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Seats : period 3. Seats : period 8. Seats : period 10. Catalyst. 4 minutes!. True or False? The sun is a star . Cierto o Falso ? El sol es una estrella . True or False? There are many moons in the universe . Cierto o Falso ? Hay muchas lunas en el universo .
Catalyst 4 minutes! • True or False? The sunis a star. Cierto o Falso? El sol esunaestrella. • True or False? There are many moons in the universe. Cierto o Falso? Hay muchaslunasen el universo. • Name all of the planets in order, starting with the closest to the sun! Nombratodos los planetas en orden, empezando con lo mas cercano al sol! • Draw a mini system including the earth, sun, and moon. Add circles with arrow to show each orbit. Dibuja un sistema mini queincluye la tierra, el sol, y la luna. Agregacirculos con flechas para mostrarcadaorbito.
100.B • 1: Raise a hand • 1: Demonstrate North Star traits • Problem solver • Goal driven • 3: 100% seated before the bell • 3: “Ready for your attention” • 3: Lab / activity clean up • 5: 100% on task during practice • 5: 80% exit ticket average Headphones on Friday!
100.B love it or hate it! hot seat ! head phones ! hot seat ! music ! hot seat ! head phones ! head phones ! head phones !
Xavier Elba Jose Wenjohnlys Fredy Jose Felipe Carlos M Wilson Armando Jerome Edgar Julio Natalie Keven Steven Luis Jaime Zing Bawi Moo Koh Doh Ahmad Erick Anahi Alan Mariana Jean Luis Alexander Joshua Melany Jehu Eliezer Eliznette Miguel E Angelica Gerzon Juan Cesar Guadalupe Maria Leidy Javier R Tania Gabrieliz Eddie Miguel S Yarelis Elvis unit 7:earth
Objectives 3 • Agenda • Catalyst 5 • Big Bang Demo 5 • Solar System Intro 15 • Memory Competition 10 • Exit Ticket 5 • Scale Model 10 • We are learning about… • The earth as part of the solar system • We will be successful when we can… • Recognize that solar system includes the sun, planets, and many moons. • The earth is the third planet from the sun in our solar system. OUR solar system
Objectives 8 10 • Agenda • Catalyst 5 • Exit Ticket 5 • Scale Model 40 • We are learning about… • The earth as part of the solar system • We will be successful when we can… • Recognize that solar system includes the sun, planets, and many moons. • The earth is the third planet from the sun in our solar system. OUR solar system
Big Bang • Everything (matter, time and space) was all in one little place at the beginning of time • All of a sudden, everything started expandingin all directions very quickly • Evidence to support this theoryincludes: • expanding universe • cosmic background radiation • ripples in space • The end of the universemay be caused by heat death or the Big Crunch
Solar System • A systemis a set of partsthat come together to work as a whole • Solar System = sun & all objects that revolvearound it • Other objects that revolve or orbit around the sun are: • Planets • Comets • Meteors • Asteroids
Inner Planets Mars Mercury Earth Venus
Outer Planets Uranus Neptune Saturn Jupiter
Quick Check! 8 6 4 2 7 5 3 1
Systemin a System? Earth, our moon, and the sun form a system within our solar system!
Systemin a System! Sun Moon Earth
Moon A naturalsatellitethatorbitsaround planets.
Sun A star, made up of gases, found in the center of the solar system! The sunis the closest starto Earth!
Sun • The sunis the main source of lightandheat energy in the solar system • We are able to see the moon at night because it reflectsthe sun’s light
MemoryCompetition What memory device did you come up with for remembering the order of the planets? Correctly order the planets, starting with the one closest to the sun!
Exit Ticket 4 minutes! 4 minutes! • You may use your assignments! • You must work quietly & independently. • Talking will NOT be tolerated. BIG goal = 80% 0
Turn it in homework due YESTERDAY!