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Discover the truth behind the most common myths surrounding digital transformation and learn how to achieve success in the age of disruption. Join Erik Rynearson, Director of Business Consulting at COMPAREX, as he debunks these myths and provides insights on leveraging technology, aligning business and IT strategies, and developing the right skill sets for effective transformation.
Five Myths of Digital Transformation Erik Rynearson COMPAREX THR2288
Director Business Consulting COMPAREX Erik Rynearson is a seasoned technology executive with experience consulting growing enterprises to the Fortune 500. Erik leads COMPAREX's global digital transformation practice advising clients in 35 countries on the opportunities, threats, and strategies for achieving their maximum potential in the age of disruption. Having built several companies from the ground up, Erik has extensive experience in creating innovative solutions for top tier customers and anticipating market demands. Erik Rynearson Director Business Consulting Erik.Rynearson@Comparex.com Erik Rynearson
By Your Side in a Digital World Our goal is to inspire our customers with the possibilities and opportunities for their digital transformation. Our innovative services leverage and support software products and cloud technologies, leading to an overall improvement in workforce productivity. With over 80 locations in 35 countries around the world, COMPAREX supports all customers from small businesses to large, international corporations, as well as public institutions, along their digital journey. COMPAREX
Digital transformation is the integration of digital technology into all areas of a business resulting in fundamental changes to how businesses operate and how they deliver value to customers. Strategy drives transformation. What is Digital Transformation Success relies on people.
The path to transformation starts with an honest assessment of your company’s technology maturity. Business Priorities - We assess each customer to understand their unique business priorities. We discover where our customer has a business need and interest. We align the customer feedback into the roadmap. + Technology Usage - We assess our customers’ current technology situation to derive a score for each customer within the maturity framework. = Technology Maturity Transformation Readiness
Myth 1: Transformation means completely recasting the business
Myth 1: Transformation means completely recasting the business. Leveraging technology not just for efficiency and effectiveness, but to transform the business and enable new business opportunities. Improve and expand your company's core strengths. Create a competitive advantage.
Myth 2: Digital transformation is a specific project or single initiative
Myth 2: Digital transformation is a specific project or single initiative Don't define "transformation" by completing a technology implementation or hitting a strategic milestone. Cycle of putting in the right pieces, and continuing to remove legacy technologies. Exploring what's new and investing in the right evolving technologies to stay competitive.
Myth 3: IT can do it alone Digital transformation is often driven by the IT organization. But there still must be a level of receptiveness in the business [leadership]. IT must build credibility and respect to get the business, and board and leadership level, to go along. IT leaders need to educate and inform. You can't separate business strategy from technology strategy.
Myth 4: IT is up to the task Transforming your company won't go far if you don't have the needed IT infrastructure and the right skill sets to implement your strategy. Organizations need to have the right building blocks in place to power change. Employing tech workers who can think creatively about business solutions. Developing a culture that moves as fast as business and is capable of taking risks.
Myth 5: IT roles are safe because digital transformation relies on technology
Myth 5: IT roles are safe because digital transformation relies on technology IT leaders need to be visionaries, otherwise they'll be tasked with handling the technology plumbing while their companies carve out new positions i.e. chief digital officer role Work with business, product development, marketing and sales, and you're bringing to them the art of the possible. Here's how we can use technology to do things differently.
Erik.Rynearson@comparex.com linkedin.com/in/erik-rynearson-4b58241 Connect @RynearsonErik Learn 5 Techniques that Help Improve User Adoption The IT Guide to Microsoft 365, the Universe and Everything Digital Transformation and Business Operations The Key to a Successful Digital Transformation
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