia 1. 2. 3.

  27. JP “Srbijašume” Group 5 Serbia 1. 2. 3.

  28. JP “Vojvodinašume” Group 6 Serbia 1. 2. 3.

  29. Albania or Montenegro Group 7 Albania or Montenegro 1. 2. 3.

  30. Thank you for your attention!!!

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