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Business as Design (A Whole New Mind)

Business as Design (A Whole New Mind). Presented by: Deanna Smith, Ian Taylor, Caleb Wiles, and Lee M Lester. The book. A Whole New Mind. Movement of the Ages. The Brain. Brain has 100 billion cells and one quadrillion connections

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Business as Design (A Whole New Mind)

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  1. Business as Design (A Whole New Mind) Presented by: Deanna Smith, Ian Taylor, Caleb Wiles, and Lee M Lester

  2. The book A Whole New Mind

  3. Movement of the Ages

  4. The Brain • Brain has 100 billion cellsand one quadrillion connections • Left Hemisphere controls the right side of the body and vice versa • In almost every task the brain works in conjunction

  5. Left VS Right • Logic • Sequence • Literalness • Analysis • Synthesis • Emotional Expression • Context • The Big Picture LEFT SIDE RIGHT SIDE

  6. Left VS Right • “A picture is worth a thousand words”

  7. Left Brain Society • Standardized Tests GMAT, SAT, LSAT, PSAT • Language • Greek 550 B.C. • TPRS learning

  8. Abundance

  9. Asia • Outsourcing Software Engineers/Computer Programmers • India produces 350K engineering grads • 48% of GE’s software is developed in India • China is producing just as many engineering grads as the US

  10. Automation John Henry Gary Kasparvo

  11. Automation • Produces products • Better • Faster • Cheaper

  12. High Concept • Can someone overseas do it cheaper? • Can a computer do it faster? • Is what I’m offering in demand in an age of abundance?

  13. Leading the Conceptual Age

  14. Design

  15. Design • Design is the combination of both utility and significance. • Utility- providing a specific function. • Significance- transmitting ideas/emotions that words cannot convey.

  16. Design • Utility, today, is widespread, inexpensive, and relatively easy to achieve, which increases the value of significance. • “I think designers are the alchemists of the future” – Richard Koshalek, president, Art Center College of Design

  17. Design • Three reasons design has become an aptitude for personal fulfillment and professional success • Good design is now more accessible than ever – more people can partake in its pleasures • Design is needed to create differentiation and a way to create new markets. • As more people develop a design sensibility, design can be used for its ultimate purpose: changing the world. • “Good design is a renaissance attitude that combines technology, cognitive science, human need, and beauty to produce something that the world didn’t know it was missing.” – Paola Antonelli, curator of architecture and design, Museum of Modern Art

  18. Design • In the past, mainly the rich and powerful were able to relish in the significance of design, while others had to settle for just the utility. • “Design in its simplest form is the activity of creating solutions. Design is something that everyone does every day.” – Frank Nuovo

  19. The Democracy of Design • Now, design is becoming more common. • Ex: Our access to hundreds, thousands, or even millions of different fonts. • “Aesthetics matter. Attractive things work better.” – Don Norman, author and engineering professor

  20. The Democracy of Design • Design has gone beyond just the commercial realm. • Example: Sony has four hundred in-house developers, but the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has sixty designers on staff as well. • “Design is the only thing that differentiates one product from another in the marketplace.” – Norio Ohga, former chairman, Sony.

  21. Design Means Business / Business Means Design • Companies used to compete on price, quality, or both, but now, those are nothing but tickets to enter the market. • After companies satisfy price and quality, they must then focus on less financial/functional qualities, such as whimsy, beauty, and meaning. • We use a toaster at most 15 minutes a day. The other 1,425 minutes: it’s on display. 1% utility, 99% significance. • “Businesspeople don’t need to understand designers better. They need to be designers.” – Roger Martin, dean, Rotman Management School.

  22. Designing Our Future Good design can change the world.

  23. Designing Our Future • Health care: Physicians and administrators usually consider design secondary to prescribing drugs and performing surgery. • A study at Pittsburgh’s Montefiore Hospital: surgery patients in rooms with ample natural light required less pain medication, and their drug costs were 21% lower than their counterparts in traditional rooms.

  24. Designing Our Future • A better example: the 2000 US Presidential Election • Democrats said that the US Supreme Court handed the election to George W. Bush by halting the recount of the ballots. Republicans said that the Democrats were trying to steal the election by getting voting officials to count “chads” – the rectangular ballot pieces – that were not fully punched out.

  25. Designing Our Future • They were both wrong. • Turns out that in Palm Beach County, a heavily Democratic enclave populated by tens of thousands of elderly Jewish voters, ultraconservative Pat Buchanan received 3,407 votes (statistical analysis showed that if voting patterns in the other counties in Florida had held in Palm Beach, Buchanan would have received roughly 603 votes). • 5,237 voters marked ballots for both Al Gore AND Pat Buchanan, making their ballots invalid, causing Bush to carry the state by 537 votes. • All of this controversy occurred because of a bad design.

  26. Story

  27. Story • Being told a fact vs Being told a story • Someone can be told numerous facts, but when asked a question about those facts, there is a low chance that the person will remember every fact correctly (with some exceptions, of course). • Now, if I tell the same person a story, then ask questions about that story, the person listening is more likely to answer questions correctly because stories are easier to remember due to how our brain works

  28. Story • Story is just as integral to the human experience as design • As important as story has been, in the “Information Age”, it has received a bad reputation. • “Humans are not ideally set up to understand logic; they are ideally set up to understand stories.” – Roger C. Schank, cognitive artist

  29. Story • As facts become more available to the world, which is a good thing, the values of those facts start to decrease. How those facts are put into context and to deliver them with emotional impact begins to matter more. • This is what Story is about- context enriched by emotion

  30. The Story Business • Robert McKee: influential figure in Hollywood. He holds seminars teaching aspiring screenwriters how to write a story. His students have gone to win twenty-six Academy Awards. • What does this have to do with business? Everything. • Recently, McKee has attracted the following kinds of people seeking his mentoring: executives, entrepreneurs, and workers of traditional business.

  31. The Story Business • Story makes business big money. • Advertising, counseling, consulting, and so forth – 25% of US gross domestic product • If Story is a component of half of these efforts, it is worth about $1 trillion a year to the US economy.

  32. The Story Business • Organizational storytelling • Steve Denning – a founder of said movement • Began as a lawyer in Sydney, and then went on to become a midlevel executive at World Bank. • “I was a left brain person. Big organizations love that kind of person.” – Steve Denning

  33. The Story Business • Organizational storytelling • One day, in a shake-up, Denning was sent to an organization equivalent in Siberia: a department known as “knowledge management”, eventually becoming the department’s chief. • After a while, he began a transformation. While trying to figure out what knowledge required management, he found that he learned more from trading stories in the cafeteria than he ever did reading the bank’s official documents and reports, changing his L-Directed approach of the first twenty-five years in his career into an R-Directed approach, making World Bank a leader in knowledge management by containing and conveying knowledge in the form of stories.

  34. The Story Business • Story is also becoming a great way to distinguish goods and services in a crowded marketplace. • In order to try and distinguish your goods/services from others, using stories instead of just stating facts in advertisements can cause potential customers/clients to have an emotional connection with you as a goods/service provider, as opposed to a connection based on facts alone.

  35. The Story of Healing • Medicine and medical devices are becoming more and more important in people’s lives every day by continuously saving many lives and improving others. But, at the expense of the improved medicine and medical devices, the aspect of care has become more mundane. • ”Unfortunately, medicine sees anecdote as the lowest form of science.” – Dr. Jack Coulehan, Stony Brook University Hospital in New York.

  36. The Story of Healing • Ex: You go to the doctor. Upon seeing the doctor, you begin to tell a story of why you are there. The doctor will most likely stop you and rely on the just-the-facts approach, telling you what’s wrong and what to take to fix it. • While that can work and the medicine will most likely make you feel better, the doctor ignoring the story negates the emotional connection they have to the patient. Having that connection can help ensure that the doctor is giving you the right medication/procedure to help cure you and in turn, decrease the chance of a misdiagnosis occurring. • Facts are still needed in medicine, but also integrating Story can help physicians imbue their works with greater empathy. • “Stories – that’s how people make sense of what’s happening to them when they get sick. They tell stories about themselves. Our ability as doctors to treat and heal is bound up in our ability to accurately perceive a patient’s story. If you can’t do that, you’re working with one hand tied behind your back.” – Dr. Howard Brody, family practice physician.

  37. Chapter 6 Symphony

  38. Symphony • The ability to put together the pieces • The capacity to synthesize rather than to analyze • To see relationships between seemingly unrelated fields • To detect broad patterns rather than to deliver specific answers • To invent something new by combining elements nobody else thought to pair

  39. Symphony • All of these skills are attributed to R-Directed thinking • Neuroscience research has mapped the brain showing that the right hemisphere operates in a simultaneous, contextual, and symphonic manner.

  40. Seeing Relationships Symphony is largely about relationships. In Pink's Conceptual Age, people must understand the connections between diverse, and seemingly separate disciplines. Three types of this conceptual thinker are: • The Boundary Crosser • The Inventor • The Metaphor Maker

  41. The Boundary Crosser • Develop expertise in multiple spheres • Speak different languages • Reject either/or choices and seek multiple options and blended solutions

  42. The Inventor • “Hey you got peanut butter on my chocolate” • “And you got chocolate on my peanut butter”

  43. The Inventor • Sometimes the most powerful ideas come from simply combining two existing ideas nobody else ever thought to unite.

  44. The Inventor John Fabel – Ecotrek backpacks • Avid cross-country skier inspired by the Brooklyn Bridge

  45. The Metaphor Maker • Metaphor – understanding one thing in terms of something else • “The Western tradition . . . Has excluded metaphor from the domain of reason.” –George Lakoff • Often considered ornamentation

  46. The Metaphor Maker • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qyoJJ5GNeKc

  47. Seeing the Big Picture • The ability to marshal relationships into a whole whose value exceeds the sum of its parts • The ability to grasp the relationships between relationships

  48. Seeing the Big Picture • One recent study found that self-made millionaires are four times more likely to be dyslexic. • Why? • Dyslexics struggle with L-Directed Thinking and the linear, sequential, alphabetic reasoning it entails

  49. Seeing the Big Picture

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