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Integrating X-ray and Infrared Views of BAL Quasars. Sarah Gallagher (UCLA) October 2006. IR Optical-UV X-ray. `big blue bump’ lt days. `torus’ 1-100 pc. `corona’ ~AUs. outflow from here. NASA/CXC. A Model for All RQ Quasars. UV emission lines
Integrating X-rayandInfraredViews of BALQuasars Sarah Gallagher (UCLA) October 2006
IR Optical-UV X-ray `big blue bump’ lt days `torus’ 1-100 pc `corona’ ~AUs outflow from here NASA/CXC
A Model for AllRQ Quasars UV emission lines ~light yr (1017-18 cm) X-ray continuum source ~light mins (1012-14 cm) UV/optical continuum source ~light hrs-days (1015-16 cm) (Gallagher et al. 2002a: Adapted from Königl & Kartje 1994; Murray et al. 1995)
The Views Through the Wind X-ray UV shielding gas BAL Wind
X-ray Absorption by Neutral Gas G = 2 NH = almost optically thick to Compton scattering (assuming solar metallicity)
PG 2112+059 (z=0.466): First BAL Quasar X-ray Spectra G = 1.97±0.25; NH ~ 1022 cm-2 (Gallagher et al. 2001)
X-ray Spectroscopy of ~12 RQ BAL Quasars • normal underlying X-ray continua • significant intrinsic absorption • NH = (0.1-5.0) x 1023 cm-2 • from >5 keV continuum: • normal aox (UV/X-ray flux ratio) • not just simple absorption • partial coverage? ionized gas? Δv? (e.g., Gallagher et al. 2002b; Chartas et al. 2002, 2003; Aldcroft & Green 2003; Grupe et al. 2003; Page et al. 2005; Shemmer et al. 2005)
Chandra BAL Quasar Survey Large, well-defined sample • 35 luminous BAL quasars • bona fide BAL features • z = 1.4—2.9 • MB ~ -26.1 to -28.4 • UV spectra for all (from literature) • 4—7 ks exploratory observations • 35 observed; 27 detected (77%) (Gallagher et al. 2006) Collaborators: Niel Brandt, George Chartas, Gordon Garmire (Penn State), Robert Priddey (Hertfordshire), & Rita Sambruna (Goddard)
Exploratory Surveys: X-ray Data • Rough continuum shape: GHR • from hardness ratio: (hard-soft)/(hard+soft) (analogous to B-V spectral index) • Relative UV-to-X-ray power: Daox • from hard-band flux:Daox(corr)
UV Luminosity vs.aox brighter in X-rays Define: Daox=aox -aox (Luv) fainter in X-rays log(Luv) (ergs s-1 Hz-1) 228 SDSS Quasars with ROSAT(Strateva et al. 2005)
All RQ BAL quasars show evidence for X-ray absorption (complex with NH ~ (1—80)x1022 cm-2) Spectral Shape vs. X-ray Weakness: X-ray Faint X-ray Hard normal RQ quasars: G = 2.0 ± 0.25 Daox = 0.0 ± 0.15 Softer (less absorbed) Harder (more absorbed) % covered Daox Fainter Brighter
Bright Quasar Survey z<0.5 Sample BAL Quasars Daox X-ray weak (400x) X-ray normal 55 BQS Quasars with z<0.5(Data from Brandt, Laor, & Wills 2000)
CIV EWa and Daox: no correlation for BAL quasars BQS + Chandra BAL Quasars Chandra BALQs Daox
UV Spectra:X-ray Bright vs. X-ray Weak CIV CIV SiIV SiIV X-ray BRIGHT X-ray FAINT
vmax and Daox: ~3s correlation high velocity appears to require large NH vmax vs. Daox te~1 Daox
Conclusions I:Exploratory X-ray Observations • compact & thick ‘X-ray—only’ absorbers • X-ray & UV absorption not consistent • some may be Compton-thick! • (te ~ 1; NH~1.5x1024 cm2) • likely correlation of vmax & Daox • first UV/X-ray correlation found supports radiative driving of UV outflows (Gallagher et al. 2006)
vterm œ (GMBH/Rlaunch)1/2 Link Between Shielding Gas and vmax? thinner shield less X-ray weak thicker shield more X-ray weak BH BH larger Rlaunch lower vterm smaller Rlaunch higher vterm • (cf. Chelouche & Netzer 2000; Everett 2005)
Radio-Loud BAL Quasars See Brotherton talk & Benn poster #334 • Phenomenological differences: • BAL properties: lower EW and vmax with increasing Lradio (e.g, Becker et al. 2000, Gregg et al. 2006) • X-ray properties: no evidence that X-ray weakness due to absorption (e.g, Brotherton et al. 2005, Schaefer et al. 2006, Miller et al. 2006)
PG1004+130 (a.k.a. PKS1004+13) X-ray weak: NH~1022 cm-2 Only RL BALQ with X-ray spectra. (Miller et al. 2006)
Radio-Loud BAL Quasars See Brotherton talk & Benn poster #334 • Phenomenological differences: • BAL properties: lower EW and vmax with increasing Lradio (e.g, Becker et al. 2000, Gregg et al. 2006) • X-ray properties: no evidence that X-ray weakness due to absorption (e.g, Brotherton et al. 2005, Schaefer et al. 2006, Miller et al. 2006) Not the same thing – radiative driving may not be dominant acceleration mechanism
BAL Quasars: Evolution or Orientation? Test: Compare SEDs of BAL and non-BAL Quasars • mid-IR bright? • UV-optically faint or “cocoon” picture (e.g., Goodrich 1997; Krolik & Voit 1998; Gregg et al. 2002) • enhanced star formation? • merger ULIRG quasar (e.g., Sanders et al. 1988) Or: is it just a phase? (e.g., Hazard et al. 1984; Becker et al. 2001)
IR Optical-UV X-ray `big blue bump’ lt days `torus’ 1-100 pc `corona’ ~AUs outflow from here NASA/CXC
BAL Quasar SED ProjectX-ray,UV-optical,IR,submm, radio • Question: are BAL quasars inherently different? • check: (1) differences in mid-IR SEDs vs. non-BAL quasars (2) evidence for enhanced star formation Large Bright Quasar Survey (z =1.4—3.0) • 38 – Spitzer MIPS: L8 (8 mm luminosity) + Lfir,SF, Lfir,QSO • 38 – 2MASS: L5000 (5000 Å luminosity) • 38 – LBQS: L2500 (2500 Å luminosity) • 35 – VLA (FIRST, NVSS, Stocke et al. 1992) • 35 – Chandra (Gallagher et al. 2006) + XMM-Newton (Clavel et al. 2006) • 25 – SDSS • 16 – SCUBA (Priddey et al. 2006) Collaborators: Dean Hines, Robert Priddey, Niel Brandt
VLA SCUBAMIPS 2MASS SDSSChandra log(nLn) (erg s-1) log(n) (Hz) (Gallagher et al., submitted)
BAL Quasars: notmid-IR bright LBQS BALQs and SDSS comparison sample — statistically indistinguishable.
BAL Quasar Composite SED 8 mm 5000 Å 2 keV Comparison SED: SDSS luminous (Lbol > 1046.2 erg s-1) composite (Richards et al. 2006)
VLA SCUBAMIPS 2MASS SDSSChandra log(nLn) (erg s-1) log(n) (Hz) (Gallagher et al., submitted)
Lfir,SF vs. Lfir,QSO HiBALQs no evidence for SF LoBALQs
Conclusions II • BAL Quasars: • UV-optical shows reddening • (e.g. Sprayberry & Foltz 1992; Reichard et al. 2003; Trump et al. 2006) • X-ray shows strong absorption • range of star-formation contributions to FIR • no mid-IR excess no evidence for “cocoon” outflows are common
Multiwavelength Synthesis: The Stratified Wind Picture X-ray Ultraviolet Mid-Infrared Gallagher 2006
BAL Quasar IRS Spectra silicates (Gallagher et al. in prep; see also Shi et al. 2006)
Physical Parameters of the Stratified Wind See also Aoki #185; Ganguly #88; Rodriguez-Hidalgo talk; Simon #196; Wang #90