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Finnish Virtual University THE CASE OF THE UNIVERSITY OF TAMPERE. Finnish Higher Education Day University of Tampere, 5th Dec, 2001 (pre-conference day of the 13th EAIE Conference ) Ms. Pirjo Rauhala, Coordinator Virtual University Project at the Unversity of Tampere.

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  1. Finnish Virtual University THE CASE OF THE UNIVERSITY OF TAMPERE Finnish Higher Education DayUniversity of Tampere, 5th Dec, 2001(pre-conference day of the 13th EAIE Conference) Ms. Pirjo Rauhala, CoordinatorVirtual University Project at the Unversity of Tampere Pirjo Rauhala, Finnish Virtual University, the case of ...

  2. Finnish Virtual University www.virtuaaliyliopisto.fi Pirjo Rauhala, Finnish Virtual University, the case of ...

  3. Growing Interest in ICT in Higher Education • internationally • nationally • at the local universities • at schools, polytechnics, businesses… • What’s new? LEARNING, LEARNER SUPPORT, SOFTWARE Pirjo Rauhala, Finnish Virtual University, the case of ...

  4. National Project (1) • Finnish Virtual University (2001) • virtual campus of all universities in Finland • 21 universities working together as a network • the aim is to provide services for university students, teachers, researchers and other staff • included in the Information Strategy of the Ministry of Education for the years 2000-2004 Pirjo Rauhala, Finnish Virtual University, the case of ...

  5. National Project (2): GOALS • new opportunities for study through the Net • digital learning materials • access to digital learning environments • new working methods for teachers and researchers • flexible learning opportunities • access to courses organized online in any Finnish university Pirjo Rauhala, Finnish Virtual University, the case of ...

  6. National Project (3): LIMITATIONS • Finnish Virtual University does not grant degrees • the degrees are granted from the students´ own universities • to be able to study at the FVU you have to be a student in one of the Finnish universities • funded by The Ministry until the end of 2003, 9 million euro per year Pirjo Rauhala, Finnish Virtual University, the case of ...

  7. National Project (4): HISTORY • 1998 Minister of Education Olli-Pekka Heinonen, supported the idea • 1998 Rector Paavo Uronen, set up a group at the Helsinki University of Technology, to carry out enquiry on an online university • the ideas were included in The Strategy • the project started in 2001, ready by the end of 2004 Pirjo Rauhala, Finnish Virtual University, the case of ...

  8. The Participants (1): ORGANIZATIONS • universities • disciplinary or interdisciplinary networks • projects or networks producing supporting services, e.g. learner support and student counselling, enhancing the use of learning technology • regional projects • businesses Pirjo Rauhala, Finnish Virtual University, the case of ...

  9. The Participants (2): PEOPLE • teachers learning to use ICT and maintaining the high-quality in higher education • people working in supporting tasks • students getting ready to or already experiencing the results of these efforts • people trying to envision effects of the virtual education e.g. to student administration Pirjo Rauhala, Finnish Virtual University, the case of ...

  10. The Case of the University of Tampere • virtual university project at the University of Tampere started also in January 2001 • with ICT courses for teachers • by allocating funds to projects which will produce virtual courses • an increasing interest in research in e-learning, e.g. learning environments or platforms Pirjo Rauhala, Finnish Virtual University, the case of ...

  11. Departments already awake • online or partly online courses have been put up • courses are mainly in Finnish • Institute for Extension Studies, a forerunner in distance learning • political science and international relations, audiovisual mediaculture, nursing science, social policy, sociology, information studies etc. Pirjo Rauhala, Finnish Virtual University, the case of ...

  12. Using WebCT • not the software teachers have to use, but the one for which there are supporting services • there are also few Finnish software on the market • universities seem to be interested in developing own software to online learning • an example from UTA: research project of TAOLab, Collaborating in the Web for Group Learning Pirjo Rauhala, Finnish Virtual University, the case of ...

  13. Using The Web • teachers using web pages to deliver material or to give information about the courses • web based services for students: virtual courseenrolment service and the examination results on the Web • University of Tampere. Studies, pls seehttp://www.uta.fi/studies/ Pirjo Rauhala, Finnish Virtual University, the case of ...

  14. Some Figures and Notes • over 300 teachers will be taking courses in learning technology in 2001 • it seems to be difficult for the teatchers to arrange time to attend courses • over 50 WebCT courses, and there are also courses which have been put up with other web tools (mailing lists, intranet) Pirjo Rauhala, Finnish Virtual University, the case of ...

  15. An Example • Using Web Resources For Teaching and Research / John Hopkinshttp://www.uta.fi/FAST/PP3D/WEBTEACH/Foundations in Area Studies for Translators • a workshop put up with basic software that are available free of charge Pirjo Rauhala, Finnish Virtual University, the case of ...

  16. I wish you an effective conference in Tampere, and many new international contacts! Pirjo Rauhala, Finnish Virtual University, the case of ...

  17. Contact Information Ms Pirjo Rauhala Coordinator Virtual University Project Department of Academic and International Affairs FIN-33014 UNIVERSITY OF TAMPERE pirjo.rauhala@uta.fi URL’s in this presentation were cited 5th Dec 2001. Pirjo Rauhala, Finnish Virtual University, the case of ...

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