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Lightning Phenomenon and Safety Measures

Learn about lightning, its causes, and the risks associated with it. Understand who is most likely to be struck by lightning and how to stay safe during thunderstorms. Discover Colorado's most lethal weather phenomena and how to anticipate lightning strikes.

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Lightning Phenomenon and Safety Measures

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Chapter 20 : Lightning Lightning ISS

  2. Have you ever been struck by lightning (or had a close encounter of the first, second, or third kind) ?A. NoB. Close enough for a good scareC. in a house or car that was hitD. Yes – felt it (zap or tingling)E. Yes – ouch

  3. What is Lightning ?

  4. The atmosphere normally has a voltage gradient of 100 volts/meter… … which may sound like a lot, but what happens when you stand one meter from a 110 volt outlet ?

  5. It takes about 1,000,000 volts/meter to cause a spark.That’s 10,000 volts per centimeter.

  6. Who is most likely to be struck by lightning ? A. Zippy the pinheadB. Stan the round headC. Johnny FlatheadD. They’re all equally likely to be struck(assume they’re all the same height and made out of the same stuff)

  7. Who is most likely to be struck by lightning ? A. Zippy the pinheadB. Stan the round headC. Johnny FlatheadD. They’re all equally likely to be struck(assume they’re all the same height and made out of the same stuff)

  8. What causes electrical charges in clouds ?

  9. + ▬ +

  10. What is Colorado’s most lethal weather phenomena in a typical year? A. Floods B. Tornadoes & Hurricanes C. Chinook wind storms D. Lightning E. Avalanches & Blizzards

  11. What is Colorado’s most lethal weather phenomena in a typical year? A. Floods (on average) B. Tornadoes & Hurricanes C. Chinook wind storms D. Lightning (typically) E. Avalanches & Blizzards (sometimes)

  12. Most fatal lightning strikes occur…(based on a study of 8 cases in Colorado) A. With the first lightning strike in the area B. When lightning is increasing before the rain C. At the height of the storm (peak lightning and rain) D. After the rain ends and the storm is moving on E. With the last lightning strike in the area

  13. Most fatal lightning strikes occur…(based on a study of 8 cases in Colorado) • With the first lightning strike in the area What’s this mean? You should anticipate lightning before it occurs in your area! Watch the skies – clouds development and motion. When you hear thunder and lightning is nearby, the danger is already on top of you.

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