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Evliya Çelebi. His life. Mehmed Zilli , known as Evliya Çelebi was an Ottoman T urk who travelled through the territory of the Ottoman Empire and neighbouring lands over a period of forty years . He is renowned for his expansive travelogue ( Seyâhatnâme ).
His life • Mehmed Zilli, knownasEvliyaÇelebiwasan OttomanTurkwhotravelledthroughtheterritory of theOttoman Empire and neighbouringlands over a period of fortyyears. He is renownedforhisexpansivetravelogue (Seyâhatnâme). • EvliyaÇelebi was born in 1611 inConstantinople to a wealthy family. His journal writing began in Constantinople, taking notes on buildings, markets, customs and culture, and in 1640 it was extended with accounts of his travels beyond the confines of the city. The collected notes of EvilyaÇelebi's travels form a ten-volume work called the Seyahatname.
His life • Between 1660 and 1666 he travelledaroundin Hungary. Hisexperiencesaboutthe country werewritteninthesixthvolume of histravelogue. • He writesabout Buda Castle, Lake Balaton and the city of Esztergom and givesinterestinginformationaboutthewar of Szentgotthárd in 1664 wheretheTurkishweredefeatedbythe European army. • Probably he personallymet II. George Rákóczi prince of Transylvania.
EvliyaÇelebi died sometime after 1682: it is unclear whether he was in Constantinople or Cairo at the time.