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Reintegration & Community Recovery Cluster Kinshasa. Provincial Cluster Leads from Bunia, ... Increase advocacy and training in Kinshasa, at provincial and local levels ...

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    1. CWGER Inter-Agency Mission to DRC

    UNDP, UNHCR, OCHA 22 October – 2 November 2007

    2. Reintegration & Community Recovery Cluster – Kinshasa Provincial Cluster Leads from Bunia,Goma, Bukavu, Kalemie and Lubumbashi (workshop in Bukavu) IASC Humanitarian Advocacy Group (HAG) Inter-Agency Provincial Committee - North-Kivu DSRSG/HC/RC; UNDP CD; UNHCR CD MONUC Civil Affairs Section (Kinshasa, Bukavu, Goma) Government Task Force on National Strategy for Reintegration Governor of North Kivu

    Sensitize and raise the awareness of UN agencies, NGOs, donors, Government and other key actors (humanitarian and otherwise) on all aspects of early recovery within the framework of the cluster approach.  Explain the role of the global Cluster Working Group on Early Recovery (CWGER) and outline the tools available to support early recovery processes at the country level.

    DRC EUROPE Atelier d’échanges et d’harmonisation du Cluster Réintégration et Relance Communautaire et du Cluster Global sur le Relèvement Précoce (CWGER) Bukavu, le 27 octobre 2007 OBJECTIF : Aider les responsables des clusters RRC à mieux gérer et coordonner leurs clusters et à raffiner la réponse aux besoins des populations dans le processus de relèvement précoce durant la période de transition de l’urgence vers le développement. RESULTATS ESCOMPTES : Bâtir une compréhension commune du Relèvement Précoce. Partager les activités existantes ou prévues, les méthodologies et outils des clusters RRC et du cluster global, et établir des synergies Etablir des critères communs de sélection des zones prioritaires, et des besoins des populations Identifier les ressources nécessaires et les partenariats Identifier des actions spécifiques à entreprendre avant la fin de l’année au niveau provincial, national et global pour améliorer la réponse et l’impact des clusters RRC

    5. Return & Reintegration one of the priorities of the DRC Humanitarian Action Plan Lack of clarity on ER concepts and mechanisms Prioritization Funding Capacity Logistics & Security constraints

    Discuss the advancement and challenges for partners in implementing early recovery activities and processes, particularly within the framework of the cluster approach and identify concrete areas of support from the global-level Cluster Working Group on Early Recovery (CWGER).


    Update on the potential impact of political unrest in North Kivu on early recovery processes in Eastern DRC, including a particular focus on the impact of unrest on women and girls (SGBV and HIV/Aids) North Kivu in a logic of war Concentration of Government and rebel troops Civilians are armed Potential spillover other provinces Potential regional conflict International and regional efforts to diffuse tension

    7. Return & Reintegration Rule of Law SGBV IDPs / Host families conflict mitigation Multi-year donor commitments Inter-cluster commitments

    Consider which early recovery activities might enhance the protection of the civil population, and of the displaced in particular.

    8. Reintegration and Community Recovery cluster Kinshasa Provinces (Bunia, Kisangani, Goma, Bukavu, Kalemie, Lubumbashi, Mbandaka) Outreach strategy Comparative advantage Improved management of scarce resources Wider advocacy and training

    Review ER cluster TORs, respective roles and responsibilities of each co-lead under the established co-leadership mechanism at national and provincial levels, as well as relationship/interaction of ER cluster with other clusters, and the integration of cross-cutting issues. Review OCHA’s role in the inter-cluster system and suggest ways to strengthen collaboration.

    9. Integrity and name of the cluster should not be questioned Name of the cluster provides clearer focus than ER Need some reinforcement (e.g. secretariat) and a clearer division of labor between co-leading agencies RCR cluster must engage more other clusters

    Gouvernement –autorites locales - Gouvernement –autorites locales - Gouvernement –autorites locales - Gouvernement –autorites locales Gouvernement –autorites locales - Gouvernement –autorites locales - Gouvernement –autorites locales - Gouvernement –autorites locales - Gouvernement –autorites locales - Gouvernement –autorites locales - Gouvernement –autorites locales - Gouvernement –autorites locales Gouvernement –autorites locales - Gouvernement –autorites locales - Gouvernement –autorites locales - Gouvernement –autorites locales - PROTECTION EAU, ASSAINISSEMENT & HYGIENE ABRIS & BIENS NON-ALIMENTAIRES AUTOSUFFISANCE GOUVERNANCE REINSTALLATION DURABLE ACTIVITES DE PRODUCTION EDUCATION SANTE SECURITE ALIMENTAIRE LOGISTIQUE NUTRITION Coordination INFRASTRUCTURES VIH/SIDA Questions sexo-specifiques Environnement THEMES TRANSVERSAUX RELEVEMENT PRECOCE CLUSTERS HUMANITAIRES RETOUR & RELANCE COMMUNAUTAIRE

    10. CLICK - Ad-hoc groups can be set up if and as needed for important areas that are not covered by other clusters, e.g. Livelihoods, Reintegration, Governance, Land and Property). Within the UN system, the HC/RC has the lead responsibility for coordinating the early recovery efforts of international actors in cooperation with national organizations. The IASC has given UNDP the mandate to lead the Early Recovery Cluster. However, early recovery is not limited to the work of one Cluster. All country-level Cluster Leads are responsible for the integration of early recovery issues within respective Clusters. In order to encourage the integration of early recovery issues into the work of other Clusters, an Early Recovery Network model is recommended. Cross-cutting issues are essential areas of concern which need to be tackled across sectors in a coherent and integrated manner. Some of the main cross-cutting issues that should particularly be considered and integrated during the design and implementation of programmes are: age, gender equality, HIV/AIDS, protection, human rights and environment, and conflict sensitivity/prevention, disaster reduction, Rule of Law, security. The prime responsibility to respond to population needs remains with the Government. Coordination in the early recovery phase should be led by government structures unless the crisis has negatively affected the capacity of authorities at the national and local level. CLICK - Ad-hoc groups can be set up if and as needed for important areas that are not covered by other clusters, e.g. Livelihoods, Reintegration, Governance, Land and Property). Within the UN system, the HC/RC has the lead responsibility for coordinating the early recovery efforts of international actors in cooperation with national organizations. The IASC has given UNDP the mandate to lead the Early Recovery Cluster. However, early recovery is not limited to the work of one Cluster. All country-level Cluster Leads are responsible for the integration of early recovery issues within respective Clusters. In order to encourage the integration of early recovery issues into the work of other Clusters, an Early Recovery Network model is recommended. Cross-cutting issues are essential areas of concern which need to be tackled across sectors in a coherent and integrated manner. Some of the main cross-cutting issues that should particularly be considered and integrated during the design and implementation of programmes are: age, gender equality, HIV/AIDS, protection, human rights and environment, and conflict sensitivity/prevention, disaster reduction, Rule of Law, security. The prime responsibility to respond to population needs remains with the Government. Coordination in the early recovery phase should be led by government structures unless the crisis has negatively affected the capacity of authorities at the national and local level.

    11. Increase advocacy and training in Kinshasa, at provincial and local levels Finalize and promote the Return & Reintegration Assistance Framework for DRC Strengthen linkages with National Strategy for Reintegration Local action plans based on provincial priorities Joint programming

    Review the effectiveness of partnerships within early recovery processes (particularly between UN agencies, local authorities, INGOs and CSOs, IFIs, development actors, donors and bilaterals).

    13. Meeting with Task Force on National Strategy for Reintegration Need for stronger Government commitment Need for stronger international support

    Highlight gaps, challenges and opportunities in the development of a national strategy for return and reintegration. Identify elements related to early recovery that can form part of a comprehensive transitional strategy.

    14. Recommendations and next steps

    Business as usual? or business unusual?

    15. RCR provincial clusters to sequence priority areas (1 per province) RCR cluster leads to choose 2 priority areas for next country support mission CWGER support mission to DRC scheduled on 14 to 25 January 2007: technical support in 2 priority areas + advocacy and conceptual clarification in provinces and Kinshasa CWGER to comment on Return & Reintegration Assistance Framework after endorsement of RCR cluster

    16. RCR to develop joint work plans with MONUC CAS Support RCR with drafting of provincial action plans RCR needs to identify practical areas of intervention, not just gaps and the provision of strategic direction Cluster leads (UNDP and UNHCR) to strengthen capacity at national level and provincial level and propose structure for improved management of resources

    17. UNHCR should concentrate on the reintegration angle of the cluster while UNDP should concentrate on the "network" side of ER Link RCR cluster coordination and secretariat of Community Dynamics working group in the Country Assistance Framework (CAF) UNHCR may also opt out of the co-lead by 2009 Rule of Law to be addressed jointly by the Protection and the RCR Clusters in DRC CWGER to advocate and mobilize resources for early recovery in DRC Develop innovative approaches for funding and implementing early recovery in DRC

    18. Original spirit of pooled fund? Discussions on fund allocations at the expense of coordination? OCHA’s skills and capacity for advocacy and analysis overpowered by time needed for pool fund. Pooled fund priorities need to go beyond ‘life saving activities’ as these tend to exclude ER projects

    19. Vision without action is a daydream Action without vision is a nightmare

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