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Analytic model for elastic scattering losses from colliding condensates

This study presents a comprehensive quantum model to analyze how spontaneously initiated emissions transition to stimulated mode in scattered atoms, forming a squeezed state resembling a multi-component condensate. The model allows calculation of mode occupation dynamics and full statistics of scattered atoms, serving as a test ground for stochastic methods.

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Analytic model for elastic scattering losses from colliding condensates

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Analytic model for elastic scattering losses from colliding condensates M. Trippenbach P. Zin, J. Chwedenczuk, A. Perez Physics Department, Warsaw University, Yehuda Band Chemistry Department, Ben Gurion University

  2. Outline • Spontaneous & Stimulated – processes • Examples from Quantum Optics • Examples from BEC (elastic scattering) • Stochastic Approach • Benchmark – our simple quantum model to study properties of the scattered atoms

  3. Parametric down conversion

  4. Superradiance

  5. Bragg Scattering

  6. Elastic collisions

  7. Model - 1

  8. Model - 2

  9. Model - 3

  10. Summary • We presented FULL quantum model (multimodel) to study how spontaneously initiated emission can get into stimulated mode • Scattered atoms form a squeezed state that can be viewed as a multi-component condensate. • Not only are we able to calculate the dynamics of mode occupation, but also the full statistics ofscattered atoms. • Test ground for other (stochastic) methods

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