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Technology, Globalization and Social Development

Technology, Globalization and Social Development. GE 301 Science, Technology and Society Ahmet S Ucer. Program of this year. Technology, Globalization and Social Development (7 October 2008) Knowledge Society and Human Wellbeing ( 21 October 2008)

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Technology, Globalization and Social Development

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  1. Technology, Globalization and Social Development GE 301 Science, Technology and Society Ahmet S Ucer GE 301 STS

  2. Program of this year • Technology, Globalization and Social Development (7 October 2008) • Knowledge Society and Human Wellbeing (21 October 2008) • Converging Technologies and Society (4 November 2008) GE 301 STS

  3. Contents • History • New world order! • Socio-economic system • Globalization • Innovation and creative destruction • Globalization and Ethics • Social development and globalization • Conclusions GE 301 STS

  4. History • Hunting – Gathering to Agricultural Revolution (religion) ~9000 years ago • First ethical values and religious believes converge as city states start to form GOOD ? FAIR ? RIGHT ? GE 301 STS

  5. History • The Renaissance (rebirth); 14th century - 17th century. • intellectual consequence of renaissance reformist movements Marten Luther (1517), • Protestant reformation, • Secular thinking GE 301 STS

  6. History • Scientific Revolution, 1542, Copernicus • Eventually resulted in Enlightenment. (French: Siècle des Lumières) Age of reason. Enlightenment Philosophy was put forward in the 18 century GE 301 STS

  7. History • The first indications of industrial revolution came with the French revolution in 1789, class distinction • Why in Europe? • Why started in Britain? GE 301 STS

  8. History • strengthen international ties • Free movement of capital • Multinational corporations set up several bases around the world. • Information revolution (globalization) • 100 years ago was not too different than today! GE 301 STS

  9. The two mechanisms • Soviet union collapsed in 1991 (end of cold war) • Unprecedented leap of information and communication technologies GE 301 STS

  10. New world order! • Struggle between ideologies is largely at an end (Francis Fukuyama,1989, End of History) • New struggle is between cultures (Samuel Huntington, 1993, Clash of Civilizations) GE 301 STS

  11. The socio-economic system • Traditional • deriving engine: • competition for profit • competition for Individual satisfaction • New • Tooled by ICT • New productivity sources • Organizational forms • GLOBAL economy GE 301 STS

  12. Globalization • Multi-dimensional • Political • Economical • Cultural • Non-linear GE 301 STS

  13. A Strategic tool (ICT) • The entire planet is organized around communication networks • Present day globalization builds on falling communication costs • Previously it was depending on falling transportation costs GE 301 STS

  14. Innovation the process of making improvements by introducing something new • Human resources • System GE 301 STS

  15. Creative destruction(J Schumpeter) • 1942 Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy • The urge of innovation destroys existing enterprises yielding new ones • What about entrepreneurs? GE 301 STS

  16. The new society and productive source • Information (knowledge) society - information and knowledge • Industrial society - energy and raw material • Agricultural society - Farming land GE 301 STS

  17. Globalization and Ethics • Adam Smith’s “invisible hand” was relying on honesty, thrust and respect. • Deregulation and neo-liberalism led to short term vision and a lack of ethical standards • Personal to national to global ethics • Global warming • inviolability of national sovereignty • WTO and trade • Foreign Aid GE 301 STS David Singer

  18. Technology and Globalization Substitution and Dematerialization • Examples of Substitution and dematerialization • Copper • Oil • Cane and sugar beat R K Schaeffer, Globalization and Technology, Phi Kappa Phi Forum http://www.findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_qa4026/is_200310/ai_n9316427 GE 301 STS

  19. http://www.imf.org/external/np/exr/ib/2000/041200.htm GE 301 STS

  20. http://www.imf.org/external/np/exr/ib/2000/041200.htm GE 301 STS

  21. Per capita GDP correct measure? • GDP Inc. but standards of living Dec. due to degraded environment • Cannot sustain development by borrowing • GDP measures what is produced in the country. Not the income of citizens Joseph Stiglitz Making Globalization WorkJoseph E. Stiglitz, 2006 GE 301 STS

  22. Social Development and Globalization Consumption and Production • Relationship of consumption • Inequality • Polarization • Poverty • Misery GE 301 STS

  23. Social Development and Globalization • Relationships of production (how people earn money) • Globalization of job market • Individualization of labor • Over-exploitation • Social exclusion • income generation in the criminal economy GE 301 STS

  24. Informational Capitalism and Social crises • Flexibility and global reach • Education quality • Elimination of traditional agriculture -rural exodus • Informal economic growth, welfare state come under attack • The forth world http://menntun.khi.is/sigurjon/IT%20Global%20CASTELLS.pdf GE 301 STS

  25. Conclusion(redefining social development) • ICT should empower humankind to enhance production • Educated labor force is the main source of productivity • Educated labor need multidimensional improvement in quality of life. • Welfare states, with less bureaucracy will be the source of productivity GE 301 STS

  26. Conclusion Social development cultural development innovation economic development institutional stability and trust http://menntun.khi.is/sigurjon/IT%20Global%20CASTELLS.pdf GE 301 STS

  27. Conclusion THIS MODEL WILL REQUIRE: • Massive technological upgrading of countries • Dramatic investment in the education system • Worldwide network of science and technology NEEDS SCIENTIFIC THINKING , THE USE OF HUMAN INTELLECT and GLOBAL ETHICS GE 301 STS

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