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2 nd Brainstorm session BH60A1101 Environmental Technology Project Work : Sustainable Innovation 5 ECTS cr Autumn 2011. Content of the second brainstorm session. Recap of the 1st BSS Project themes : Waste Food Sanitation and water Auxiliary processes Project work reflection.
2nd Brainstorm sessionBH60A1101 Environmental Technology Project Work: SustainableInnovation 5 ECTS crAutumn 2011
Content of the secondbrainstorm session • Recap of the 1st BSS • Project themes: • Waste • Food • Sanitation and water • Auxiliaryprocesses • Project workreflection
Recap of 1st BSS • Whatyouthoughtabout the firstbrainstorm session? Excluding the projectwork! Footer
Project themes: waste, sanitation, food http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G9Uts3toNvg&NR=1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YTh18HT0Ogo&feature=related DVD: Howcanwefeed the world - Complexity and interlinkingproblems. http://www.kuwasha.org/ An example of provinga holisticelectricitysystem.
Brainstorm 1: Technology/process Stepone: Choose a theme(s) (energy, waste, water, sanitation, food) in a group. Writesimpletechnology/processsolutions in the group Steptwo: rotate the paperevery 1 minute!
Group brainstorm: Criteria Anytechnology/ solutionthatwillbeintroduced to a developing country setting shouldfill the followingcriteria: SMART Simple Maintenancefriendly Adaptable Reliable Timely to markets Alsoremember the threeaspects of sustainability:
Auxiliaryprocesses • Financingservices for the BOP (bottom of the pyramid)? http://energyincommon.org/ http://www.myc4.com/Portal/Default.aspx • Vouchers • http://www.burnerswithoutborders.org/ecological http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mT65enRIoNY&feature=player_embedded# • ICT-solutions • Crowdsourcing (receiving/diffusinginformation) (e.g. Winawa, ) • Providingservices (market, weatherinformation) • Concept: social entrepreneurship= form of business in which as equal as creatingprofit is to create social value.
Brainstorm 2: Auxiliaryprocesses Whatinnovation is missingfromyourproject? Whatservicesdoesyourprojectneed? Howwillyoursolutionreach the people? Gapfillingtechnique: Whatdoyouneed to getfrom AB (ACD … B) Exaggeration: Whatifyouwouldhave to providethissolution to only 1 person? To 1000? 1 million? Whatchanges?
Project workreflection • Suggestion: memos of meetings • Trouble of choosing the projectwork? • Otherproblems? • Possibility to concentrate on certainsectors (auxiliary) processes? Such as ICT-solutions. • Assistant’sapprovalneeded! • Otherareasgroupwants to concentrate on? • Eachgroupreserves a time to meet the assistantweeks 48-49 (50 possibleifnecessary)
Project workbrainstorm for the group Howcouldyoudevelop a valueaddingsystem in a developing country? • Energy • Waste management • Agriculture/access-to-markets • Water and sanitationservices Whatifyouhadplenty of resources? People, time, money.. Brainstormwithgroup, whatkind of systemyouwoulddevelop? Technology, roles of differentpeople, money flows.. Needs, problem, solution, resources, money, causes, results, culprits, challenges… Who, what, where, when, why, how? REMEMBER THREE CORE POINTS OF SHARED VALUE: Redefining • Products and services • Productivity in the valuechain • Clusterdevelopment Whatinnovation is missingfromyourproject?
The coursepersonnel • Assistant Liisa Lahti liisa.lahti@lut.fi room 6530 Footer