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Welcome to the Electrification Programme Suppliers Briefing – Copenhagen. 22 Aug.2013. Introduction and Programme. 10.30 – 11.00 Registration 11:00 - 11.30 Presentation of the programme and the vision behind the programme (Søren Thorpstrup Larsen & Susan Bille Andersen)
Welcome to the Electrification Programme Suppliers Briefing – Copenhagen 22 Aug.2013
Introduction and Programme 10.30 – 11.00 Registration 11:00 - 11.30 Presentation of the programme and the vision behind the programme (Søren Thorpstrup Larsen & Susan Bille Andersen) 11: 30 - 12:00 Technical perspective of the programme (Poul Neumann & Peter Dearman) 12.00 - 12:45 Refreshments 12:45 - 13:15 Tender process and commercial implications (David Humberstone, Susan Bille Andersen and Jimmie Bøllingtoft ) 13.15 – 14.00 Questions.
Presentation of the Programme and the vision behind the Programme Søren Thorpstrup Laursen - Programme Manager & Susan Bille Andersen, Head of Programme Management Office
Why is Denmark Electrifying again ?? Electric rolling stock for speeds over 160 km/t are 15% cheaper to acquire than similar diesel rolling stock. OPEX for electric rolling stock are 2/3 of the cost for equivalent diesel rolling stock. The main operator DSB has a great shortage of rolling stock. Considerable environmental benefits with electric traction. Both in regard to CO2 emissions and the local environment.
Why put all the electrification projects into one Programme?? Banedanmark's Vision is to: 1) Roll out all the “Authorised” electrification projects in a joint programme, 2) Include the lines that are not yet authorised as options in the tender 3) Introduce a new electrification system based on a functional requirements tender, Benefits by functional tenders: Draw benefits from the extensive rollout of electrification in Europe Find a supplier that has an already TSI approved system Benefits by a joint programme: Ensure we get one system, a common system architecture with a single set of components Ensure the knowledge stays on the programme – from line to line Continuous work with industrialising the roll out Use the relative large line volume, to get better prices in the tender
Electrification in Denmark Authorised (Decided) lines Esbjerg – Lunderskov 114 km 2015 Cph – Ringsted 120 km 2017 Køge N – Næstved 45 km 2018 Ringsted – Holeby 258 km 2019/20 Total: 537 km Options (Togfonden.dk Funding) Roskilde – Kalundborg 112 km Fredericia – Aarhus 218 km Aarhus – Aalborg 280 km Vejle – Struer 130 km Aalborg - Frederikshavn 85 km Total (options): 825 km Overall total 1362 track kilometres
Earlydepoyment: Esbjerg - Lunderskov • Esbjerg – Lunderskov is almost through the environmental impact assessment and the programme phase reports are finished. • Programme phase report DONE • Bridgeworks Started • LER works (The Danish Register of Underground Cable Owners) Started • Dialogue with the Transmission System Operator (TSO) Started • Earthing and bonding Tender • Immunization Started • Land acquisition Started • Track possession Started • Geotechnical works In development • 3D scan In development • Work has commenced to collect the above data on the other three authorised lines
Howdoes the Electrification programme work • Informal and dynamic work environment • If you take responsibility, responsibility is given to you • Joint team: COWI+Systra+Bdk=EP • Pitching in is encouraged. We like new ideas. We like well founded ideas, in contrast to “we usually do”
Technical Requirements Poul Neumann, Head of Project Management & Peter Dearman, Engineering Director , Systra UK
Scope of the activities included in the task Authorised ( Decided ) lines Copenhagen - Ringsted: Electrification Ringsted - Holeby: Electrification Esbjerg-Lunderskov: Electrification / Bridges/ Immunization Køge N-Næstved: Electrification / Bridges Optionial (Togfonden.dk – Special Government Funding ) Roskilde – Kalundborg Electrification / Bridges Fredericia – Aarhus Electrification / Bridges Aarhus – Aalborg Electrification / Bridges Vejle – Struer Electrification / Bridges Aalborg - Frederikshavn Electrification / Bridges Activities marked with GREEN will not be part of the functional tender
Inside and outside the delivery from the supplier(s) Inside the delivery The cornerstones of the delivery are for all lines to be electrified: Catenary system 25 kV 50 hz Power Supply stations 25 kV 50 hz Remote control system 200kph system on Cph-Rig enabled for upgrade to 250Kph Details for each: Catenary - We have no specific BDK preferences except for the requirements on Life Cycle Costs and aesthetics. Traction Power Supply - The system has to fulfil the requirements in a master plan for Traction Power Supply that has not yet been completed. Remote Control – SCADA, the system will be an add-on to the existing system. The substations have to comply with the specifications of the existing system based on standard communication protocols.
Inside and outside the delivery from the supplier(s) Outside the delivery The following will be handled outside the delivery: Bridgeworks Earthing and bonding ( not decided in details ) Geological surveys Surveys for existing cables (registrations in LER - Buried Services ) Immunization ( is secured by the Signalling Programme ) This is our plan at the moment !!!
The road map for the Electrification Suppliers Deliverables Conceptual design for each construction element Approval for compliance with TSI and specifications Detailed design for Esbjerg – Lunderskov ( Early deployment ) Construction on Esbjerg - Lunderskov Approval for compliance with TSI and specifications as build Detailed design for other lines Construction on other lines Approval for compliance with TSI and specification as build for each line Maintenance (to be decided )
A new system plan • The electrification programme team are working on a joint system plan. • Wewant the fullpicture of the correlation between the future conceptualtimetables and the corresponding need for power. • Thatenables us to make every new power substation suited for the job at hand, and have the necessary upgradabilityfor the job in the nearfuture
On top of the electrification, we need more power to the existing system !! The existing system was not built to handle the increased amount of electrified traffic running through the existing lines. Some form of upgrade is necessary in order to handle this traffic. The system around Copenhagen receives the most strain of all. Trains for all the new electrified lines originate from Copenhagen The necessary upgrades from line to line are identified as best as possible in the budget estimate for each optional line.
The main operators wish for operation with coupled train sets The main line between Copenhagen and Fredericia is by far the most congested line in Denmark. Therefore the main operator DSB has developed a convoy type traffic operation between Copenhagen and Frederica. Today, DSB is running up to 5 trains for different destinations in Jutland connected in convoy to Fredericia, and then splits the train in a few minutes in Fredericia. To do this fast coupling and decoupling with 5 separate trains. DSB are currently using up to 5 pantographs!! The new system will need to run up to 200 kph DSB will acquire new rolling stock to operate on the electrified lines and works together with Banedanmark on finding a solution with regards to equipment that can handle the need for coupling/decoupling trains
Tender & Commercial Process Susan Bille Andersen, Head of Programme Management Office & David Humberstone, Systra UK & Jimmie Bøllingtoft, Kammeradvokaten (Legal Advisors to the Danish Government)
Tender Objectives & Timeline • Undertake a ”functional tender” for electrification of the 4 x authorised lines plus options for a number of additional lines which are pending a political decision • The first line from Lunderskov to Esbjerg to be fully operational by the end of 2015. The following 3 x authorised lines to be completed in 2017-2020 • The tender will be for ”Design and Build”, and most likely include a possibility regarding ”Maintenance” • The working hypothesis as of now, is to do one ”all inclusive” tender • We would welcome the market to offer alternatives i.e. split into sub-packages for example • a) Contact catenary system, • b) Traction Power Supply including protection control, • c) Contract & Catenary Wire Supply, etc
DRAFT Timeline To Award – Q3 2013 to Q4 2014 (1 of 2) Project Mobilisation OJEC PIN Notice release Suppliers register interest by 15 Aug. Develop early tender strategy Dialogue themes released (Mid Aug) Market Briefing (22 Aug) Dialogue meetings (9 -27 Sep) Visit selected ”Best Practise” Builders Final Procurement Strategy, Peer Review and Board approval Release contract notice ( PQQ ) Target Date Dec 10 Drafting of tender package Receipt of PQQ submissions deadline 10 Feb JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY
DRAFT timeline to Award Q3 2013 to Q4 2014 (2 of 2) PQ application deadline (appr 10 Feb) PQ review (finalise 28 Feb) Finalise tender packageincl. peer review, boardapprovaletc PQ and release tender package Tendererspreparesubmission 1 Review of submission 1 Negotiation meetings Prepare and release ”version 2” of tender package Tendererspreparesubmission 2 Review of submission 2 Award Standstill & final contractadjustments Signing FEB MAR APR MAY JUNE JULY AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC Possibly, the processwillinclude a downselection in connectionwithsubmission 1. Further, an option to select a preferred bidder already in connectionwithsubmission 1 mightalsobeincluded
Dialogue meetings – practical matters The purpose of the “Technical Dialogue” meetings to be conducted by the Electrification Programme of Banedanmark in September 2013 (9th - 27th) is to gather general market information to be used for the preparation of tender documents that are suitable for all involved parties. Next step in the process: We will go through the applications and decide if we can accommodate all that expressed interest herein. If anyone is considering to participate in a JV/consortium-constellation kindly let us know Notifications regarding meeting dates, location and timing to be released by the end of August
Dialogue themes – a bit of background for each of the questions 1) Banedanmark would like to discuss the market's capacity to take on the programme with a special interest in the design and early deployment phase. 2) If the potential contractors envisage capacity issues, Banedanmark would like to discuss whether or not Banedanmark can take actions to alleviate the problem of lacking capacity now. ( High output and conventional plant ) 3) What is the market's view on the proposed timetable set out by the Ministry to electrify the Esbjerg-Lunderskov Line by 2015 and the time gap to the 3 other lines in the first phase of the programme? 4) What would the market consider a realistic timeline for developing a conceptual design and following this a specific design for the early deployment line? 5) What are the potential choices available to Banedanmark to achieve the programme timeline and what do they mean in respect of acquiring track possessions?
Dialogue themes – a bit of background for each of the questions 6)What design and construction challenges does the market perceive to deliver this programme and how would Banedanmark mitigate those challenges? 7) Which social clauses (i.e. clauses in the contract that requires the contractor to take certain actions with a positive social impact while performing the contract - e.g. hiring of unemployed persons, job training, etc.) does the market perceive to be most suited for inclusion in the programme? 8) What does the market perceive the primary cost drivers to be and why? 9) What is the market’s view on proceeding with one “all inclusive tender” as opposed to breaking the project into defined smaller tenders covering e.g. Contact Catenary System, Traction Power System, etc. and which in the market's opinion would be a better proposal and why? Time ? 10) What would be the preferred payment structure if any (e.g. monthly in arrears)?
Dialogue themes – a bit of background for each of the questions 11)Is there an international standard contract preferred by the market for railway electrification projects and what would the view be on applying the existing Danish standard contracts such as “ABT93 Turnkey” or “AB92 Works & Supplies” 12) What is the market’s view if Banedanmark is to take ownership of the Intellectual Property Rights of the final design once the changes to meet Danish Regulations & Standards have been incorporated? 13) What is the market’s preliminary assessment of the Electrification Programme regarding perceived risks and mitigation of these risks? 14) What is the market’s opinion of incorporating a maintenance program inclusive of training Banedanmark’s personnel once construction is complete for each line? 15) What is the market's opinion on tendering the electrification programme on the basis of functional requirements?
Finish. Our sincere thanks to everyone for attending the Briefing Session today and we wish all of you, a safe journey home. Thank you.