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Personal Balance Refueling for a journey of hope. Updated: 4.19.10. Personal Balance Overview & Orientation. What is this resource?
Personal Balance Refueling for a journey of hope Updated: 4.19.10
Personal BalanceOverview & Orientation What is this resource? PEIS is a reminder that we are at our best when we have balance in our life. Balance can include key dimensions like physical, emotional, intellectual and spiritual. PEIS (sounds like PEACE) is an acronym to help remember these four core dimensions. How do can I learn more about finding personal balance ? By proceeding through subsequent slides, you will find more information with each personal dimension. If have this presentation in ‘Slideshow’, the menu boxes at the left can help navigate through all four dimensions. The information with each personal dimension is a collection of ideas and resources from other people like you who have visited this resource. How can balance in my life help me? PEIS is intended to provide relevant and meaningful information on our core personal dimensions. Many times it is a reminder of what we already know but may have lost sight of. There are times when we can learn something new. PEIS is not intended to add to an already busy life. Rather it can be a Monday morning filter to see which tasks in the coming week may matter the most. How can I share helpful tips with others? Your experiences and ideas are very much welcome. Please feel free to share them on email by forwarding to: devol4@earthlink.net.
Personal BalanceRecharging for a journey of hope MAIN MENU PHYSICAL EMOTIONAL INTELLECTUAL SPIRITUAL
Personal Balance Recharging for a journey of hope DIET Pearls: Eat six vegetables and/or fruit a day. Resources: Body Mass Indicator (BMI) is a number calculated from a persons height and weight. Its an indicator of a healthy weight category. Find more at: www.cdc.gov/healthyweight SparkPeople is a free online diet and healthy living community with over 3 million members who provide support and motivation. Find more at: www.sparkpeople.com MerckEngage is a free resource that supports your choice for healthier living. Find more at: www.merckengage.com MAIN MENU PHYSICAL: Diet Exercise Rest Substance Abuse EMOTIONAL INTELLECTUAL SPIRITUAL
Personal Balance Recharging for a journey of hope Exercise Pearls: Log in 150 minute of cardiovascular exercise per week. Resources: Activity: CFUM has the Compass Walkers/Talkers where you are welcome to meet at 6:30 AM at the Chelsea High School track and walk and talk. Check the CFUM website calendar for dates. Healthy People 2010 is a CDC initiative that sets health objectives for the nation to achieve over this decade. Find more at: www.healthypeople.gov Chelsea Area Wellness Foundation is dedicated to creating a culture of wellness and fostering sustainable improvements in community health. Find more at: www.5healthytowns.org LiveStrong offers trusted health information and health news on diseases, symptoms, drugs, treatment and more. Find more at: www.livestrong.com MAIN MENU PHYSICAL: Diet Exercise Rest Substance Abuse EMOTIONAL INTELLECTUAL SPIRITUAL
Personal Balance Recharging for a journey of hope Rest Pearls: Adults need 7-8 hours sleep per day. Children need >8 hours of sleep per day. Resources: MAIN MENU PHYSICAL: Diet Exercise Rest Substance Abuse EMOTIONAL INTELLECTUAL SPIRITUAL
Personal Balance Recharging for a journey of hope Substance Abuse Pearls: Resources: SRSLY is a Chelsea community coalition established to prevent destructive behavior in our youth. Find more at: www.srslychelsea.org MAIN MENU PHYSICAL: Diet Exercise Rest Substance Abuse EMOTIONAL INTELLECTUAL SPIRITUAL
Personal Balance Recharging for a journey of hope Life Philosophy Pearls: Three rules of life: Give your best effort; never give up, ever; when you get knocked down, look to God, family and friends for help getting back to rule #1. Resources: Textbook: Blue Zones: Lessons for Living Longer from the People Who’ve Lived the Longest. Author: Dan Buettner MAIN MENU PHYSICAL EMOTIONAL: Life Philosophy INTELLECTUAL SPIRITUAL
Personal Balance Recharging for a journey of hope Personal Interest Pearls: Resources: Chelsea Update is a web site that provides local news on top events, arts, sports and more. Find more at: www.chelseaupdate.com Things to Do in Chelsea Michigan is a web site that provides a comprehensive list of events and resources in Chelsea, MI. Find more at: www.chelsea-mi.com Chelsea Library offers a number of events, services, and classes to all ages. Find more at: www.chelsea.lib.mi.us/calendar MAIN MENU PHYSICAL EMOTIONAL INTELLECTUAL: Personal Interest Skill Development Parenting Financial Planning Employment SPIRITUAL
Personal Balance Recharging for a journey of hope Skill Development Pearls: Resources: MAIN MENU PHYSICAL EMOTIONAL INTELLECTUAL: Personal Interest Skill Development Parenting Financial Planning Employment SPIRITUAL
Personal Balance Recharging for a journey of hope Parenting Pearls: Resources: MAIN MENU PHYSICAL EMOTIONAL INTELLECTUAL: Personal Interest Skill Development Parenting Financial Planning Employment SPIRITUAL
Personal Balance Recharging for a journey of hope Financial Planning Pearls: Resources: A 13 weeks financial planning workshop is planned to be offered in the fall . The program has been developed from the Financial Peace University and by Dave Ramsey. More details to follow. MAIN MENU PHYSICAL EMOTIONAL INTELLECTUAL: Personal Interest Skill Development Parenting Financial Planning Employment SPIRITUAL
Personal Balance Recharging for a journey of hope Employment Pearls: Resources: LinkedIn is a networking tool that strengthens and extends your existing network of contacts. Find more at: www.linkedin.com University of Michigan’s Institute for Research on Labor, Employment and Economy (IRLEE) initiated the Michigan Business Surviving to Thriving Program and assists Michigan businesses via diversification, technology, and improved performance. Find more at: www.irlee.umich.edu Ann Arbor SPARK offers programs and resources to start up companies to large organizations. Find more at: www.annarborusa.org Michigan Venture Capital Association is a non-profit trade organization designed to bring venture capital industry participants into the state of Michigan. Find more at: www.michiganvca.org Midwest investment network features entrepreneurs looking to expand or start up a new business in local markets. Find more at: www.medwestinvestmentnetwork.com Great Lakes Trade Adjustment Assistance Center (GLTAAC) helps small manufacturers that have been negatively impacted by imports. Find more at: www.gltaac.org Textbook: What Color is Your Parachute? Author: Richard Bolles MAIN MENU PHYSICAL EMOTIONAL INTELLECTUAL: Personal Interest Skill Development Parenting Financial Planning Employment SPIRITUAL
Personal Balance Recharging for a journey of hope Self Pearls: Pray daily. Read the Bible daily. Resources: MAIN MENU PHYSICAL EMOTIONAL INTELLECTUAL SPIRITUAL: Self Community
Personal Balance Recharging for a journey of hope Community Pearls: Resources: Stay in touch with how the United Methodist Church is making a difference in our community and around the world at: www.umc.org MAIN MENU PHYSICAL EMOTIONAL INTELLECTUAL SPIRITUAL: Self Community