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MOOC massive open online course

MOOC massive open online course. Rebecca J Jones. What is it?. Background. MOOC was coined in 2008 by Dave Cormier of the University of Prince Edward Island consisted of 25 tuition-paying students at the University of Manitoba,

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MOOC massive open online course

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  1. MOOCmassive open online course Rebecca J Jones

  2. What is it?

  3. Background • MOOC was coined in 2008 by Dave Cormier of the University of Prince Edward Island • consisted of 25 tuition-paying students at the University of Manitoba, • as well as over 2200 other students from the general public who took the course online free of charge. • All course content was available through RSS feeds, and online students could collaborate through online social media

  4. Innovation • Allows users a larger unlimited collaborative space • “ivy league for the masses” • EduKart mainly provide individual lessons that students may take at their own pace, interactive webinars • Udemyallows teachers to sell online courses • Udacity does not have a calendar-based schedule, offers interactive lessons with activities, quizzes and exercises between short videos and talks • Courserapresent lectures online, typical to those of traditional classroom.

  5. How it works • Built for a world where information is everywhere • Not a school, a way to connect and collaborate • Participatory, you engage to learn • Not asked to complete specific assignments

  6. Hows it any different from an online class? • Social networking • Engages in the learning process • An event where people who care about a topic can talk about it in a structured way • Can take the course without paying for it • Material shared and open, networking • No single path

  7. No single path

  8. Benefits • You can use any online tools, blogs, social media (Fb, twitter) • It can be organized as quickly as you can inform the participants (which makes it a powerful format for priority learning in e.g. aid relief) • Learning can happen incidentally • You don’t need a degree to follow the course, only the willingness to learn • You add to your own personal learning environment and/or network by participating in a MOOC • participating in a MOOC forces you to think about your own learning and knowledge absorption

  9. Cons • It feels chaotic as participants create their own content, no calendar • It demands digital literacy • It demands time and effort from the participants • It is organic, which means the course will take on its own trajectory (you have got to let go). • As a participant you need to be able to self-regulate your learning and possibly give yourself a learning goal to achieve • Relevance with knowledge transfer

  10. Keeping the presentation in mind. . . • Do you think that learning in a MOOC would be too chaotic? Are you personally driven enough to succeed in a MOOC environment?

  11. Resources • http://moocguide.wikispaces.com/2.+Benefits+and+challenges+of+a+MOOC • http://www.scilogs.com/scientific_and_medical_libraries/librarians-and-the-era-of-the-mooc/ • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eW3gMGqcZQc

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