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SAMÖ-KKÖ 2011. 2011-02-02. SAMÖ-KKÖ 2011. A national crises management exercise with a nuclear power plant accident as the triggering event. What’s happening right now?. Alecta (insurance company) AMF (insurance company) Bankgirocentralen BGC Co Euroclear Folksam (insurance company)
SAMÖ-KKÖ 2011 2011-02-02
SAMÖ-KKÖ 2011 A national crises management exercise with a nuclear power plant accident as the triggering event
Alecta (insurance company) AMF (insurance company) Bankgirocentralen BGC Co Euroclear Folksam (insurance company) Handelsbanken If (insurance company) Kalmar County healthcare Kalmar County Police Kalmar County Transportation Co Länsförsäkringar Co (insurance company) Borgholm Municipality Emmaboda Municipality Hultsfred Municipality Högsby Municipality Kalmar Municipality Mönsterås Municipality Mörbylånga Municipality Nybro Municipality Oskarshamn Municipality Torsås Municipality Vimmerby Municipality Västervik Municipality Who’s involved and who’s training?
National Bureau of Investigation Nordea Nordic Nuclear Insurers OKG AB (nuclear power plant) Parliamentary administration Radio Sweden Radio Sweden Kalmar Sirius (insurance company) Skandia (insurance company) SOS Alarm AB (emergency services switchboard) Swedbank insurance Co Sweden TV Swedish Armed Forces Swedish Bankers' Association Swedish Board of Agriculture Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency Swedish Coast Guard Swedish Customs Who’s involved and who’s training?
Swedish Dairy Association Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute Swedish National Board of Health and Welfare Swedish National Debt Office Swedish National Food Administration Swedish National Police Board Swedish Nuclear Fuel and Waste Management Co Swedish Post and Telecom Agency Swedish Radiation Safety Authority Swedish Social Insurance Swedish Transport Administration Swedish Transport Agency Swedish Work Environment Authority Who’s involved and who’s training?
Who’s involved and who’s training? • The county administrative board Jönköping • The county administrative board Kalmar • The county administrative board Kronoberg • The county administrative board Stockholm • The Government Office • The Riksbank • The Swedish Insurance Federation • Trygg Hansa (insurance company) • Westinghouse Co
Swedish emergency preparedness for nuclear energy GovernmentOffice Banks Work EnviroAuthor PTS Nat FoodAdm SMHI Social-insurance Nat Boardof Agric MSB OKG AB Countyhealthcare Municipality SRSA County Board Nat PoliceBoard County-police Insurancecomp Municipality Customs Municipality CountBoard Coast-guard Municipality Nat BoardHealth SOS AB SR Kalmar Municipality CountBoard NNI Municipality CountBoard Armed Forces Transp- admin SR Transp-agency NBI
Background • Nuclear power emergency exercise, every two years (KKÖ) • The county administrative boardresponsibleaccording to the Civil Protection Act (2003:788) • County administrative board responsible for the rescue service required following emissions of radioactive substances and for subsequent decontamination
The County Administrative Board responsibility • Maintain a rescue service plan for incidents involving emissions of radioactive substances • Designate overall incident commander • Set up a command staff • Alerting • Public information
The County Administrative Board responsibility • Measures for protection of people, environment and animals • Radiation monitoring • Decontamination • Distribution of iodine tablets • Decisions for evacuation
MSB,s ordinance • Responsible for issues related to civil protection, in other words public safety, emergency preparedness, and civil defence • Before an emergency occurs, during it and after it, up to the extent for which no other authority has responsibility • Included in this task is support for and a guarantee that exercises are held in this area of responsibility • As part of fulfilling this task intends to organise and manage a SAMÖ-exercise every fourth year
Starting points for the exercise • The Swedish National Audit Office (RiR) report 2007:4 • The decision from parliament and the government regarding increase emergency preparedness for nuclear energy incidents • Acts and ordinances, primarily the Civil Protection Act and Ordinance and the Emergency Management and Heightened Alert Ordinance • Vision and action plan, Swedish Preparedness for Radiological and Nuclear Emergencies 2015 • Previous lessons learned from SAMÖ and KKÖ
Alert Rescue service Cooperation between societal actors Crisis communication Endurance Ability to maintain the public’s trust Analysis of the affect on society Long-term consequences Scope of exercise
Exercise purpose and objective • Overall purpose:SAMÖ-KKÖ 2011 shall provide a picture of and develop societal ability to deal with a crisis caused by a nuclear energy emergency. The exercise covers all societal levels and is directed towards the management of both short and long-term consequences. • Overall objective: Organisations should have the ability to, individually and in cooperation, manage the consequences of the emergency both from a strategic as well as an operational perspective with the purpose of maintaining and restoring critical infrastructure (i.e. vital public services)
Objectives Objective 1: The organisations initiate measures for the handling of the emergency and its consequences. Objective 2: The organisations respond – individually and in cooperation – with the purpose being to maintain and restore critical infrastructure Objective 3: The organisations cooperate in an effective manner to communicate in a unified, concrete and continuous manner with the public and the media. Objective 4: The public has confidence in the organisations’ handling of the crisis and its societal consequences. 2
Stage 2 Seven weeks Exercise design Radioacive emission Stage 3 Seminar 6-7 april Stage 1 2-3 feb 36-40 hours Operational phase • Alert • Rescue service • Co-operation • Criscommunication Long-term consequences • Analysis of the affect on society • Measures that should be taken to restore society
Overall scenario • Serious radioactive emission • Radioactive fallout over parts of Sweden • Winter weather and cold • Electrical power problems, power comes and goes • Social unrest
How do we execute the exercise – simulation exercise with role-play Role-play team, encloses training organisations, simulate non-training organisations, the media and the public. Training organisatons Traning organisations interact only with other traning organisations or with the role-player team
Role-player organisation Media Erik Löfgren Stina Wessling Public Gabriella Rentsch Martin Neldén Social media Anna Toss Sofia Mirjamsdotter Nationalauthorities Stig Jönsson Per Postgård Region Kalmar Peter Ekholm Curt Byström Gov and Parliament Johan Hjelm Erik Nordman Other reg./ local. actors Peter Forsström Annelie Jansson Medical healthcare Agneta Carlsson Thorbjörn Olsson Techn infra, Others Jan Cederlund Anders Öberg Insurance, Enterprise Christine Girod Lars Eklund
Social media Simulate publics conversation Xbook Kvitter Blogs
Planning process 2011 2010 Jun Jul Dec Jan Dec Jan Inf-konf. 27 nov Init-konf 14 jan Plan- konf 1. 21 apr Plan- konf 2. 23 sept Plan- konf 3. 18 nov Exercise 2-3 feb until 7 april Evaluation, analysis, feedback and report Scenario, workshops with training org,information and injects Prepare, man, train role-player organisation Prepare and train evaluators
Responibility in preparing SAMÖ-KKÖ 2011 Project SAMÖ-KKÖ 2011Planning and preparing for the execution and evaluation of the exercise. Training organisations Preparing home organisations to complete the taskdue to the role at an emergency or crisis
Stage 2 Seven weeks What happens after stage 1? Radioacive emission Stage 3 Seminar 6-7 april Stage 1 2-3 feb 36-40 hours Operational phase • Alert • Rescue service • Co-operation • Criscommunication Long-term consequences • Analysis of the affect on society • Measures that should be taken to restore society
Mission-pack 3presented 13.00 Sit. awar 3 Sit. awar 2 Mission-pack 1presented 13.00 Mission-pack 2presented 13.00 Sit. awar 1 Training org work with missions... Exercise stage 2 Three occations missions to the training organisations. Training organisations work individual or/and in co-operation, according to situatuational awareness During stage 2 traning organisation will report missions atthree times. Friday 11/2 Friday 25/2 Friday 11/3 Wednsday 23/3 Tuesday 8/3 Tuesday 22/2 Tuesday 22/3 Training org report mission latest 12.00 Training org report mission latest 12.00 Training org report mission latest 12.00 Press conferensewith role-player journalists
Stage 2 Develop organizations' capacity of crismanagement, individually and in co-operation, due long-term consequences of a Nuclear Accident
Decontaminate, enviroment Long-term electricity supply Health, care, service Work Environment Transportation (land, air, sea) Agriculture, farming Food (including water) Security, Order Financial implications Insurance issues, compensation Resources (personnel, equipment) Public concern Communication between authorities and public Co-operation Endurance Stage 2 Focus - broad and deepen knowledge of the consequences of a nuclear accident
Stage 3 Seminare, all traning organisations participate Based on experience and missions in stage 2 • Identify areas for development and the need for measures. • Identify crucial factors in the long-term management of the incident in relation to: - Cooperation - Communication - Endurance
Objective stage 3 Increased knowledge on the long-term societal affect of a nuclear energy emergency Improved analysis and decision-making base data for dealing with the consequences Increased insight on what is required to further develop the ability for handling the consequence
What are the characteristic features of SAMÖ-KKÖ 2011? • The durability element, because stage 1 of the exercise can last for up to 40 hours, • A widespread format as the scenario covers the societal effects on several societal sectors • An increasing of in-depth knowledge on the long-term consequences of a radioactive emission