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English Renaissance Poetry:

English Renaissance Poetry:. Sonnets. Background. Invented by Francesco Petrarch Inspired by his unrequited love for a married Italian socialite 14 lines Iambic pentameter A “turn” at or after line 9. The White Doe by Francesco Petrarch. Quatrain. A pure-white doe in an emerald glade

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English Renaissance Poetry:

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Presentation Transcript

  1. English Renaissance Poetry: Sonnets

  2. Background Invented by Francesco Petrarch Inspired by his unrequited love for a married Italian socialite 14 lines Iambic pentameter A “turn” at or after line 9

  3. The White Doeby Francesco Petrarch Quatrain A pure-white doe in an emerald glade Appeared to me with two antlers of gold Between two streams, under a laurel’s shade, At sunrise, in the season’s bitter cold. Her sight was so suavely merciless That I left work to follow her at leisure Like the miser who looking for his treasure Sweetens with that delight in his bitterness. Around her lovely neck, “Do not touch me” Was written with topaz and diamond stone, “My Caesar’s will has been to make me free.” Already toward noon had climbed the sun, My weary eyes were not sated to see When I fell in the stream and she was gone. Octave Sestet

  4. Parts of a sonnet Quatrain: a four-line segment Octave or octet: the first eight lines Sestet: the last six lines Couplet: the last two lines, rhymed

  5. Sidney’s sonnets Petrarchan rhyme scheme: ABBAABBACDCDEE Speaker “Astrophel” (“star-lover”) Beloved “Stella” (“star”) Inspired by a real woman Employ apostrophe

  6. Spenserian sonnet Interlocking rhyme scheme: ABABBCBCCDCDEE Requited and unrequited love Fictitious love interest Archaic language

  7. Shakespearean sonnets General loosening of focus and structure Shakespearean rhyme scheme: ABABCDCDEFEFGG Address different aspects of love, not usually unrequited Turn at line 9 or line 13 (or both) Idealized view of spiritual love

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