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Sociology. Research methods . Starter. Look at the picture below. What are some questions a sociologist would ask while interpreting this picture ? http://www.cnn.com/video/#/ video/world/2012/08/27/pkg-damon-child-fighter-on-syria-lebanon-border.cnn?iref=videosearch.

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  1. Sociology Research methods

  2. Starter • Look at the picture below. What are some questions a sociologist would ask while interpreting this picture? http://www.cnn.com/video/#/video/world/2012/08/27/pkg-damon-child-fighter-on-syria-lebanon-border.cnn?iref=videosearch

  3. What did we talk about yesterday?

  4. Guess Who? – Round 2 Fact: Believed the structure of society intertwines with economic structure. Sociologist: Karl Marx

  5. Guess Who? – Round 2 Fact: Coined the term ‘function’ for the interrelated parts of society. Sociologist: Emile Durkheim

  6. Guess Who?- Round 2 Fact: Influenced heavily by Charles Darwin. Sociologist: Herbert Spencer

  7. Guess Who?- Round 2 Fact: Conceptualized social statics and social dynamics Sociologist: Auguste Comte

  8. Guess Who?- Round 2 Fact: Conceptualized the ‘ideal type’ as a key feature of societies. Sociologist: Max Weber

  9. How do sociologists gather info? Through ‘social research’

  10. Social research • Sociologists usually study the structure and function of various features in society. • Also interested in behaviors- their frequency in a given situation, and how groups of similar individuals act in a given circumstance. • It is usually a topic a sociologist is interested in that they conduct their research on.

  11. Causation and Correlation • Causation= the causes behind an event. • Sociologists examine cause and effect by looking at the variables, or characteristics, involved. • Sociologists must also determine whether or not there is a correlation between two variables. • Correlation= a change in one variable regularly associates with a change in another variable.

  12. Remember… Correlation does not equal causation!!!! Example: A rise in ice cream sales leads to a rise in drowning victims.

  13. The Research Process • Define the problem select a problem and clearly state what you want to study. • Review the Literature see what else is out there; you don’t have to come up with a completely new topic. • Form a Hypothesis it should be testable - hypothesis= statement predicting the relationship between two variables.

  14. Research Process (cont’d) 4) Choose a Research Design how are you going to collect data, and then analyze it? 5) Collect the Data can vary in amount of time; make sure to record everything! 6) Analyze the Data does the data that you collected support your research hypothesis? 7) Presenting Conclusions draw the conclusion and present your findings to others . By sharing your findings, you are adding to the body of sociological knowledge.

  15. Research Methods • Survey Method questionnaires, interviews. • Experiments • Observational studies • Analysis of existing sources • Historical method • Content Analysis

  16. Existing Sources • Historical Method Use of an existing source to gather information; often used to discover trends from the past. ***DOES NOT HAVE TO BE WRITTEN*** • Content Analysis Used for recorded information; count the umber of times something appears in a dialogue. - Computers have improved the ease of this greatly.

  17. Analyzing data • Once you have gathered your data, it is important to analyze it in a meaningful way to draw the best conclusions. • If data is not analyzed correctly, or if there is incorrect data, it could lead to inaccurate results. http://i962.photobucket.com/albums/ae108/Emqtpi21/My%20Gifs%20to%20Me/tumblr_lku3a7EN0v1qard53o1_500.gif

  18. Terminology • Validity= the extent to which a measurement procedure is capable of measuring what it is supposed to measure. • Reliability= the capability of a method to produce the same results over a period of time. • Applicability= can the results be applied to your hypothesis? • Bias= prejudice for or against.

  19. Ethics • American Sociological Association’s Code of Ethics p. R2 in book. • 5 Principles that guide: • Professional Competence • Integrity • Professional and Scientific Responsibility • Respect for People’s Rights, Dignity and Diversity • Social responsibility • Guide sociologists as they conduct research- the ‘dos’ and ‘don’ts’

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