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MS OPEN HOUSE 6 th Grade Team. August 15 th , 2012. Weekly Planning Team. Ana Vannier Carolina Cavaliere Mary de Sá Neise Abreu Priscila Mancuso Suzanne Molina. English – Ms. Suzanne Molina. COURSE OVERVIEW
MS OPEN HOUSE6th Grade Team August 15th, 2012
Weekly Planning Team Ana Vannier Carolina Cavaliere Mary de Sá Neise Abreu Priscila Mancuso Suzanne Molina
English – Ms. Suzanne Molina COURSE OVERVIEW English 6 offers a comprehensive study of the English language through reading, writing, speaking and listening. Each of the four components is stressed on a daily basis. smolina@earj.com.br
Reading List • The Last Book in the Universeby Rodman Philbrick • City of Emberby Jeanne DuPrau • Among the Hidden by Margaret Haddix • Holes by Louis Sachar • The Giverby Lois Lowry
Literature Circle books • Esperanza Risingby Pam Muñoz Ryan • Flush by Carl Hiaasen • Freak the Mighty by Rodman Philbrick • The Watsons Go to Birmingham – 1963 by Christopher Paul Curtis • The White Giraffe by Lauren St. John
WRITING Students will write on a daily basis. Over the course of the year, we will be focusing on: • Writing Process: pre-writing, drafting, editing, conferencing, revising, proofing, and publishing • Writing Structure: sentences, paragraphs, compositions • Writing Forms: descriptive, narrative, formal/informal writing, journal writing • Grammar: connected to student writing, mini-lessons fromresource texts • Vocabulary/spelling: connected to reading selections and student writing • Researching Skills: locating information, summarizing
SPEAKING/LISTENING Students will practice their speaking and listening skills through persuasive speaking, oral discussions, oral reading, and oral presentations. Standard to be assessed throughout the year • Students will listen and respond critically to oral communication. • Students will deliver coherent, well-focused informal and formal oral presentations.
HOMEWORK • You should expect to have approximately 20-30 minutes of English homework everyday. • These assignments will usually be grammar or vocabulary work, and/or a writing assignment.
Important Note: Reading independently is a habit requiring practice. Reading is not considered homework. You will need to establish a period of 20 minutes a day dedicated to reading. This year students have the option of using their own e-reader to purchase and read the books assigned in English class. If they choose to use an e-reader they must bring it to every class.
Communication Arts Communication Arts is a course designed to help students enhance their communication skills. Students will: • Learn writing and editing techniques • Practice writing mechanics • Expand vocabulary • Improve word processing skills • Work on oral communication skills
Communication Arts Real Audience • MS Open House Handbook • Children’s Book Assignment Visual Communication • Analyzing print ads • Web page analysis • Photo Essay • Creating a Communication Arts website
Physical Education Philosophy • Develop positive attitudes and behaviors (such as teamwork and sportsmanship) in all competitive and non-competitive activities by emphasizing effort and improvement rather than ability or winning.
ENHANCES DECISION-MAKING Healthy, physical fit living; Knowledge of good use of leisure time; Respect for oneself, others, and nature.
Physical Education Builds • Cognitive skills • Motor skills • Emotional control • Adequate sense of self-confidence in a social environment
Physical Education Standards and Rationales Standard 1: Students use a variety of basic and advanced movement forms. Standard 2: Students use movement concepts and principles in the development of motor skills. Standard 3: Students understand the benefits and costs associated with participation in physical activities. Standard 4: Students understand how to monitor and maintain a health – enhancing level of physical fitness. Standard 5: Students demonstrate the social and personal responsibility associated with participation in physical and experiential activities.
PHYSICAL EDUCATION UNITS 1. Basketball (level I) 2. Adventure Learning (level I) 3. Track & Field I (long jump, shot put, sprint races, hurdles, javelin throw) 4. Soccer (level I) 5. Gymnastics/Physical skills 6. Volleyball (level I) 7. Softball (level I) 8. Floor Hockey 9. Flag Football (level I)
How? • Through a variety of instructional strategies; • A differentiated approach to assessment for learning.
Shooting Student places the shooting hand in the middle of the ball while the supporting hand is on the side and slightly under the ball. Student pushes the ball upwards extending knees, arm and snapping the wrist. At the end of the movement, student’s arm follows through in the direction of the basket. Student holds the ball with the shooting-side shoulder. Knees are slightly bent, and eyes are looking at the basket. Student bends knees and brings the ball up above the forehead.
Língua Pátria 6-Ms. Ana Vannier Objetivos gerais • Aprender a expressar-se e argumentar, claramente, com ideias organizadas e bem estruturadas, através de linguagem oral e escrita.
Como atingir os objetivos bjetivos gerais: • Leitura • Interpretação e compreensão de textos • Gramática • Produção de texto • Projetos
Temas abordados ntura • Meio Ambiente • Heróis • Eu no mundo • No mundo da fantasia
Alguns títulos do 6º ano • “Férias na Antártica” (Laura, Tamara e Marininha Klink) • “A Droga da Obediência” (Pedro Bandeira) • “Um Rosto no Computador” (Marcos Rey) • “Contos de Fadas - de Perrault, Grimm, Andersen & outros” (Apresentação de Ana Maria Machado/ Zahar) ...
PORTUGUESE FOR FOREIGNERS: Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced • Mrs. Vania Delcourt vdelcourt@earj.com.br • Ms. Ana Vannier avannier@earj.com.br • Mrs. Marcia Abeid mabeid@earj.com.br linguagem oral e escrita.
Goals According to the level of proficiency • Develop skills in the language process: listening, speaking, reading and writing. • Identify vocabulary and structures of the language in order to be able to communicate in oral and written language. • Apply vocabulary and acquired grammatical structures to produce different texts.
Activities to reach goals • Vocabulary and grammatical structures – dialogue, drills, games, and sentence patterns • Brazilian culture – texts, legends, music, food, films, internet research, etc.
Social Studies -Ms. Priscila Mancuso The focus of this course is the study of the Ancient Civilizations. • Unit 1– Early Humans and the Rise of Civilization - the first Agricultural Revolution (from hunters and gatherers to farmers) and the development of the Mesopotamian Empires. • Unit 2 – Ancient Egypt and the Middle East - Ancient Egypt and the origins of Judaism. • Unit 3 – Ancient India - the early settlement of India and the rise of Buddhism and Hinduism. • Unit 4 – Ancient China - the Silk Road and the Chinese philosophy. • Unit 5 – Via Sapientia 6 to Paraty • Unit 6 - Ancient Greece - the origins of the Latin World and the different political systems. • Unit 7 – Ancient Rome – the Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire and the origins of Christianity. • Students will have an opportunity to recognize that human interactions with their environment has played a major role in shaping world history and world cultures.
Assignments and Evaluation Students will be asked to complete a wide variety of assignments and tasks such as: • Group work (groups may be assigned by the teacher or chosen by students themselves) and individual projects. • Individual quizzes and tests. • One of the quarterly assignments will be an evaluation of the student´s notes (student interactive notebook provided by teacher). Each student is responsible for being organized by keeping track of his/her assignments, evaluations and readings.
On-line program • We will use a program called History Alive! The Ancient World developed by TCI (Teacher Curriculum Instruction). • Students are expected to bring their internet –ready device to class. However, hard copies will be provided by the teacher if needed. • TCI- website
Work Due Musts… • Students are expected to print any assessments or projects BEFORE the due date. • Students will not be allowed to leave class to print an assignment unless specifically instructed by teacher. pmancuso@earj.com.br
Math - Ms. Carol Cavaliere Course Overview • An introduction to Pre-Algebra • Mastery of the basic operations using integers, fractions, decimals and percents. • Geometry and Statistics • Ratios and Proportions • One-step Equations
Goals • Computing • Modeling real-world problems (“translation to Math”) • Explain concepts and apply them • Read and understand data Students are always required to show the detailed steps that led them to their answer, unless they are allowed to use a calculator.
In Math We Must… • Beorganized (notebook check every mid-quarter & end of quarter) • Hand in work effectively: • Where • When • Whose • Completeness • Neatness • Be responsible (material, calculators, passwords, logins, Edmodo, Khan Academy) • Study consistently
Homework / Class work Practice makes Perfect! Willingness to succeed makes Possible! • Incomplete homework: 50% • Undone work: 0% (unless asked for help) • Late work: 60% (after HW has been reviewed)
Grading System • PRACTICE (homework/class work): 15% • GRADED: 85%
OOPS… too late! • One week later… ZERO. Sorry ccavaliere@earj.com.br
Science -Ms. Mary de Sá Course Overview • Life science, Physical science and Earth science • A variety of topics to help develop critical thinking, creative problem solving, cooperation, and leadership through hands-on activities and investigations • Opportunity to learn attitudes that enable them to make environmentally sound decisions and adopt reasonable behaviors
Goals • To develop an attitude of discovery • To apply scientific principles in real-life situations • To develop a systematic approach to problem solving through the use of the scientific method • To become knowledgeable of scientific concepts, theories, and principles • To discover and prove scientific principles and laws through experimentation
… Goals • To develop literacy in science; to be able to read, understand, and react to science literature and research • To apply knowledge of scientific principles to individual and collective decision making • To transfer knowledge and problem-solving skills to other disciplines • To acquire a feeling for nature and a sense of "world citizenship"
Science Standards (NSTA) Standard 1—Nature of ScienceStandard 2—Interactions with SocietyStandard 3—Matter and EnergyStandard 4—Forces and MotionStandard 5—Living SystemsStandard 6—Earth and Space Systems
Course Units • Introduction to Scientific Inquiry • The origin life on Earth • Diversity and Evolution • Nutrition & Healthy Habits • Inventiveness
Tips To Succeed • Join "Science_6" Edmodo class page where the weekly agenda is posted • Use Edmodo's library, there are resources that help! • Find important information about the science class • Comments in Power School, or email • More questions? Please use study hall, conference period or email if necessary msa@earj.com.br
Math Tutorial – Mr. Tim Shirk Course Overview Math Tutorial develops and reinforces: • Foundational mathematical skills • Core course concepts • Higher level thinking • Independent problem solving • Critical thinking tshirk@earj.com.br
Cutting Edge Design • Individualizedinstruction • Differentiatedactivities • Multipleintelligences • One to One Computing • 90% ofclass time engaged in problemsolving • Creatingconfidentandindependentlearners
Foreign Languages French – Ms. Angela GelioSpanish – Ms. Virginia Ibazeta Course Overview “Language belongs to each of us. It reflects who we are and our way of life. We share feelings and opinions, define values and goals and communicate ideas and ideals.” (Foreign Language Curriculum).
Goals • To understand and appreciate the French way of life. • To learn the customs, values, and cultures of French speaking communities. • To communicate with French speaking people. • To enjoy learning a new language.