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This brief I-300 module review by OCWFCD covers ICS command and control principles, organizing, staffing, and resource management. Learn about command terminology, structure, and key responsibilities in incident management.
Presented By: OCWFCD ICS I-300Incident Command Review 1
I-300 COMAND REVIEW Presented By: OCWFCD This will be brief. 2
Presented By: OCWFCD I-300 COMAND REVIEW OBJECTIVES COMMAND AND CONTROL • Review Organizing & Staffing • Review Command Operations • Review Resource Communication This will be a quick I-300 Module 7,8 & 9review designed to familiarize students with ICS command and control principles.
#2 Principles & Features #3 Organization Overview #5 Resource Status Keeping #6 Common Responsibilities #4 Facilities #7 Organization & Staffing #8 Organizing for Incidents #9 Resource Management #10 Air Operations #11 Incident & Event Planning I-300 COMAND REVIEW Presented By: OCWFCD LEVEL #1 ICS Orientation I-100 Basic I-200 Intermediate I-300
I-300 COMAND REVIEWCommand Terminology and Structure Presented By: OCWFCD ICS ORGANIZATION AND STAFFINGI-300 Review Questions…
I-300 COMAND REVIEWCommand Terminology and Structure Presented By: OCWFCD Q: The person who sets objectives for the incident? A: The Incident Commander 6
I-300 COMAND REVIEWCommand Terminology and Structure Presented By: OCWFCD Q: Liaison, Safety & Information Officers? A: Command Staff positions 7
I-300 COMAND REVIEWCommand Terminology and Structure Presented By: OCWFCD COMMAND STAFF POSITIONS Incident Commander (IC) Safety Officer Info Officer Liaison Officer
I-300 COMAND REVIEWCommand Terminology and Structure Presented By: OCWFCD Q: Operations, Planning, Logistics & Finance Section Chiefs? A: General Staff Positions 9
I-300 COMAND REVIEWCommand Terminology and Structure Presented By: OCWFCD GENERAL STAFF POSITIONS Incident Commander (IC) Operations Planning Logistics Finance
I-300 COMAND REVIEWCommand Terminology and Structure Presented By: OCWFCD Q: The name used to describe geographic areas of an incident? A: Divisions – I.E. Division 3 (Third Floor) 11
I-300 COMAND REVIEWCommand Terminology and Structure Presented By: OCWFCD Q: The title used to describe an ICS component with a functional responsibility? A: Group – I.E. Extrication Group 12
I-300 COMAND REVIEWCommand Terminology and Structure Presented By: OCWFCD Q: Single Resources, Task Forces, ICS Strike Teams A: Three ways to organize and use ground resources on an incident. 13
I-300 COMAND REVIEWCommand Terminology and Structure Presented By: OCWFCD Q: The facility where the General Staff are located to carry out their primary duties. A: Incident Command Post or ICP 14
I-300 COMAND REVIEWBASIC RESPONSIBILITIES OF COMMAND: Presented By: OCWFCD • Constraints--Limits • Objectives--What • Strategy--How • Tactics--Tasks
I-300 COMAND REVIEWBASIC RESPONSIBILITIES OF COMMAND: Presented By: OCWFCD “CONSTRAINTS” Limits – I.E. Resources, Weather, Time, Training 16
I-300 COMAND REVIEWBASIC RESPONSIBILITIES OF COMMAND: Presented By: OCWFCD “OBJECTIVES” What you want to achieve for this response. I.E. – Rescue trapped occupants, extinguish fire, prevent extension. 17
I-300 COMAND REVIEWBASIC RESPONSIBILITIES OF COMMAND: Presented By: OCWFCD RESPONSE OBJECTIVESWhy Develop? • Communicate what you want to accomplish during the response • Objectives become the basis for all response activities • Objectives can be as simple as “Put the fire out.” • Regardless of the complexity, begin your COMMAND by mentally determining your specific objectives. • As an Officer begin your task by mentally determining your objectives and then communicate your progress, obstacles, needs to COMMAND.
I-300 COMAND REVIEWINCIDENT COMMUNICATION: Presented By: OCWFCD Why do we need to improve our Communication: Communication exists through every stepfrom beginning, middle, end, and review of every call we respond to. Communication is the back bone of everything we do.
I-300 COMAND REVIEWINCIDENT COMMUNICATION: Presented By: OCWFCD Why do we need to improve our Communication: Communication exists through every stepfrom beginning, middle, end, and review of every call we respond to. Communication is the back bone of everything we do.
I-300 COMAND REVIEWINCIDENT COMMUNICATION: Presented By: OCWFCD Communication – 3 Components: SMR Sender Message Receiver
I-300 COMAND REVIEWINCIDENT COMMUNICATION: Presented By: OCWFCD Communication – 3 Components: SMR Communication is only successful whenboththe sender and the receiver understand the same information as a result of the communication.
I-300 COMAND REVIEWINCIDENT COMMUNICATION: Presented By: OCWFCD Communication – 3 Components: SMR The Sender:As the source of the message you must:Be clear about why you're communicating Be clear about what you want to communicateBe confident that your information is accurateBe confident that your information is useful
I-300 COMAND REVIEWINCIDENT COMMUNICATION: Presented By: OCWFCD Communication – 3 Components: SMR The Message:The actual words you deliver:Be clear and easy to understand Not be diluted with unneeded informationBe appropriate to the receiverBe verified after delivery
I-300 COMAND REVIEWINCIDENT COMMUNICATION: Presented By: OCWFCD Communication – 3 Components: SMR The Receiver:The actual words you deliver:Did you understand the message? Did you repeat the message to verify comprehension?Were you confident in your ability to respond to the message.Are you capable? Be honest! Check your Pride!If you don’t know it…ADMIT IT!
I-300 COMAND REVIEWINCIDENT COMMUNICATION: Presented By: OCWFCD Communication – 3 Components: SMR EXAMPLE OF GOOD COMMUNICATIONIC – “Command to Portable Four.”P4 – “Portable Four” IC – “Advance to Division 3 with a hose line and check for extension”P4 – “Copy. Advancing to Division 4 with a line to check extension.”Clear message. Intent is conveyed. P4 knows specifically whereto go, and being directed to take a hose they know to extinguish anyfire encountered. P4 repeats a simplified version of the order somessage sender knows they truly understood.
I-300 COMAND REVIEWINCIDENT COMMUNICATION: Presented By: OCWFCD Communication – 3 Components: SMR EXAMPLE OF BAD COMMUNICATIONIC – “Command to Portable Four.”P4 – “Portable Four”IC – “Check for extension.”P4 – “Copy.”Problem – Where should P4 check for extension? P4 may believe they need to check the area they are in. Command means upper floors.If P4 reports no extension found command now believes Division 3 is clear when in fact it has NOT been checked!OTHER PROBLEMS?
I-300 COMAND REVIEWCOMMAND REVIEW - SUMMARY Presented By: OCWFCD Communication – 3 Components: SMR EXAMPLE OF BAD COMMUNICATIONIC – “Command to Portable Four.”P4 – “Portable Four”IC – “Check for extension.”P4 – “Copy.”Problem – Where should P4 check for extension? P4 may believe they need to check the area they are in. Command means upper floors.If P4 reports no extension found command now believes Division 3 is clear when in fact it has NOT been checked!OTHER PROBLEMS?
I-300 COMAND REVIEWCommand Review - Summary Presented By: OCWFCD Q: Basic Responsibility of Command: (COST)? Q: Constraints, Objectives, Strategy, Tactics. 30
I-300 COMAND REVIEWCommand Review - Summary Presented By: OCWFCD Q: What are some examples of Constraints? A: Limits – I.E. Resources, Weather, Time, Training 31
I-300 COMAND REVIEWCommand Review - Summary Presented By: OCWFCD Q: What is one of the first things an IC should do mentally? A: Establish incident objectives. 32
I-300 COMAND REVIEWCommand Review - Summary Presented By: OCWFCD Q: What is the term to define a geographic location within the incident? A: Divisions – I.E. Division 3 (Third Floor) 33
I-300 COMAND REVIEWCommand Review - Summary Presented By: OCWFCD Q: Three components of communication? Q: Sender, Message, Receiver. 34
I-300 COMAND REVIEWCLOSING Presented By: OCWFCD Think about what you are doing! 35
I-300 COMAND REVIEWCLOSING Presented By: OCWFCD Plan ahead and execute assignments correctly. 36
I-300 COMAND REVIEWCLOSING Presented By: OCWFCD If you don’t know…ASK! 37
I-300 COMAND REVIEWCLOSING Presented By: OCWFCD CommentsQuestionsConcerns?