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2 nd WORKSHOP. CANNIG AS A TOOL IN FOOD PROCESSING FROM THE FIELD TO THE MARKET. Profª. Mª TERESA SANCHEZ. April, 2002 Tel-Aviv, Israel. Financial support by the Commission of the European Union under MEDA programme is acknowledged (Thematic Network ICA3-C5-2000-30004).
2nd WORKSHOP CANNIG AS A TOOL IN FOOD PROCESSING FROM THE FIELD TO THE MARKET Profª. Mª TERESA SANCHEZ April, 2002 Tel-Aviv, Israel Financial support by the Commission of the European Union under MEDA programme is acknowledged (Thematic Network ICA3-C5-2000-30004)
The Canning Fruit and Vegetable Industry in Spain Number of companies: 1,412; 3.73 % of the total Number of industrial establishments: 1,723; 4.08 % of the total Large-sized companies (> 500 employees): 5 Medium-sized companies (499-50 employees): 175 Small-sized companies (< 49 employees): 1.075 Companies without employees: 468
The Canning Fruit and Vegetable Industry in Spain Canned Fruit and Vegetable Exports: 144,9 103 millions of pesetas = 868,392,664.51 € Canned Fruit and Vegetable Imports: 52,6 103 millions of pesetas = 315,234,328.18 € Raw material consumption: 331,251 103 millions of pesetas = 1,990,858,605.89 €
The processing is rapid and highly mechanised. Produce is harvested at its optimum maturity and nutritive value. Some fruits and vegetables are hand picked; much produce, is mechanically harvested. All produce is then carefully inspected for quality at the food canning plants. The product is prepared with minimal, careful handling. Computer controls increase efficiency and product quality.
CANNED TOMATO INDUSTRY IN SPAIN During 2000/2001: • An estimated 1,320,000 Metric tons of tomatoes were delivered to the industry: • 140,000Metric tons were processed into whole peeled tomatoes; • about 230,000 Metric tons were processed under thecategory of "Others", with about 50 percent of this quantity made into puree peeled tomatoes "tomate triturado"; • and 950,000 Metric tons were processed into tomato paste. • For the next few years an increase in exports of paste and canned tomatoes is expected due to an increase in rawmaterial availability.
CANNED FRUITS • Consumptionof canned fruit is difficult to determine. Regarding trade, Spain’s canned peach exports increased in 2000/01, while pear exports decreased. Spain's canned fruit imports, minor in comparison withproduction and exports, remained at similar levels in 2000/01. As Spain is a major producer andexporter of canned fruits, U.S. exporters have limited potential in this market.
Canned Peaches • Spain’s 2000/01 canned peach production was estimated at 183,000 tons. A total of about 165,000 metric tons offresh peaches was delivered to the canning industry during that marketing year, reflecting theincrease of fresh production. The Spanish fresh peach crop for the current campaign is estimated at 1,044,575metric tons, an 11 percent increase from last year. Fresh peaches used for canning in Spain are the clingstonevariety.
Canned Pears. Pears in syrup • The Spanish canned pear production in 2000/01 was estimated at 37,700 metric tons, slightly below the previous year. An estimated 33,000 metric tons of Williams and Rocha pears were delivered to the industry.
CONSUMPTION • There are no distinguishing trends in Spain’s canned fruit consumption, other than year-to-year fluctuationsreflecting changes in supply. Underlying demand remains stable, and consumption is forecast to remain fairlystable in 2001/02.
SOUPS AND COMPLETE MEALS CANNING A wide range of SOUPS AND SNACKSAND PREPARED MEALSare canned in Spain. Canned soup preparation is similar to preparing home-made soup. Meat is cooked in water and stock and vegetables are added along with herbs, spices and flavouring. The soup may be thickened with starch or flour.
JUICE PROUCTION INDUSTRY IN SPAIN • An estimated 700,000 metric tons, about the same level as during the previous year, of fresh oranges weredelivered to processors in 1999/00, resulting in 45,500 tons of orange juice (65 Brix). • Deliveries during2000/01 were higher due to the higher demand for the final product. • In Spain, oranges are notgrown specifically for juice production. Oranges for juice are primarily those that have been rejected for freshconsumption. • Like the orange production, most orange juice plants are located in the Valencia region and somein Andalucia (2.9 kilograms of fresh oranges yield 1Kg of single strength orange juice, 16 kilograms yield 1 Kg.of concentrated orange juice.)
Food canning is a long established and well understood technique which has served consumers well for nearly 200 years. It produces shelf stable products that can be stored at ambient temperatures. How canning protects food: No chemical preservatives are needed in the food canning process Standards, Regulations and Monitoring: Manufacturers and retailers of processed foods, including canned foods must comply with standards and regulations of the Spanish government and the European Union.
In large food manufacturing companies, like FOOD CANNERIES, there has been a trend to monitoring quality systems developed by the company. Increasingly, these quality systems are being audited by third party, certifying bodies to international standards such as the International Organisation for Standardization (ISO 9000) series. The benefit for consumers is that, if a quality system is in place, corrective action can be implemented at critical control points more effectively than final product checking either at manufacturing or retail level.
ISO 9000 ISO 14000 HAPPC GUIDE: • Elaborated by: • - Federación Española de Industrias deAlimentación y Bebidas (FIAB), • - Ministerio de Sanidad yConsumo, • Federación Nacional de Asociaciones de laIndustria de Conservas Vegetales (FNACV). Council Directive 93/43 EC, 14 June 1993.
Check cans purchased Reject any food cans that are badly dented, especially those with damage to the can seams and those with an apparent leak. A badly stained label can be caused by leak from the can. Store properly Store cans of food in a cool, dry place. Rotate your stock of canned foods and use them within twelve months of purchase to enjoy peak flavour and nutrition.
Read the label Spanish canned food labels carry useful information about the contents - not just the weight and ingredients but nutrient content and often usage advice. Check before useA little rusting can result from storing in a humid place without affecting the contents. If the can ends are bulging, return the can unopened to the supplier as the contents might be contaminated.
Keep cans clean & safe Wipe or wash the top of the can before opening it. The hermetically sealed contents of the can are healthy and uncontaminated so avoid introducing any contaminants. Use a clean, sharp can openerWash your can opener after each use to avoid the risk of contaminating the food with bacteria. Blunt can openers can leave jagged edges and some can openers leave very sharp edges, so be careful.
Ensure hygiene Apply the same principles of hygiene that you use when preparing all food. Keep all surfaces and implements clean and wash your hands in hot, soapy water before preparing food. Canned food usage Canned foods don't use preservatives - once opened, treat as fresh. Transfer any unused portion to a clean, non-reactive container. Cover and store in a refrigerator at less that 5°C.
Recycling is a vital part of caring for the environment. Steel is the most recycled product in the world on an industrial scale as well as in the home. Steel scrap is a necessary component in the steelmaking process. Both steel and tin are able to be reused an infinite number of times. Steel can recycling makes good economic, as well as environmental, sense. It makes a substantial saving on landfill space requirements and it helps conserve Spanish's resources.
STEEL CANS HELP SAVE ENERGY Because there is no need for refrigeration in the transport and storage of steel food cans, less energy is used than with frozen foods and the many fresh foods that must be kept refrigerated. Using old steel cans to make new steel also preserves Spanish's energy and resources. For every tonne of steel scrap recycled, around 1.5 tonnes of iron ore, one tonne of coke and half a tonne of limestone are saved in the production of a tonne of steel.
STEEL FOOD CANS SHOULD ALL BE RECYCLED Once you've used the contents, food cans (including petfood cans) just need to be rinsed, not scrubbed, for sanitary reasons before they are placed in the recycling crate or bin - there's no need to removethe label. The contents of your recycling bin are collected from the kerbside and the steel cans and other materials are taken by the truck to Materials Recovery Facilities (MRFs). There, the steel cans are magnetically separated from the other recyclables. The cans are compressed into bales ready for transport to steelworks. The tin coating used to protect against corrosion is removed in some cases before the steel is reused. All the steel cans are then combined with other steel scrap and melted in a furnace to make new steel which is then used to make new steel products.
You can recycle Energy saving: More information: Cans 4,200 mill. Pts 25,242,508.38 € 95% of energy 3,700 aluminium tn
Legislative and legal matters • REGULATION (EC) NO 2200/96 ON THE COMMON ORGANISATION OF THE MARKET IN FRUIT AND VEGETABLES. • COUNCIL DIRECTIVE 93/43 EC, 14 JUNE 1993 ON THE HYGIENE OF FOODSTUFFS, for instauration of HACCP and manual of good practices for food manufacture in farms and industries. • THE PACKAGING AND PACKAGING WASTE MANAGEMEN. DIRECTIVE 94/62/EC, 20 December de 1994, (Doce l n.° 365, of 31-12-1994). • SPANISH LAW 11/1997, of 24 of April, OF THE PACKAGING AND PACKAGING WASTE MANAGEMENT (BOE n.° 99, of 25-04-1997).
Canned fruit and vegetables/Juices Legislative and legal matters DIRECTIVA 2001/112/CE del Consejo, de 20 de diciembre de 2001, relativa a los zumos de frutas (fruit juices) y otros productos similares destinados a la alimentación humana(DO L nº 10 de 12 de enero de 2002). DIRECTIVA 2001/113/CE del Consejo, de 20 de diciembre de 2001, relativa a las confituras, jaleas y "marmalades" de frutas, (jellies and marmalades) así como a la crema de castañas edulcorada, destinadas a la alimentación humana (DO L nº 10 de 12 de enero de 2002). Real Decreto 2420/1978, de 2 de junio, por el que se aprueba la Reglamentación Técnico-Sanitaria para la elaboración y venta de conservas vegetales. (canned vegetables) (BOE nº 244 de 12 de octubre y corrección de errores en BOE nº 267 de 8 de noviembre). Resolución de 1 de agosto de 1979, de la secretaría de Estado para la sanidad, por la que se aprueba la lista positiva de aditivos autorizados para uso en la elaboración de conservas y semiconservas vegetales (aditives) (BOE nº 249 de 17 de octubre y corrección de errores en BOE nº 308 de 25 de diciembre). Orden de 21 de junio de 1983 sobre características y formatos de envases de conservas vegetales, zumos vegetales y derivados y platos preparados cocinados esterilizados. (BOE nº 155 de 30 de junio). Orden de 13 de febrero de 1984, del ministerio de Economía y hacienda, por la que se dictan normas de calidad para exportación de conservas y semiconservas vegetales. (BOE nº 54, de 3 de marzo de 1984 corrección de errores en BOE nº 78, de 31 de marzo de 1984).Real Decreto 1412/1994, de 25 de junio, por el que se autoriza la elaboración de néctares de frutas sin adición de azúcares o de miel. (BOE nº 216 de 9 de septiembre).
Canned fruit and vegetables/Juices Legislative and legal matters Orden de 21 de noviembre de 1984 por la que se aprueban las normas de calidad para las conservas vegetales. (BOE nº 287, 288 y 289 de 30 de noviembre, 1 y 3 de diciembre y correcciones de errores en BOE nº 9, 10 y 11 de 9, 10 y 11 de enero de 1985).Real Decreto 1044/1987, de 31 de julio, por el que se regula la elaboración de zumos de uva en armonización con la normativa comunitaria. (BOE nº 207 de 29 de agosto).Orden de 27 de abril de 1988, del ministerio de Relaciones con las cortes y de la secretaria del gobierno, por la que se aprueban los métodos oficiales de análisis de zumos de uva (BOE nº 110, de 7 de mayo de 1988). Orden de 29 de enero de 1988 de ministerio de Relaciones con las cortes y de la secretaría del gobierno por el que se aprueban los métodos oficiales de análisis de zumos de frutas y otros vegetales y sus derivados. (BOE nº 31, de 5 de febrero de 1988 y corrección de errores en BOE nº 95, de 20 de abril de 1988). Real Decreto 670/1990, de 25 de mayo, por el que se aprueba la norma de calidad para confituras, jaleas y mermelada de frutas, crema de castañas y mermelada de frutas. (BOE nº 130 de 31 de mayo y corrección de errores en BOE nº 224 de 18 de septiembre).Real Decreto 1650/1991, de 8 de noviembre, por el que se aprueba la Reglamentación Técnico-Sanitaria para la elaboración y venta de zumos de frutas y de otros productos similares. (BOE nº 278 de 20 de noviembre).