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Shannon Gallagher Eastern Regional Associate NC REAL Malinda Todd Associate Director, NC REAL

Healthcare and Entrepreneurship: How Entrepreneurial Skills Can Benefit Students in Health Care Courses. Shannon Gallagher Eastern Regional Associate NC REAL Malinda Todd Associate Director, NC REAL. A scenario to ponder….

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Shannon Gallagher Eastern Regional Associate NC REAL Malinda Todd Associate Director, NC REAL

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  1. Healthcare and Entrepreneurship: How Entrepreneurial Skills Can Benefit Students in Health Care Courses Shannon Gallagher Eastern Regional Associate NC REAL Malinda Todd Associate Director, NC REAL

  2. A scenario to ponder….. You assist an elderly gentleman, Mr. Jones, with transportation to doctor’s appointments, medication reminders and simple tasks around the house. One day you and Mr. Jones’ are going through his medications to see if he needs to reorder any and you notice that the newest med he was put on only has 5 pills missing. He is supposed to take it everyday and it has been 2 weeks since he was placed on this new med. You ask Mr. Jones why he hasn’t been taking this medication and he says to you that “It is just TOO BIG!” He feels as if he is going to choke every time he takes it so he just decided to stop taking it. Luckily enough, Mr. Jones has a doctor’s appointment scheduled for tomorrow morning, so you document his complaints and tell him that you and he will go talk to the doctor tomorrow morning, if he is okay with you coming into the room with him. Tomorrow morning comes and you, Mr. Jones and the doctor talk about the concerns you documented. While talking, the doctor mentions that the pill can be crushed. So you suggest he take it with applesauce or pudding to see if that helps him. Lo and behold, Mr. Jones goes home crushes up the pill, puts it in applesauce and says he can deal with that. From then on he takes his meds as prescribed AND knows to ask if a pill can be crushed up or not!

  3. In the above scenario, what skills were used? • Critical Thinking • Problem solving • Creativity • Assessing need • Teamwork/Collaboration • Communication skills • Leadership skills SCENARIO ENTREPRENEURSHIP • Critical Thinking • Problem solving • Creativity • Assessing need • Teamwork/Collaboration • Communication skills • Financial Literacy • Leadership

  4. Healthcare and Entrepreneurship.. Can they REALLY go together? • Most health care students are not conditioned to think of themselves as entrepreneurial • Same skills being taught to entrepreneurship students • 13 out of the “Top 30 Fastest Careers for Older Workers” are health related (U.S. News and World Report) • 6 are in the Top 10 • These skills are beneficial for students daily living as well becoming better employees

  5. Healthcare and Entrepreneurship.. Can they REALLY go together? • Plant the seed early and encourage entrepreneurial skills to be used in their health profession • NC REAL is trying to do this with their REAL Health Care Entrepreneurship curriculum • This curriculum was developed specifically for health care students to: • Teach entrepreneurial skills • Address some of the specific challenges they will face when starting their own healthcare business

  6. Who Is NC REAL and How Did They Get Into Health Care Entrepreneurship? NC REAL is a non-profit organization that works with all levels of education in communities to provide entrepreneurial training NC REAL’s Mission Statement: Developing entrepreneurial talent and fostering the creation of sustainable enterprises

  7. The REAL Story… Then and Now • REAL started 27 years ago in Georgia and North Carolina working with High School students • NC REAL expanded the offerings of REAL by creating the adult curriculum • REAL now has 3 adult curricula and 4 Youth curricula • Today REAL Entrepreneurship is offered in: • Over 40 Community Colleges • Over 50 K-12 Schools • Over 30 Community Organizations • Over 10 states

  8. NC REAL Believes…. • Entrepreneurship education should be available to all • On-going support and professional development for educators in entrepreneurship education is critical • Experiential, student-centered learning provides the best means for students to accomplish work that is relevant to them and their communities • Entrepreneurship education must build upon and be supported by the needs of communities

  9. How Does REAL Work? REAL operates on a Train The Trainer Model

  10. Application Experience Expansion Reflection What Makes NC REAL’s Curricula Unique? The Experiential Learning Process “Tell me, and I forget, Show me, and I remember, Involve me, and I understand.”

  11. How NC REAL Has Fused Health Care and Entrepreneurship • NC REAL developed specialized Health Care Entrepreneurship curriculum • First version was started in 2009 at Piedmont Community College • 2010 grant from the Rural Center allowed for a revision and to offer the course at 5 Community Colleges across the state • Today the Health Care Entrepreneurship program is offered at Community Colleges and High Schools

  12. What is the REAL Health Care Entrepreneurship Training? • 2 day facilitator workshop (can receive CEU credits) • Specifically developed for individuals in healthcare field who want to start own business OR gain entrepreneurial skills • Topics include: • Self Assessment • Business feasibility • Financials • Marketing • Operations (including: licensing, certifications, med errors, reimbursement) • Once come to training you are then considered a Certified REAL Health Care Entrepreneurship facilitator

  13. Experience an activityNurse Nancy Purpose: To provide participants with a simple breakeven that you can use in your class room with your students

  14. How can you use REAL in your classroom? • Offer REAL Health Care Entrepreneurship Course • Infuse activities into pre-existing courses • Use in after school programs or clubs (HOSA) • Can be in combination with Hop On The Bus • Hop On The Bus: http://hoponthebus.org/

  15. Upcoming Trainings • REAL Health Care Entrepreneurship Training • March 13-14, 2014, Western Piedmont Community College • REAL Institute • February 24-28, 2014, Wrightsville Beach • Building Entrepreneurial Skills Training • September 19-20,2013, Raleigh • More upcoming trainings available at www.ncreal.org

  16. Come Join Us!!!

  17. Contact Information NC REAL Entrepreneurship Shannon Gallagher Eastern Regional Associate 3739 National Drive, Suite 100 Raleigh, NC 27612 919-448-8015 shannon@ncreal.org Malinda Todd Associate Director 3739 National Drive, Suite 100 Raleigh, NC 27612 919-781-6833 ext.126 malinda@ncreal.org

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