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Birds of Minnesota. By: Josh Hobday Ryan Randolph. Common Loon-(Gavia immer) It feeds on both salt and fresh water fish, including pike, trout, bass, flounder and herring. MN State Bird. Great Blue Heron. Ardea herodias Fish and other small amimals
Birds of Minnesota By: Josh Hobday Ryan Randolph
Common Loon-(Gavia immer) It feeds on both salt and fresh water fish, including pike, trout, bass, flounder and herring. MN State Bird
Great Blue Heron • Ardea herodias • Fish and other small amimals • Has been known to choke to death on prey that’s to large for it to swallow.
Canada Goose • Branta canadensis • Eats variety of grasses, wheat, beans, rice, and corn. • Male Female
Mallard • Anas platyrhynchos • Vegetation, insects, mollusks, and crustaceans.
Wood Duck • Aix sponsa • Vegetation, insects, snails, tadpoles, and salamanders.
Red-tailed Hawk • Buteo jamaicensis • Small mammals, some birds and reptiles.
Osprey • Pandion haliaetus • Fish
Bald Eagle • Haliaeetus leucocephalus • Fish, carion, waterfowl, other birds, turtles, rabbits, and road-killed deer.
American Crow • Corvus brachyrhynchos • Fruits, snails, salamanders, grain, small birds, mice, eggs, toads, corn, insects, and carrrion.
Red-Headed Woodpecker • Melanerpes erythrocephalus • Insects, spiders, millipedes, centipedes, seeds, nuts, and berrys.
Ring-Necked Pheasant • Phasianus colchicus • Waste grain, seeds, and plant parts.
Wild Turkey • Meleagris gallopavo • Seeds, acorns, leaves, grains, berries, and insects.
American Robin • Turdus migratorius • Wild and cultivated fruits, berries, earthworms, and insects.
Eastern Bluebird • Sialia sialis • Insects, earthworms, snails, invertebrates, and berries.
Northern Cardinal • Cardinalis cardinalis • Seeds, insects, fruit, and snails.
American Goldfinch • Carduelis tristis • Seeds, fruit, and suet.
Barn Swallow • Hirundo rustica • Insects
Blue Jay • Cyanocitta cristata • Fruits, nuts, insects, seeds, frogs, mice, and sometimes eggs.
Northern Oriole • Icterus galbula • Caterpillars, moths, beetles, ants, bugs, scale insects, aphids, woodborers, fruits, garden peas, and flower nectar.
Ruby Throated Hummingbird • Archilochus colubris • Nectar, also eats insects and spiders.
Common Raven • Corvus corax • Food: carrion, insects, magets, beetles, afterbirth of ewes, small mamals, reptiles, frogs, young or wounded birds, grain, acorns, and fruits.
Yellow-rumped Warbler Dendroica coronata Deciduous Forest Insects, berries, and fruits. Black and White Warbler Mniotilta varia Coniferous Forest Caterpillars, flies, bugs, beetles, spiders, borers, and arthropod egg masses. Warblers
American Bittern Botaurus lentiginosus Deciduous/coniferous/prairie Insects, amphibians, crayfish, and small fish and mammals. Sandhill Crane Grus canadensis Coniferous Forest Grains, berries, small mammals, insects, snails, reptiles, and amphibians. Aquatic Wading
American Woodcock Scolopax minor Deciduous/coniferous/prairie. Earthworms, and burrowing insects larva. Horned Lark Eremophila alpestris Coniferous Seeds, insects, small mollusks. Ground Nesting Birds
Merlin Falco columbarius Deciduous Small birds, small mammals, lizards, snakes, and insects. Peregrine Falcon Falco peregrinus Coniferous/Deciduous Birds, reptiles, and mammals. Falcons