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The accreditation of live educational events by the UEMS- EACCME

The accreditation of live educational events by the UEMS- EACCME. How to submit an application : online at www.eaccme.eu no less than 12 weeks from the planned start date late applications are not permitted no retrospective evaluation/accreditation. Application form :

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The accreditation of live educational events by the UEMS- EACCME

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  1. The accreditation of live educational events by the UEMS-EACCME

  2. How to submit an application: • online at www.eaccme.eu • no less than 12 weeks from the planned start date • late applications are not permitted • no retrospective evaluation/accreditation

  3. Application form: • application must be specific for the date(s) and venue of the LEE • all the criteria must be completed • application form to be completed in English • additional material must be submitted in electronic format

  4. Geographicalcoverage: The UEMS-EACCME accepts applications for LEEs: • Europe • The rest of the world (if the LEE willbeattended by doctorsresident in the EU/EEA) except forLEEsheld in the USA and Canada (agreements of mutual recognition of credits)

  5. Applicant Request > 12 weeks UEMS - EACCME N.A.A. Sections Evaluation Evaluation UEMS - EACCME Certificate of Accreditation Applicant

  6. UEMS-EACCME credits: • 1 ECMEC = 1 hourof learning • maximum of 3 creditsfor a halfdayactivity • maximum of 6 creditsfor a full dayactivity

  7. UEMS-EACCME fees (as of January 2012): 0 – 250 participants 350 € 251 – 500 650 € 501 – 1000 950 € 1001 – 2000 1250 € 2001 – 5000 2450 € more than 5000 4250 €

  8. UEMS-EACCME invoices • payable within 5 days of receipt of the invoice • please do not forget to quote the invoicereference on yourbanktransfer • no possibility to change any information on the invoice once it has been issued • no refund in case of refusal / cancellation • no fastlane, no rush fees

  9. UEMS-EACCME accreditation and statements Until accreditation has been granted, only permissible statement: « An application has been made to the EACCME for CME accreditation of thisevent » The use of anystatementthatsuggeststhat accreditation has been (provisionally) grantedwillresult in automatic rejection of the application.

  10. UEMS-EACCME accreditation and statements Use of the UEMS logo ispermittedonlyafter confirmation of accreditation has been made. Anyunauthorised use of the UEMS logo willresult in action beingtaken by the UEMS.

  11. UEMS-EACCME accreditation Accreditation isvalidonly for the specificeventdesignated on the application form. It is not permissible to transferthis accreditation to anyotherevent.

  12. UEMS-EACCME certificate • template of certificatewith maximum number of creditsthatcanbeclaimed for the LEE • participants canonly claim creditsaccording to theiractualattendance • no commercial logo canbeadded

  13. Provider’s obligations after accreditation granted: • keepattendancelists • delivercertificates to the participants • collectevaluationformsfrom the participants • return event report to UEMS-EACCME within 4 weeks

  14. Contact information Administrative query: accreditation@uems.net Technical assistance: helpdesk@uems.net

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