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Uncovering Racketeering: Declassified Reports and International Crime Syndicates

Explore the revelations of high-level racketeering operations, from Nazi activities to modern blacklisting schemes. Gain insight into historical ties and current criminal organizations through declassified FBI reports and personal experiences.

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Uncovering Racketeering: Declassified Reports and International Crime Syndicates

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  1. “Racketeering Group”, Racketeering Level 3 High Level Crime Gang declassified FBI report from John Loftus about Nazi crimes Deutschland AG Racketeering Level 0 pls. see table Bush Family, USA Racketeering Level 2 pls. see table Obstruction of Justice, Money Laundering, Fraud, Racketeering - Retaliations Open Siemens - Retaliations hire ( see comprehensive FBI report from John Loftus) Noss Dulles Brothers, USA Beil ordered ordered Start up CIA predecessor with Vatican finances and orders Blacklisting Racketeering finances Dr. Cromme Siemens Sup. Board Thyssen CEO Allianz Racketeering Level 1, Blacklisting pls. see table Schroeder Family, UK former Treasurer of German Emperor Report : Das Scwarze Reich, Carmin Personal Experience Kakosch and lawsuit controls King of Bavaria Holy West Roman Empire of German Nation Military Advice for Mao Tse Tung Kakosch friends work - project based relationship Support for Stalin King of Thailand Empowered by Bavarian King & helps to move excess Gold from Switzerland after WWII evaluates macro – economic and organizational strategy of Level 3 Racketeering Group Kakosch / Siemens Civil Action 12 -1951

  2. Racketeering Level 0 to 2 Deutschland AG Racketeering Level 0 – FBI core operation pls. see table level 0 Racketeering Level 2 pls. see table Open Siemens - Retaliations Obstruction of Justice, Money Laundering, Fraud, Racketeering - Retaliations Noss ordered Beil ordered Blacklisting Racketeering Dr. Cromme Siemens Sup. Board Thyssen CEO Allianz Racketeering Level 1, pls. see table Retaliates 12 years against controls King of Bavaria Kakosch friends work - project based relationship King of Thailand Empowered by Bavarian King & helps to move excess Gold from Switzerland after WWII Kakosch / Siemens Civil Action 12 -1951

  3. Racketeering Level 3 with further evidence “Racketeering Group”, Racketeering Level 3 Deutschland AG Racketeering Level 0 pls. see table Bush Family, USA Racketeering Level 2 pls. see table Obstruction of Justice, Money Laundering, Fraud, Racketeering - Retaliations Open Siemens - Retaliations hire ( see comprehensive FBI report from John Loftus) Long - term business relationship with Thyssen ( see comprehensive FBI report from John Loftus) Noss Dulles Brothers, USA Beil ordered ordered Start up CIA predecessor finances and orders Blacklisting Racketeering finances Dr. Cromme Siemens Sup. Board Thyssen CEO Allianz Racketeering Level 1, Blacklisting pls. see table Schroeder Family, UK Finances Adolf Hitler Retaliates 12 years against friends Protestant Church based relationship controls King of Bavaria Holy West Roman Empire of German Nation Military Advice for Mao Tse Tung Kakosch friends work - project based relationship Support for Stalin King of Thailand Empowered by Bavarian King & helps to move excess Gold from Switzerland after WWII evaluates macro – economic and organizational strategy of Level 3 Racketeering Group Kakosch / Siemens Civil Action 12 -1951

  4. Racketeering Level 3 with hints to Acts of Terrorism “Racketeering Group”, Racketeering Level 3 Deutschland AG Racketeering Level 0 to 1 pls. see table a.i.b mobilfunkberatung ( Deutschland AG ) Horn Navy Seal Bush Family, USA Siemens SEPI Racketeering Level 2 pls. see table Obstruction of Justice, Money Laundering, Fraud, Racketeering - Retaliations Direct Siemens - Retaliations EADS Airwave Racketeering Level 1, Blacklisting pls. see table Terrorist sit in German Police project Blacklisting Racketeering Sedello Potthof Hays AG, Dr. Breitschopf Froehlich Dr. Cromme Siemens Sup. Board Thyssen CEO Allianz AG Schroeder Family, UK Dr. Beckstein Former Minister of Interior Bavaria friends controls King of Bavaria Controls EBRD Bank against East Roman Empire “Russia” Beil Inquiry to join Terrorist Organisation Noss Inquiry to join Terrorist Organisation Gauweiler Holy Catholic Laity Kakosch / Siemens Civil Action 12 -1951

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