Bing Webmaster Tool | W3Developers
Bing Webmaster Tool | W3Developers Hello Friends, Thanks for showing your love for our 6 SEO Tools, we have discussed so far. In continuation to our series of 10 SEO Tools you must have to optimize your Website Today, we will discuss our 7th SEO Tool, Bing Webmaster Tool . For the previous 6 SEO Tools, you may goto our Blog Section. Why Bing Webmaster Tool? Everyone knows that the Hold of Google Search Engine more than 85% across the Globe. So, SEO Strategists mainly concentrate on Google Webmaster Tools and ignore Bing, Yahoo, Ask, msn etc. Bing holds more than 10% of the traffic. So, Why not take the benefit of second largest Search Engine Traffic provider? How to configure Bing Webmaster Tool? In order to configure Bing, please search u2018Bing Webmaster Toolu2019 in Google Search Bar or can directly click on the link It will take you to a screen to create your account or login with Facebook or gmail account. Once you enter these details, your screen will look like this: Here you need to add your Website to the u2018Bing Webmaster Toolu2019. Once you enter your website URL with http://www... It will give you a message to verify that you are the site owner. You can verify your account details by following means: 1.tPlace the XML File on your web server (You can opt to simply upload an XML file to the root directory of your website. I used this verification method for one of my clients and it took less than five minutes). 2.tCopy & Paste the meta tag on your default Webpage. (you can choose to copy and paste meta tag containing your authentication code to your websiteu2019s homepage, at the end of the <head> section) 3.tAdd CName record manually to DNS. (Here, need to have access to your domain hosting account.You then need to edit the CNAME record with the verification code Bing supplied. Once youu2019ve saved this, head back to Bing Webmaster Tools and click u2018Verifyu2019. Youu2019ll see a green tick if the verification has worked, if not youu2019ll see a red cross and information from Bing on why they were unable to verify. As in above scenario, we are trying to verify In order to align this website to Bing Webmaster Tool, we need to verify these, as shown in the screenshot: Once it is verified, it starts showing Crawled results onto Dashboard. It will show following fields: u2022tClicks from Searches u2022tAppeared in Searches u2022tPages Crawled u2022tCrawling Errors u2022tPages Indexed It also gives option to submit a sitemap through Bingu2019s SEO Tool. In our previous Blogs, we have discussed All-in-one SEO wordpress plugin, here it asks to add Bing Webmaster as shown in the screenshot: Reports also, in the Dashboard, are much advanced as compare to Google Webmaster. It can show the track value, Severity, Error Count & No. of pages Crawled for the same as shown in the reports below: Page Mobile Friendliness Report The mobile friendliness report will show you the areas of your website needing work to comply with Bingu2019s Mobile Friendliness best practices and is generated every other week. You can filter your report by u2018only mobile friendly pagesu2019 or u2018only mobile unfriendly pagesu2019. The Beauty of Bing Web-Master Tool is SEO Analyzer Under the u2018Diagnostics and Toolsu2019 menu, you will find u2018SEO Analyzeru2019. This tool is especially helpful if you are a newbie to Search Engines as it helps you to look at the areas of improvement on your website. It also explains the issue and the possible solution for the same. You can type-in any page or URL of any page/blog or entire website to see the SEO issues, Bing SEO Analyzer will look into it & possible suggests fixing those issues. The issues identified are, like the SEO Report tool, quite basic best practice SEO like header tags, titles, descriptions and alt tags. Clicking on the Page Source tab will highlight the code that you need to change / optimise. Clicking on the error under SEO Suggestions will bring up a dialogue box informing you on the severity of the issue, the recommended action and the SEO explanation: Thatu2019s all from my side about Bing Webmaster Tool. In our next Blog, we will discuss about 8th SEO Tool ie Google Analytics. If you have any questions about it and If you think any suggestions regarding Bing Tool, please feel free to update in the comment section below or mail at
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