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CERN, 11 th June 2013 HiLumi , WP2 meeting. FIELD QUALITY IN D2. E. Todesco CERN, Geneva, Switzerland This estimate relies on the work presented by R. Gupta in Napa valley HiLumi meeting https:// indico.fnal.gov/conferenceDisplay.py?confId=6164. DESIGN OPTIONS.
CERN, 11th June 2013 HiLumi, WP2 meeting FIELD QUALITY IN D2 E. Todesco CERN, Geneva, Switzerland This estimate relies on the workpresented by R. Gupta in Napa valleyHiLumi meeting https://indico.fnal.gov/conferenceDisplay.py?confId=6164
DESIGN OPTIONS • Coilwidth: either 10 mm RHIC likecoil, or 15 mm LHC likecoil • One layer sinceweneedspace • Margin on loadline 20% minumum • So one has two options • LHC cable, 20% margin, 5 T operationalfield (7-m-long) • Smallercable or largermargin, 3.5 T operationalfield • as today, 10-m-long • Largerfield, worsefieldquality • Worse, but perhaps acceptable • First question: do weneed the additional 3 m ?
DESIGN CHALLENGES • Large aperture, fixed distance betweenbeams, large cross-talk • Signs of evenmultipoles • B2 have opposite signs in the ap • B1 have the samesign • b2 have opposite sign
ALLOWED MULTIPOLES • General framework : optimizationathighfield • Allowedmultipoles: strong saturation effect, to becompensatedwithgeometric • 140 units of b3, 20 units of b5 (5 T), reduced by a factor 2.5 at 3.5 T • I assume that the correction canbedonewith 20% error, soresidual 30 units and 4 units, probablyverypessimist
ALLOWED MULTIPOLES • Random part • Allowedmultipoles: strong saturation effect, to becompensatedwithgeometric • 140 units of b3, 20 units of b5 (5 T), reduced by a factor 2.5 at 3.5 T • I assume a spread of 3-5% of the saturation effect, so • 5 units of b3, 1 unit of b5 • So spread of saturation dominates over spread of geometric (new situation) • Magneticshimmingcould help to reduce the spread of one multipole
Quadrupole • General framework : the magnet has a very large quadrupole component due to two-in-one cross-talk • One could cure athighfieldwithasymmetriccoils, but I don’tthinkthisisneeded – reproducibleeffect • So I justgiveyou the numbers … 100 unitsat 5 T, 40 at 3.5 T • Also in this case a factor 2.5 gainedloweringfieldfrom 5 to 3.5 T • Random part – also in this case 5% of saturation, so 5 units
OCtUPOLE • General framework : the magnetalso has a very large octupole component due to two-in-one cross-talk • This isbad and not soeasy to correct • The numbers: 40 unitsat 5 T, 15 at 3.5 T • Also in this case a faactor 2.5 gainedloweringfieldfrom 5 to 3.5 T • Random part – also in this case 5% of saturation, so2 units
CONCLUSIONS • I provided the worst case of fieldquality • Weneed to know what to optimize • Is b2 a problem ? • Is b4 to bereduced ? – thiscanbedonewithironshaping • Hard to reduceboth b2 and b4 … • If the b3 and b5 are too large, weshould go to longer magnet • Real estimate of the possiblity of controlling saturation and itsspreadis not easy to judge • Goingfrom 5 T to 3.5 T (and from 7 m to 10 m) one gains a factor 2.4 in criticalmultipoles, bothsystematic and random