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2014-2015 Open House & Curriculum Night

2014-2015 Open House & Curriculum Night. A Little Bit About Your Teachers…. Mrs. Laug & Mrs. Perry. Questions. Please use the post-its at your table to record any questions you may have during tonight’s presentation and leave them in the basket by the door.

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2014-2015 Open House & Curriculum Night

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Presentation Transcript

  1. 2014-2015 Open House & Curriculum Night

  2. A Little Bit About Your Teachers… Mrs. Laug & Mrs. Perry

  3. Questions • Please use the post-its at your • table to record any questions you • may have during tonight’s presentation • and leave them in the basket by the • door. • We will compile a FAQ response • sheet and email it out in our next • edition of Classroom News.

  4. Homeroom Schedule Mrs. Laug 8:45-9:15     Morning Work9:15-10:45   Math10:45-11:30   Science/S.S 11:30 Switch 11:30-12:35   Reading12:40-1:10     Lunch1:10-1:30       Reading Continued1:30-2:00     Recess 2:00-2:50   Writing2:50 -3:35   Specials3:40-3:45     Dismissal Specials Schedule Day 1 Media Day 2 Music Day 3 PE Day 4 Art Day 5 Technology Day 6 PE

  5. Homeroom Schedule Mrs. Perry 8:45-9:15     Morning Work9:15-10:45   Reading10:45-11:30   Writing 11:30 Switch 11:30-12:35   Math12:40-1:10    Lunch1:10-1:30       Math Continued1:30-2:00     Recess 2:00-2:50     Science/S.S.2:50 -3:35     Specials3:40-3:45     Dismissal Specials Schedule Day 1 Technology Day 2 Art Day 3 PE Day 4 Media Day 5 Music Day 6 PE

  6. Teaming in 4th • Both teachers work together to address student needs and integrate learning. • Conferences will be held with both teachers at the same time. • Please help us by including both teachers on emails regarding • your child.

  7. Home/School Communication • Tuesday Folders • School Website- • http://cedarfork.weebly.com/ • Classroom Websites – • http://mrslaug.weebly.com • http://mrsperry4thgrade.weebly.com • Email-Classroom News • plaug@wcpss.net or gperry@wcpss.net

  8. Report Cards • Standards Based Grades • Conduct and Work Habits scores • November 5th for Quarter 1 Interims • September 23rd • Once per quarter • New format generated through PowerSchools. No comments. Students will receive two copes (one for ELA and one for Math/Science/SS)

  9. Standards Based Grading • Level 4 - ExemplaryConsistently demonstrates an in-depth understanding • of the standards, and skills taught • Level 3 - ProficientConsistently demonstrates an understanding of the • standards and skills taught • Level 2 - Approaching Proficiency Approaching an understanding of the standards • and skills taught (can do with support) • Level 1 - Non-ProficientDoes not yet demonstrate an understanding of • the standards and skills taught

  10. Conduct & Work Habits • Both of your child’s teachers will collaborateto assess your child’s conduct and work habit grades. • Conduct includes respecting others, • cooperating, and following directions. • Work habits include participating in • class, being on task, and completing homework.

  11. Homework • Nightly practice • Students should write in planners daily • Can check website when needed • Homework Club • When incomplete, student may be asked to • complete at lunch • WCPSS policy is 50 minutes of reading and math • combined, plus 30 minutes silent reading • If child is frustrated or work not complete • after about 50 minutes, please stop your child • and alert the teacher • **If homework is a struggle, please let us know.**

  12. Field Trips • The 4th Grade has 3 Field Trips • Capitol Building & NC Museum of Natural History in October!  • The NC Symphony Field Trip-April 21st • Old Salem– May 6th • Chaperones must have volunteer clearance (acquired in Media Center)

  13. Volunteers • We welcome volunteers! • Room parent, field trips, Tuesday • folders, etc… • Sign-up Genius-we will use this online resource frequently! • Volunteer Registration required by WCPSS

  14. Math

  15. Math: Critical Areas • Developing understanding and fluency with multi-digit multiplication and division • Developing an understanding of fraction equivalence, addition and subtraction of fractions with denominators, and multiplication of fractions by whole numbers • Understanding that geometric figures can be analyzed and classified based on their properties

  16. How to Help Your Child • Daily multiplication/division practice until mastery • Encourage your child to explain their thinking • Written words • Pictures to show thinking • Oral expression • Math vocabulary • Challenge your child to look for and be receptive to new ways of solving problems • Check out some resources that our school and district have implemented to help– listed on next slide

  17. Resources • My class website http://mrslaug.weebly.com/ • Resources for past and present units • Elementary Math Playlist on YouTube • --Also a Word Document to help you identify which math video correlates with which instructional day • NC Common Core Unpacking Document • www.learnzillion.com

  18. The Flipped Classroom • A flipped classroom is a pedagogical model in which the typical lecture and homework elements of a course are reversed. Short video lectures are viewed by students at home before the class session, while in-class time is devoted to exercises, projects, or discussions.

  19. Why Flip? • Research-based model that increases student engagement & improves test scores • Creates more opportunities for one-on-one and small group instruction with their math teacher • Students have more time for journal writing, partner activities, and independent practice • Students can review videos multiple times to help aid their understanding at any point in the year • Parents and families can learn along • with their child • Holds students accountable for • their learning

  20. The Flipped Structure • We plan to produce or share 1-3 videos per week, no longer than 15 minutes • Students are expected to write/take notes at certain intervals to engage in concept & show evidence of learning • The day following a homework video, students participate in rotations (small group or one-on-one instruction, • journals, independent practice, etc.)

  21. What We’re Learning Next • Our upcoming unit is “Adding & Subtracting Whole Numbers” • Including and emphasizing problem-solving skills throughout this unit • Teaching students to examine and analyze word problems carefully • Fourth grade is full of word problems—especially those that are multistep! We want to give our students strategies to apply their skills and accurately solve problems

  22. Multiplication • The last two weeks of the quarter will focus on multiplication • Please start reviewing facts now! • Pre-test will be given on basic facts—students • need to be fluent! • One-digit by two-digit multiplication • One-digit by three-digit multiplication • Two-digit by two-digit multiplication

  23. Area Model Multiplication • The area model of multiplication is a conceptual method that shows how multiplication works and the importance of understanding place value • In fifth grade, students are expected to use the “short cut method,” but in 4th grade, students are expected to use the area model to ensure that they understand how multiplication works

  24. Multiplication 13 x 16 It helps when students label the dimensions of their area models!

  25. Science • Magnetism and Electricity • Earth Materials • Landforms • Animal Studies

  26. Social Studies • History • Government • Economy • Culture, Geography, and • Environmental Literacy

  27. Reading

  28. State Standards • Look for a focus on critical analysis in reading and writing, using evidence to support thinking, and vocabulary development. • 3 areas of focus in ELA: • informational and non-fiction texts (K-12) • Students will read and write grounded in evidence • Students practice with complex texts and academic vocabulary

  29. In order to become better readers, students need… • Uninterrupted time to read • Texts on their reading level • Freedom to choose books • Authentic tasks • To be able to talk and write about their reading and thinking

  30. CAFÉ CAFE is a guide and system to focus our instruction, help students set reading goals, and monitor their progress. C—Comprehension A—Accuracy F—Fluency E—Expand Vocabulary

  31. Components of the Daily Literacy Block: • Whole Group Mini-Lesson • Read to Self • Work on Writing • Word Work • Participate in small group instruction

  32. ELA Standards… • Include reading, writing, speaking, • and listening • Bolded standards are considered • focus standards • Cedar Fork website—pacing guide

  33. 1st quarter Reading Focus Standards • Refer to details and examples in literary and informational text while making inferences • Determining the theme of a story from details in the text • Summarizing the text • Compare and contrast two or more characters, settings, or events in a story, drawing on specific details in the text. • Compare and contrast the point of view from which different stories are narrated • (first and third person) 

  34. 1st quarter Reading Focus Standards Continued… • Engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in groups, and teacher-led) with diverse partners on grade 5 topics and texts, building on others’ ideas and expressing their own clearly. • Come to discussions prepared, having read or studied required material • Follow agreed upon rules for discussions and carry out assigned roles. • Pose and respond to specific questions by making comments that contribute to the discussion and elaborate on the remarks of others.

  35. Assessing Readers • Formal and informal assessments • Observational notes during small group instruction and conferences • mCLASS—students are assessed 3 times per year • -DORF (Oral Reading Fluency)—fluency and comprehension • -DAZE— Early literacy skills reading comprehension • Home Connect letter will inform you of your • child’s mCLASS scores and give you strategies to use at home.

  36. Reading Logs • Read for a minimum of 30 minutes every night at home. • Record their reading on their reading log that will come home daily. Please sign your child’s reading log each night. • Encourage your child to read the same book at home as he/she is reading at school. This will increase comprehension. • Talk with your child about the books he/she is reading. Encourage them to check for understanding frequently • . • Students should always be thinking about what they will read next and have another book ready in their book box.

  37. Reading Notebooks • A place for readers to keep track of… - their goals and progress • different genres they read • - handouts from mini-lessons • their thinking while reading • new vocabulary • Reading notebooks will be taken home every • night to help with homework and to be • used to study for assessments.

  38. How Can I Help? • Research indicates that an independent-level or good fit book for children is one they can read with 99% accuracy. (Richard Allington, March 2005) I – I choose a book P – Purpose – Why do I want to read this book? I – Interest – Does this book interest me? C – Comprehend –I understand what I am reading. K- Know – I know most of the words

  39. Writing

  40. Writer’s Workshop • Components: • Whole-group mini-lesson • Independent writing • Sharing • Students will work through the writing process with guidance from teacher and peers. • Our goal is to complete 1-2 detailed pieces throughout the quarter. • Most of students’ work will be • completed in class.

  41. This Year in Writing… Personal Narrative Persuasive Essay Informational

  42. Thank You! We appreciate your support and look forward to an amazing year with your Children! Contact us at any time with questions.

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