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Phyllotaxis as an example of the symbiosis of mechanical forces and biochemical processes in living tissue. Newell, A. C., P. D. Shipman, et al. (2008). Plant Signal Behavior 3(8): 586-589. Speaker: Wang guo-xin Date:06/19/12. Phyllotaxis.
Phyllotaxis as an example of the symbiosis of mechanical forcesand biochemical processes in living tissue Newell, A. C., P. D. Shipman, et al. (2008). Plant Signal Behavior 3(8): 586-589. Speaker: Wang guo-xin Date:06/19/12
Phyllotaxis • The arrangement of a plant’s phylla (flowers, bracts, stickers) near its shoot apical meristem (SAM). • Only partially understood. • The symbiosis of mechanical forces and biochemical processes.
Phyllotaxis • Similar configurations in a wide variety of plants. • The almost-constant golden divergence angle, plastichrone ratio, the choices of parastichy numbers and the prevalence of Fibonacci sequences to which these numbers belong.
Phyllotaxis • Auxin plays an important role in primordia formation. • A uniform concentration of auxin could give rise to an inhomogeneous quasi-periodic pattern of enhanced and depleted auxin zones.
Overviews • Kuhlemeier and his group and Meyerowitzet al., • Arabidopsis. • The PIN1 proteins in each cell on the plant’s surface.
Overviews {Smith, 2006 #1147}
Overviews {Jonsson, 2006 #1148}
Overviews • Regulated by the relative distributions of auxin in neighboring cells. • Proteins gravitate to and polarize in the cell walls. • The net effect is to drive auxin in the direction of its concentration gradient.
Questions • No such surface deformations are treated in the model of Jönnson et al., • Growing tissue creates compressive stresses in the plant’s tunica.
New mathematical model • Including the cooperation and competition of mechanical and biochemical processes. • Advantages of the observations in Arabidopsis that the pattern wavelength is large with respect to the cell diameter. • Both of the local auxin concentrations and surface deformation.
New mathematical model • The exact way in which stresses influence biological tissue growth is still an open challenge to biologists. • The auxin-produced growth is proportional in a first approximation, to how much average tensile stress the local elemental volume feels.
New mathematical model • Analyzing the model by imagining an annular region in the neighborhood of the SAM. • Representing the surface deformation and auxin fluctuation fields by a combination of quasi-periodic Fourier modes.
New mathematical model • Assuming either or both of the PIN1-transport coefficient leading to reverse diffusion and the growth-induced circumferential stress are near critical values. • The job of theory is not only to identify the correct model from a mechanistic point of view but to find the simplest nontrivial model which captures most of the observed behaviors.
Significant results • Cacti • If the circumferential stress in the formative region is subcritical but the PIN1 transport is supercritical, the surface deformation will be slaved to the phyllotactic configuration.
Significant results • Sunflower head. • The set of equations remains invariant under transformations which simulate moving radially outward in the sunflower head. • The pattern wavelength is an intrinsic constant only depending on plant parameters.
Significant results Circumferential wave numbers m1, m2, m3 = m1 + m2, m4 = m1 + 2m2 are sequential members of the Fibonacci sequence.
Conclusions • There are many other situations where the pattern is produced by a symbiosis between growth-induced mechanical forces and biochemical processes. • We might at last appreciate the symbiosis between mechanical and biochemical processes in producing self-organizing behavior in biological tissues on scales far larger than those of genes and cells.
References • Smith RS, Guyomarc’h S, Mandel T, Reinhardt D, Kuhlemeier C, Prusinkiewicz P. A plausible model of phyllotaxis. ProcNatlAcadSci USA 2006; 103:1301-6. • Jönsson H, Heisler MG, Shapiro BE, Meyerowitz EM, Mjölsness E. An auxin-driven polarized transport model for phyllotaxis. ProcNatlAcadSci USA 2006; 103:1633-8.
References • Dumais J, Steele CR. New evidence for the role of mechanical forces in the shoot apical meristem. J Plant Growth Regul 2000; 19:7-18. • Newell AC, Shipman PD, Sun Z. Phyllotaxis: Cooperation and competition between biomechanical and biochemical processes. J TheorBiol 2008; 251:421-39.
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