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Three-Year WMAP Observations: Method and Results

This presentation provides an overview of the method and results from the three-year observations of the Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP). The presentation covers the differential measurement technique inherited from COBE, the design of the WMAP spacecraft, the angular power spectrum of the cosmic microwave background (CMB), and the physics of CMB anisotropy. It also discusses the measurement of small-scale anisotropy, the coupling between photons and baryons, and the weighing of dark matter.

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Three-Year WMAP Observations: Method and Results

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  1. Three-Year WMAP Observations: Method and Results Eiichiro Komatsu Department of Astronomy HEP Seminar, April 27, 2006

  2. David Wilkinson (1935~2002) • Science Team Meeting, July, 2002

  3. The Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe • A microwave satellite working at L2 • Five frequency bands • K (22GHz), Ka (33GHz), Q (41GHz), V (61GHz), W (94GHz) • The Key Feature: Differential Measurement • The technique inherited from COBE • 10 “Differencing Assemblies” (DAs) • K1, Ka1, Q1, Q2, V1, V2, W1, W2, W3, & W4, each consisting of two radiometers that are sensitive to orthogonal linear polarization modes. • Temperature anisotropy is measured by single difference. • Polarization anisotropy is measured by double difference.

  4. WMAP Spacecraft upper omni antenna back to back line of sight Gregorian optics, 1.4 x 1.6 m primaries 60K passive thermal radiator focal plane assembly feed horns secondary 90K reflectors thermally isolated instrument cylinder 300K warm spacecraft with: medium gain antennae - instrument electronics - attitude control/propulsion - command/data handling deployed solar array w/ web shielding - battery and power control MAP990422

  5. WMAP Focal Plane • 10 DAs (K, Ka, Q1, Q2, V1, V2, W1-W4) • Beams measured by observing Jupiter.

  6. WMAP Goes To L2 0.010 • June 30, 2001 • Launch • Phasing loop • July 30, 2001 • Lunar Swingby • October 1, 2001 • Arrive at L2 • October 2002 • 1st year data • February 11, 2003 • 1st data release • October 2003 • 2nd year data • October 2004 • 3rd year data • March 16, 2006 • 2nd data release 0.005 Earth Y (AU) L2 0.000 -0.005 -0.010 1.000 1.005 1.010 X (AU)

  7. K band (22GHz)

  8. Ka Band (33GHz)

  9. Q Band (41GHz)

  10. V Band (61GHz)

  11. W Band (94GHz)

  12. Intensity Mask

  13. The Angular Power Spectrum • CMB temperature anisotropy is very close to Gaussian; thus, its spherical harmonic transform, alm, is also Gaussian. • Since alm is Gaussian, the power spectrum: completely specifies statistical properties of CMB.

  14. WMAP 3-yr Power Spectrum


  16. Use temperature fluctuations, Q=DT/T, instead off: Expand the Boltzmann equation to the first order in perturbations: where describes the Sachs-Wolfe effect: purely GR fluctuations.

  17. For metric perturbations in the form of: Newtonian potential Curvature perturbations the Sachs-Wolfe terms are given by wheregis the directional cosine of photon propagations. • The 1st term = gravitational redshift • The 2nd term = integrated Sachs-Wolfe effect h00/2 (higher T) Dhij/2

  18. Small-scale Anisotropy (<2 deg) • When coupling is strong, photons and baryons move together and behave as a perfect fluid. • When coupling becomes less strong, the photon-baryon fluid acquires shearviscosity. • So, the problem can be formulated as “hydrodynamics”. (c.f. The Sachs-Wolfe effect was pure GR.) Collision term describing coupling between photons and baryons via electron scattering.

  19. Boltzmann Equation to Hydrodynamics • Multipole expansion • Energy density, Velocity, Stress Monopole: Energy density Dipole: Velocity Quadrupole: Stress

  20. CONTINUITY EULER Photon-baryon coupling Photon Transport Equations f2=9/10 (no polarization), 3/4 (with polarization) FA = -h00/2, FH = hii/2 tC=Thomson scattering optical depth

  21. Baryon Transport Cold Dark Matter

  22. The Strong Coupling Regime SOUND WAVE!

  23. The Wave Form Tells Us Cosmological Parameters Higher baryon density • Lower sound speed • Compress more • Higher peaks at compression phase (even peaks)

  24. Weighing Dark Matter wheregis the directional cosine of photon propagations. • The 1st term = gravitational redshift • The 2nd term = integrated Sachs-Wolfe effect h00/2 (higher T) Dhij/2 During the radiation dominated epoch, even CDM fluctuations cannot grow (the expansion of the Universe is too fast); thus, dark matter potential gets shallower and shallower as the Universe expands --> potential decay --> ISW --> Boost Cl.

  25. Weighing Dark Matter • Smaller dark matter density • More time for potential to decay • Higher first peak

  26. Measuring Geometry Sound cross. length • W=1 • W<1

  27. K Band (23 GHz) Dominated by synchrotron; Note that polarization direction is perpendicular to the magnetic field lines.

  28. Ka Band (33 GHz) Synchrotron decreases as n-3.2 from K to Ka band.

  29. Q Band (41 GHz) We still see significant polarized synchrotron in Q.

  30. V Band (61 GHz) The polarized foreground emission is also smallest in V band. We can also see that noise is larger on the ecliptic plane.

  31. W Band (94 GHz) While synchrotron is the smallest in W, polarized dust (hard to see by eyes) may contaminate in W band more than in V band.

  32. Polarization Mask fsky=0.743

  33. Seljak & Zaldarriaga (1997); Kamionkowski, Kosowsky, Stebbins (1997) Jargon: E-mode and B-mode • Polarization is a rank-2 tensor field. • One can decompose it into a divergence-like “E-mode” and a vorticity-like “B-mode”. E-mode B-mode

  34. Polarized Light Un-filtered Polarized Light Filtered

  35. Physics of CMB Polarization • Thomson scattering generates polarization, if… • Temperature quadrupole exists around an electron • Where does quadrupole come from? • Quadrupole is generated by shear viscosity of photon-baryon fluid, which is generated by velocity gradient. electron isotropic no net polarization anisotropic net polarization

  36. Boltzmann Equation • Temperature anisotropy, Q, can be generated by gravitational effect (noted as “SW” = Sachs-Wolfe) • Linear polarization (Q & U) is generated only by scattering (noted as “C” = Compton scattering). • Circular polarization (V) would not be generated. (Next slide.)

  37. Sources of Polarization • Linear polarization (Q and U) will be generated from 1/10 of temperature quadrupole. • Circular polarization (V) will NOT be generated. No source term, if V was initially zero.

  38. Monopole Dipole Photon Transport Equation Quadrupole f2=3/4 FA = -h00/2, FH = hii/2 tC=Thomson scattering optical depth

  39. Primordial Gravity Waves • Gravity waves create quadrupolar temperature anisotropy -> Polarization • Directly generate polarization without kV. • Most importantly, GW creates B mode.

  40. Power Spectrum Scalar T Tensor T Scalar E Tensor E Tensor B

  41. Polarization From Reionization • CMB was emitted at z~1088. • Some fraction of CMB was re-scattered in a reionized universe. • The reionization redshift of ~11 would correspond to 365 million years after the Big-Bang. IONIZED z=1088, t~1 NEUTRAL First-star formation z~11, t~0.1 REIONIZED z=0

  42. Measuring Optical Depth • Since polarization is generated by scattering, the amplitude is given by the number of scattering, or optical depth of Thomson scattering: which is related to the electron column number density as

  43. Polarization from Reioniazation “Reionization Bump”

  44. Masking Is Not Enough: Foreground Must Be Cleaned • Outside P06 • EE (solid) • BB (dashed) • Black lines • Theory EE • tau=0.09 • Theory BB • r=0.3 • Frequency = Geometric mean of two frequencies used to compute Cl Rough fit to BB FG in 60GHz

  45. Clean FG • Only two-parameter fit! • Dramatic improvement in chi-squared. • The cleaned Q and V maps have the reduced chi-squared of ~1.02 per DOF=4534 (outside P06)

  46. 3-sigma detection of EE. The “Gold” multipoles: l=3,4,5,6. BB consistent with zero after FG removal.

  47. Parameter Determination: First Year vs Three Years • The simplest LCDM model fits the data very well. • A power-law primordial power spectrum • Three relativistic neutrino species • Flat universe with cosmological constant • The maximum likelihood values very consistent • Matter density and sigma8 went down slightly

  48. Constraints on GW • Our ability to constrain the amplitude of gravity waves is still coming mostly from the temperature spectrum. • r<0.55 (95%) • The B-mode spectrum adds very little. • WMAP would have to integrate for at least 15 years to detect the B-mode spectrum from inflation.

  49. What Should WMAP Say About Inflation Models? Hint for ns<1 Zero GW The 1-d marginalized constraint from WMAP alone is ns=0.95+-0.02. GW>0 The 2-d joint constraint still allows for ns=1 (HZ).

  50. What Should WMAP Say About Flatness? Flatness, or very low Hubble’s constant? If H=30km/s/Mpc, a closed universe with Omega=1.3 w/o cosmological constant still fits the WMAP data.

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