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This presentation outlines the National Department of Health's budget and strategic plans for the 2005/06 fiscal year. It covers the allocation of funds to various programs and departments within the organization.
NATIONAL DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH 2005/06 Budget and MTEF Department received additional funding for – • New Organisational Structure – R 7m, R 7,5m, R 10m • Health Promotion (Activities) – R 4m, R 5m, R 6m • Hiv & Aids including Health Promotion (Transfer to Soul City) – R 8m, per year • Earmarked funds R 8m per year for conditional grant management SELECT CMT- STRAT PLANS (6 APRIL 05)
NATIONAL DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH 2005/06 Budget and MTEF Programme 1: Administration • Cost centres according to National Treasury instructions • Minister • Deputy Minister • Senior Management • Clusters: - Strategic Planning - Legal Services - Financial Management - Support Services SELECT CMT- STRAT PLANS (6 APRIL 05)
NATIONAL DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH 2005/06 Budget and MTEF Programme 1 (cont.) • High growth due to upgrading of units to Cluster status and appointment of additional DDG and creation of 4th DDG post • Expenditure (excluding Capital) increased from R68m in 2001/02 to R 109m in 2005/06. • To introduce Gender, Equity, Supply Chain Management etc. • Capital Expenditure on • Forensic Laboratories • R 9,6m in 2004/05 to rehabilitate Medical Bureau for Occupational Diseases SELECT CMT- STRAT PLANS (6 APRIL 05)
NATIONAL DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH 2005/06 Budget and MTEF Programme 2 : Strategic Health Programmes • MCWH – Large allocation in 2001/02 for introduction of HIB Vaccine • Medicines Regulatory Affairs – Budget grew from R16m in 2001/02 to R25m in 2003/04, generates revenue from registering new medicines, administers Medicines Control Council in terms of Act 90. SELECT CMT- STRAT PLANS (6 APRIL 05)
NATIONAL DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH 2005/06 Budget and MTEF Programme 2 (cont.) • HIV & AIDS – budget declined in 2001 – 2004 as shift in expenditure from awareness programmes to practical activities, budget grew in 2004/05 to implement monitoring and control of spending on HIV and AIDS Comprehensive Plan • Pharmaceutical Policy & Planning – budget grew from +/- R19m to +/- R25m, to R50m in 2001/02, acquired COMED System for entire public sector SELECT CMT- STRAT PLANS (6 APRIL 05)
NATIONAL DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH 2005/06 Budget and MTEF Programme 2 (cont.) • Communicable Diseases – steady growth in expenditure from R35m to R 51m, manages Communicable Disease Control, Occupational Health, TB, Medical Bureau for Occupational Diseases and Compensation Commissioner for Occupational Diseases SELECT CMT- STRAT PLANS (6 APRIL 05)
NATIONAL DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH 2005/06 Budget and MTEF Programme 3: Health Services Delivery • Non Communicable Diseases – Budget grew steadily, a R 64m rollover in 2004/05 for laboratory equipment and assistive devices, manages Oral Health, Mental Health, Forensic Pathology Services, Organ Transplants, Injuries and Non Natural causes of death, Medico Legal Services and oversees NHLS and Blood SA SELECT CMT- STRAT PLANS (6 APRIL 05)
NATIONAL DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH 2005/06 Budget and MTEF Programme 3 (cont.) • Hospital Services – manages hospital conditional grants, accounts for large portion of transfers in budget, budget grew from R5,46m in 2001/02 to R7,65m in 2004/05, strengthen planning and oversight of conditional grants SELECT CMT- STRAT PLANS (6 APRIL 05)
NATIONAL DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH 2005/06 Budget and MTEF Programme 3 (cont.) • Health Economics – will manage Health Economics Unit, which generates reports / papers on funding of health services in country (e.g. National Tertiary Services Grant), Social Health Insurance (medical aid for public servants and SHI) and the Public Private Partnership Unit. Budget has been strengthened for 2005/06 for work on Modernisation of Tertiary Services project. SELECT CMT- STRAT PLANS (6 APRIL 05)
NATIONAL DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH 2005/06 Budget and MTEF Programme 3 (cont.) • Health Information Research & Evaluation – collects and collates health data in country, manages MRC, budget fluctuates as unit does Health Demographic Survey once every 5 years. SELECT CMT- STRAT PLANS (6 APRIL 05)
NATIONAL DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH 2005/06 Budget and MTEF Programme 3 (cont.) • Primary Health Care, District Health – manages District Services, Health Promotion and Environmental Health, unit relied on donor funding in the past but now is provided for in Dept’s budget, thus increase in budget allocation SELECT CMT- STRAT PLANS (6 APRIL 05)
NATIONAL DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH 2005/06 Budget and MTEF Programme 3 (cont.) • Office of Standard of Compliance – newly formed, will manage Quality Control and Radiation Control. Certificate of Need could also fall under this Cluster, budget relatively low as unit still in formative state. SELECT CMT- STRAT PLANS (6 APRIL 05)
NATIONAL DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH 2005/06 Budget and MTEF Programme 4 : Human Resources • Newly formed Branch which will stand-alone for the first time in 2005/06 • Human Resources – key cluster, expenditure grows to R 9m • Bargaining Council & Employment Relations – Cluster Manager is Chief Negotiator in Departmental Bargaining Council SELECT CMT- STRAT PLANS (6 APRIL 05)
NATIONAL DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH 2005/06 Budget and MTEF Programme 4 : Human Resources • International Health Liaison – rand exchange rate impacts on payments for international membership fees e.g. WHO, manages international obligations for Health Sector and Attachés deployed in Geneva and New York, one planned for East SELECT CMT- STRAT PLANS (6 APRIL 05)
NATIONAL DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH 2005/06 Budget and MTEF Specified Items: • Medical Research Council – Department Science and Technology determines the budget, Department sets research priorities and monitor governance of entity, • Vaccine Production – PPP formed from State Vaccine Institute, SA Vaccine Production, Dept. has 40% share in BioVac Institute (Pty) (Ltd), a once off allocation to fund PPP process SELECT CMT- STRAT PLANS (6 APRIL 05)
NATIONAL DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH 2005/06 Budget and MTEF Specified Items (cont.) • Poverty Relief – specifically for the funding of Poverty Relief programme • NHLS (NICD & NIOD) – previously SAIMR, • In 2001/02 additional R 33m to reconstruct P4 Laboratory SELECT CMT- STRAT PLANS (6 APRIL 05)
NATIONAL DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH 2005/06 Budget and MTEF Specified Items (cont.) • Condom Purchases – specified item in letter of allocation from National Treasury, international tender. Suppliers , both local and international. Condoms tested for quality by SABS. Distribution previously managed by US Aid – now a responsibility of Department. SELECT CMT- STRAT PLANS (6 APRIL 05)
NATIONAL DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH 2005/06 Budget and MTEF Specified Items (cont.) • LoveLife – Allocation decreased as in 2004/05, R2m was removed from Health Department budget and placed on budget of Department of Sport and Recreation. • Global Fund for HIV and AIDS – Department is committed to transfer US $ 2m to Global Fund, amount was calculated when Rand was R10.00 to US Dollar SELECT CMT- STRAT PLANS (6 APRIL 05)
NATIONAL DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH 2005/06 Budget and MTEF Specified Items (cont.) • NGO Funding (HIV & AIDS) – Provinces identify NGO’s and recommend them to National Department who then transfer funds. • Comprehensive Plan against (HIV & AIDS) – First allocation made late in 2003/04, only R47m of R 90m spent, bulk rolled over, allocation to Dept. small in comparison to conditional grant amount for Comprehensive Plan SELECT CMT- STRAT PLANS (6 APRIL 05)
NATIONAL DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH 2005/06 Budget and MTEF Specified Items (cont.) • Medico Legal – budget first made available in 2002/03, to takeover service from SAPS, however planning incomplete. Target date now mid 2005/06. Allocated funding earmarked to assist provinces with planning process SELECT CMT- STRAT PLANS (6 APRIL 05)
NATIONAL DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH 2005/06 Budget and MTEF Conditional Grants: • Integrated Nutrition Programme – Budget for 2004/05 is R 123m, previously funded both Nutrition and Primary School Nutrition Programme activities. PSNP part moved to Education in 2004/05, balance will terminate after 2005/06 and be funded from equitable share. Short term grant to institutionalize the Integrated Nutrition Programme. SELECT CMT- STRAT PLANS (6 APRIL 05)
NATIONAL DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH 2005/06 Budget and MTEF Conditional Grants: (cont.) • Comprehensive HIV & AIDS – budget increased dramatically from R 333m in 2003/04 to R781m in 2004/05 to fund comprehensive plan which includes the supply of Anti-retrovirals. Some of the functions now funded can drop back to the Equitable Share in future as functions institutionalize. SELECT CMT- STRAT PLANS (6 APRIL 05)
NATIONAL DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH 2005/06 Budget and MTEF Conditional Grants: (cont.) • Cholera Epidemic – KwaZulu-Natal– funding of R 147m allocated in 2002/03 as a once off due to cholera epidemic which was seen as unplanned and an emergency. SELECT CMT- STRAT PLANS (6 APRIL 05)
NATIONAL DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH 2005/06 Budget and MTEF Conditional Grants: (cont.) • Drought Relief– allocation of R 34m in 2003/04 was only promulgated on 31st March 2004. SELECT CMT- STRAT PLANS (6 APRIL 05)
NATIONAL DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH 2005/06 Budget and MTEF Conditional Grants: (cont.) • National Tertiary Services Grant – allocation is R4,273m for 2004/05, MTEF – R4,709m, R4,981m, R5,221m, predominately funds large academic hospitals. Additional R180m added for 2005/06. Comprehensive review of conditional grant funding planned for 2005. SELECT CMT- STRAT PLANS (6 APRIL 05)
NATIONAL DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH 2005/06 Budget and MTEF Conditional Grants: (cont.) • Health Professions Training & Development– allocation is R1,434m for 2004/05, MTEF – R1,520m, R1,520m, R1,596m, funds go to all provinces but bulk to those with academic hospitals, especially to fund additional costs incurred in training students. SELECT CMT- STRAT PLANS (6 APRIL 05)
NATIONAL DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH 2005/06 Budget and MTEF Conditional Grants: (cont.) • Hospital Revitalization– allocation R911m in 2004/05, MTEF – R1,027m, R1,180m, R1,239m, funds for systematic revitalization of public hospitals in all provinces. Time horizon for this grant is 20 – 25 years SELECT CMT- STRAT PLANS (6 APRIL 05)
NATIONAL DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH 2005/06 Budget and MTEF Conditional Grants: (cont.) • Hospital Management & Quality Improvement– allocation R141m for 2004/05, MTEF - R150m, R159m, R167m, grant goes hand in hand with Hospital Revitlisation Grant as it funds the organisational development of the revitlisation programme SELECT CMT- STRAT PLANS (6 APRIL 05)
NATIONAL DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH 2005/06 Budget and MTEF Conditional Grants: (cont.) • Nkosi Albert Luthuli Hospital and Pretoria Academic Hospital – grants were to fund flagship projects, including Nelson Mandela Hospital in Umtata, Pretoria Academic – R112m Nkosi Albert Luthuli – R103m SELECT CMT- STRAT PLANS (6 APRIL 05)