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Fruit. Learning Targets. Explore ways fruits fit into a healthful eating plan. Explain how to select and store fruit. Demonstrate correct procedures for preparing fruit by completing a recipe in the food lab. There are several reasons why it is important to include fruit in

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  1. Fruit

  2. Learning Targets • Explore ways fruits fit into a healthful eating plan

  3. Explain how to select and store fruit

  4. Demonstrate correct procedures for preparing fruit by completing a recipe in the food lab.

  5. There are several reasons why it is important to include fruit in a daily eating plan.

  6. a. Fruit adds colorandflavor to meals.

  7. b. Fruit makes a delicious SNACK.

  8. c. Fruits are nutritious

  9. Fruits are easy toprepare

  10. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Fruits can be low in cost.

  11. 2. You should have 1-1/2 to 2 cups of fruit each day. day.

  12. 3. Fruits are a good source of carbohydratesfor energy…..

  13. …..and fiber for good digestion.

  14. 4. Fruits arelow in sodium and fat ….

  15. ….and have no cholesterol.

  16. 5. Good sources of Vitamin C: • Melons • Kiwis • Citrus Fruits • Strawberries

  17. Good sources of Vitamin A Deep yellow fruits such as • Mangoes • Cantaloupes • Apricots • Peaches

  18. Good sources of the mineralPotassium • Bananas • Cantaloupes • Oranges • Nectarines

  19. Forms of Fruit Fresh Canned Frozen Dried Juice

  20. 6. When fruit is “in season” supply is greatest.

  21. This means that thequality of the fruit is highest at this time and theprices are usually lower.

  22. 7. Fruits that are ripe have developed their full flavor and sweetness.

  23. 8. Some fruits stop ripening when they are picked and should be bought fully ripe

  24. 9. Some fruits continue to ripen after being picked. Buy these fruits according to when you will use them. • For immediate use buy ripe ones • Choose slightly underripe fruit to use later.

  25. Buying Fresh Fruit High quality fresh fruits have the best flavor and nutrition.

  26. How can you judge quality and ripeness?Shop for fruits that have the following characteristics:

  27. Signs of quality: a. Full size. Fruits that are smaller than normal were picked too soon and will not ripen properly b. The right color. Fruits should have good, full color

  28. Plump and heavy for their size. This usually means they are juicy. d. Free of decay , damage, or mold. Avoid fruits with mushy brown spots or powdery areas. e. Firm to the touch. Very soft fruit may be overripe and lack flavor.

  29. Guidelines for Storing Fruits a. Don’t wash fresh fruits until you are ready to use them. b. Refrigerate ripe fruits as soon as you bring them home. Use as soon as possible. c. Let slightly underripe fruits stand at room temperature. To speed ripening, put them in a paper bag.

  30. d. Store cut fruits in an airtight container. e. Store frozen fruits in the freezer until needed. Thaw in the refrigerator. f. Store unopened cans in a cool dry place. g. Refrigerate leftover canned fruit in an airtight container, not in the can.

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