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Erasmus for All 2014-2020 International Dimension Annika Sundbäck , Programme Manager , Higher Education Unit Centre for International Mobility CIMO. International higher education programmes: Erasmus Mundus, Tempus, Alfa, Edulink, Bilateral Programmes. Lifelong Learning
Erasmus for All 2014-2020 International Dimension Annika Sundbäck, ProgrammeManager, HigherEducationUnit Centre for International Mobility CIMO
International higher education programmes: Erasmus Mundus, Tempus, Alfa, Edulink, Bilateral Programmes Lifelong Learning Programme Grundtvig Erasmus Leonardo Comenius Youth in Action Programme A streamlined architecture Existing programmes 2013 A single integrated programme 2014-2020 Erasmus for All 3. Policy Support 2. Co-operation Projects 1. Learning Mobility Budget proposal: 15.2 billion for 7 year => increase by 73% + additional funding for the international dimension 2
International Dimension Current international programmes Mobility Erasmus Mundus joint excellency-based master and doctoral programmes and generous scholarships for students from all parts of the world. No more Calls before 2014. Mobility partnerships with various parts of the world, both industrialized countries and developing countries. One more Call in 2013. Budget 2012 €170MIL. Challenging administration through large networks, €1-4 MIL/network, mostly HEIs with large resources or networks involved Industr.countries Double degree/joint mobility, co-financed action ( US, Canada, Korea, Australia etc) No more Calls before 2014 for the US and Canada, maybe Australia/Korea. Intra-ACP mobility scheme Mobility in Africa, the Caribbean and the Pacific (ACP) regions. The programme builds on the African Union’s Mwalimu Nyerere programme for Africa. EU partners can only participate as technical administrators for the network, not in mobility actions. Call currently open with a deadline of 10th May 2012. 8
International Dimension Current international programmes Capacity building Tempus Western Balkans, Russia, Eastern Neighbourhood Region, Central Asia, Mediterranean countries, one more Call in 2013 with an increased budget for the Southern and Eastern neighbouring regions (European Neighbourhood and Partnership Instrument) (in 2012 €90MIL) Alfa Latin America (no more Calls) EDULINK ACP countries, The African, Caribbean and Pacific Group of States (currently Call open with a deadline of 30th July 2012, probably the last Call). Policy support / structural cooperation EHEA and the rest of the world Erasmus Mundus Action 3 One more call in 2013. Projects related to Africa: http://eacea.ec.europa.eu/erasmus_mundus/results_compendia/documents/projects/action_3_promotion_projects/regional/a3fiche_africa_new.pdf Projects related to Latin-America: http://eacea.ec.europa.eu/erasmus_mundus/results_compendia/documents/projects/action_3_promotion_projects/regional/a3fiche_latinamericaand%20the%20caribbean_new.pdf 8
International dimension, E4A: learning mobility No significant budget increase but more short-term outputs, more accessible to European HEIs, administered through bilateral agreements Degree mobility: limited to joint Masters Incoming: only in joint master-level degrees (former Action 1 EM), consortia of EU /non-EU HEIs, managed by EACEA, financed by the educational EU budget NB. No normal incoming/outgoing degree mobility - possible in the current Erasmua Mundus partnerships Joint doctorate mobility part of Horizon 2020 (research) International opening of Erasmus:more international credit mobility of students and staff between EU – non-EU in both directions, both study and internships, following the principles of the EU external policy but based on agreements of 3 or 4 years to ensure continuity, mobility based on bilateral agreements between EU and non-EU HEIs. Funding proposed E4A: Intra-EU Erasmus mobility 230.000 outputs/year versus international outputs 21.000/year, international mobility annual budget €150-190 MIL. 8
International dimension, E4A, cooperation projects Specific support to neighbourhood countries Cooperation projects / Capacity building combined with mobility • Curriculum reform, modernisation, joint/double degrees, learning methodology, equipment, governance, labour market links • Integrated mobility component to and from the EU – NEW • Western Balkan countries will be able to benefit from this instrument even though they do not fully participate in the E4A programme (no fall-out for pre-accession countries as before) • NB. Russia and Central-Asia are not targeted within this action, as compared to the current Tempus programme • On cooperation with Russia: 2014-2020 external EU funds Partnership Instrument for BRICS countries €1131 MIL (1 BIL), some of this could be used to support educational initiatives, co-funded by the emerging economies 8
International dimension, E4A, cooperation projects Capacity building projects with Asia, Latin America and Africa Capacity building projects similar to the instrument for neighbouring areas, also supporting the non-formal learning fields. NB. More restricted mobility actions, limited to staff (no students) __________________________ Funding for international HE capacity building SLIGHT INCREASE 160 outputs/year planned, annual budget of €115-140 MIL NB. Russia had the biggest Tempus budget, around €10 MIL /year, and is no longer among the target countries 8
International dimension, E4A Cooperation projects: strategic partnershipsPossibility for 3. country involvement, if it brings added valueAims at strengthening transnational cooperation between education institutions/youth organisations and/or other actors. The action will link mobility and cooperation activities to enhance systemic impact.These partnerships aim at European added value. 16
International dimension, policy support Policy support 20% overall increase Activities with selected world partners on common issues to • Promote Europe’s worldwide attractiveness and values • Support policy development in partner countries, EQF, ECTS, NARIC • Expert exchanges, senior officials meetings, joint studies, promotional events and fairs • Annual budget €70-140 MIL, no info on the budget of the international dimension Joint Calls Co-financed by another countries: Joint /double degrees ( Atlantis, EU-Canada etc), also possible for ie BRICS-countries Funding – 17% increase proposed in international dimension activities (versus 85% increase in intra-EU activities) Only the degree mobility action /joint degrees will be funded directly by the EU educational budget, all other actions funded by the EU external budget, consequently following eventual adjustments and shifts of policy (Erasmus-type third country mobility, capacity building projects). NB. Allocations covering 3 and 4 years to ensure predictability. 8
Thank youPress release on Erasmus for All:http://europa.eu/rapid/pressReleasesAction.do?reference=IP/11/1398&format=HTML&aged=0&language=EN&guiLanguage=fr 16