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Learning Vocabulary Through Word Parts. T. D. James-Moss, Instructor 2013-2014. Unaffordable. UN- (not). AFFORD (able to pay/provide). -ABLE (capable or worthy). UNAFFORDABLE (not able to pay or provide) (not worthy of pay). UNBELIEVABLE. UN- (not). BELIEVE (accept as true).
Learning Vocabulary Through Word Parts T. D. James-Moss, Instructor 2013-2014
Unaffordable UN- (not) AFFORD (able to pay/provide) -ABLE (capable or worthy) UNAFFORDABLE (not able to pay or provide) (not worthy of pay)
UNBELIEVABLE UN- (not) BELIEVE (accept as true) -ABLE (capable or worthy) UNBELIEVABLE (not able to accept as true) (not worthy of being received as true)
UNCIVILIZED UN- (not) CIVIL (relating to citizens; polite) -IZED (to become or be discussed in a manner) UNCIVILIZED (not being a polite citizen) (not discussed in a polite manner)
unproductive UN- (not) PRODUCT (something made or produced) -IVE (doing or tending to do) UNPRODUCTIVE (not producing or making things) (tending to not make things)
Restart RE- (again; back) START (to begin; to react suddenly) RESTART (to begin again) (to respond back suddenly)
Realign RE- (again; back) ALIGN (to arrange things in a line or proper position) REALIGN (to line things up again) (to line things back into their proper positions)
reflex RE- (again; back) FLEX (to bend, move or tighten) REFLEX (to bend again or bend back) (to tighten again) (to move back again)
report RE- (again; back) PORT (carry) REPORT (to carry back again)
PREAMBLE PRE- (before) AMBLE (walk slowly; walk on relaxingly) PREAMBLE ( (to be read before you go on relaxingly)
PREMEDITATE PRE- (before) MEDITATE (deep, quiet thought) PREMEDITATE (to have deep quiet thought before action)
PRENUPTIAL NUPTIAL (relating to marriage or breeding ceremonies) PRE- (before) PRENUPTIAL (before marriage) (before the breeding season)
PREADMISSION PRE- (before) ADMIT (to allow, admit or accept) -ION (an act, process or condition) PREADMISSION (a condition required before acceptance) (an action required before being admitted)
biannual BI- (twice) ANN/ANNU/ ENNI (yearly) -AL (relating to/ characterized by) BIANNUAL (characterized as happening twice a year)
BICENTENNIAL BI- (twice) CENT- (one hundred) ANN/ANNU/ ENNI (yearly) -AL (relating to/ characterized by) BICENTENNIAL (characterized as happening twice every one hundred years)
BIFOCAL FOCUS (central subject, interest or image) BI- (twice) -AL (relating to/ characterized by) BIFOCAL (relating to having two images/visual strengths)
BILINGUAL BI- (twice) LINGU/LINGUA (tongue/ language) -AL (relating to/ characterized by) BILINGUAL (relating to two languages) (characterized as speaking two languages)
MISINFORM MIS- (bad/wrong opposite) INFORM (guide/direct/ make known) MISINFORM (to give bad guidance) (to lead someone in a wrong direction) (to give bad information)
MISANTHROPIC MIS- (bad/wrong opposite) ANTHROP/ ANTHROPO (human/ humankind) -IC (having the character or attitude of/ being) MISANTHROPIC (having a bad attitude about people) (hating all humans) (hating people)
MISPERCEPTION MIS- (bad/wrong opposite) PERCEPT (impression/ understanding) -ION (an act, process or condition) MISPERCEPTION (the process of developing a wrong impression) (a condition of wrong understanding)
MISDIAGNOSIS MIS- (bad/wrong opposite) DIAGNOSIS (identification of an illness) MISDIAGNOSIS (the wrong identification of an illness)
DISABILITY DIS- (to deprive of or remove/to lack) ABLE (having power, skill, money to do) -ITY (quality/state/degree of) DISABILITY (lacking the power or skill to do) (a quality of lack with regard to skill)
DISARRAY DIS- (to deprive of or remove/to lack) ARRAY (arrange/ position) DISARRAY (to remove an arrangement) (to lack arrangement) (to be in a messy state)
DISCONCERT DIS- (to deprive of or remove/to lack) CONCERT (agreement/ unity/harmony) DISCONCERT (to deprive a group of harmony) (to remove the unity)
DISPOSSESS DIS- (to deprive of or remove/to lack) POSSESS (to have or own) DISPOSSESS (to remove a person’s ownership) (to deprive a person of having something)
ILLOGICAL -AL (relating to/ characterized by) IL- (not) LOGOS (wisdom/ reasoning) -IC (having the character or attitude of/ being) ILLOGICAL (characterized by not having wisdom or a reasoning attitude)
ILLEGIBLE IL- (not) LEGIBLE (can be read or understood) ILLEGIBLE (cannot be read) (cannot be understood, typ. penmanship)
ILLITERATE LITERATE (educated/ cultured/ able to read and write) IL- (not) ILLITERATE (not educated) (not cultured) (not able to read and/or write)
ILLAUDABLE IL- (not) LAUD (praise) -ABLE (capable or worthy) ILLAUDABLE (not worthy of any praise) (not having any positive qualities)
IRRESPONSIBLE RESPOND (to react or have desired reaction to something) IR- (not) -IBLE (capable or worthy) IRRESPONSIBLE (not capable of reacting appropriately) (not capable of reacting in desired way)
IRRATIONAL IR- (not) RATIONAL (thinking based on facts and reason) IRRATIONAL (not able to think based on facts) (not able to decide/reason things based on fact)
irregular REGULAR (happening often or in same time or same way) IR- (not) IRREGULAR (not happening often) (not happening in the same way it used to)
IRREFUTABLE IR- (not) REFUTE (deny truth or accuracy; prove wrong w/ evidence) -ABLE (capable or worthy) IRREFUTABLE (not capable of denying the truth of a thing) (not able to prove a thing wrong with evidence)
NONNEGOTIABLE NON- (not) NEGOTIATE (try to reach an agreement or compromise) -ABLE (capable or worthy) NONNEGOTIABLE (not able to be compromised) (not able to be agreed upon through discussion)
NONABRASIVE ABRASIVE (rough/harsh/ little concern for others’ feelings) NON- (not) NONABRASIVE (not rough) (not harsh) (very concerned for others’ feelings)
NONSENSE SENSE (body’s perception of a stimulus/sane or realistic attitude) NON- (not) NONSENSE (not perceived by another’s senses) (not having a sane or realistic attitude)
NONSENSical SENSE (body’s perception of a stimulus/sane or realistic attitude) -IC/-ICAL (having the character or attitude of/ being) NON- (not) NONSENSICAL (not able to be perceived by another’s senses) (not having a sane or realistic attitude)
NONCONFRONTATIONAL CONFRONT (meet someone face to face; deal with) NON- (not) -ATION (action/result of action) -AL (relating to/ characterized by) NONCONFRONTATIONAL (not characterized as meeting someone face to face) (not dealing with things directly)
OVERREACT OVER- (too great/ better/ beyond) RE- (again) -ACT (to process of doing) OVERREACT (to act again in a way too great or beyond necessity)
OVERAGE OVER- (too great/ better/ beyond) -AGE (result of/ collection/ place of) OVERAGE (a collection of too much/extra) Also… (to be too old to participate)
OVERARCHING OVER- (too great/ better/ beyond) ARCH (chief/ most important/ rule) -ING (action/ process/ result of process) OVERARCHING (a rule bigger or greater than others) (a process that is most important)
OVEREXERT OVER- (too great/ better/ beyond) EXERT (to use or put forth strength or ability) OVEREXERT (to put forth too great an amount of energy) (to put forth too great an amount of ability)