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Osteopathic Management of the Hospitalized Patient Part 1 of 2. Developed for OUCOM CORE by: Craig Warren, D.O. Edited by: David Eland, D.O. and the CORE Osteopathic Principles and Practices Committee Session #12 – Series B. Objectives.
Osteopathic Management of the Hospitalized Patient Part 1 of 2 Developed for OUCOM CORE by: Craig Warren, D.O. Edited by: David Eland, D.O. and the CORE Osteopathic Principles and Practices Committee Session #12 – Series B
Objectives • Obtaining a pertinent osteopathic history from the patient or caregiver • Perform a pertinent osteopathic exam under the conditions of the hospital • Understand the studies necessary to plan OMT • Recognize limitations to the exam • Recognize special situations where OMT will benefit the patient
The following elements are important not to neglect when taking the hospital history: Head Trauma Motor vehicle accidents Fractures Episodes of loss of consciousness Presence of known short leg Scoliosis 1 of 2 Obtaining the History
The following elements are important not to neglect when taking the hospital history: Previous experience with OMT Previous experience with other manual medicine modalities Response to previous treatments 2 of 2 Obtaining the History
Patient if possible May be intubated, altered LOC, etc. Family Members Nursing Home Other Caregivers Always remember the previous Chart Obtain the History from…
Before examination of the patient, review the following information: Any radiographs pertinent to the problem - Review these yourself. A radiologist usually doesn’t comment on bony and fascial abnormalities that are significant to your OMM plan. Always review the history before exam of the patient. Use the above information to focus the examination of the patient Data Collection
Based on the Respiratory-Circulatory-Neurologic Model Major diaphragms of the body - Bony & Fascial attachments Rib function - Fluid movement within the body - Reflexed mediated by the SNS (chain ganglia) Paraspinal myofascial elements - Suboccipital, sacral, thoracolumbar areas Physical Examination Protocol
If ambulatory, the exam doesn’t differ much from the outpatient exam. If hospital, a bedside osteopathic evaluation in the supine position is necessary. Physical Examination Protocol - continued
ASIS CompressionTest Bilateral compression of the ASIS: This test indicates restrictions in iliosacral mobility that interfere with sacral and pubic motion, and pelvic diaphragm tension. Foundations for Osteopathic Medicine, 2nd. Edition, p. 424
Evaluate and treat the sacrum and lumbar areas from the patient’s side. Patient is usually laying on a draw-sheet & fitted mattress sheet. Slip hands under the patient, palms up, between the draw-sheet and the fitted mattress sheet. The figure in the next slide shows how this can be easily accomplished. Physical Examination Protocol
Physical Examination Protocol - continued • A: Loosen draw-sheet from under the mattress. • B: Roll draw-sheet parallel to the patient. • C: Place hands between draw-sheet and mattress to contact lumbar areas. • This approach protects the patient’s modesty, and the physician is less likely to come in contact with any discharge, drainage, urine, or feces in bed. Foundations for Osteopathic Medicine, 2nd. Edition, p. 425
Sacral Motion Restriction • Place the fingertips of one hand at the inferolateral angle of the sacrum and fingertips of the other hand at the ipsilateral sacral base. • Exert alternate pressure in the anterior direction with the fingertips, ascertaining the ability of the sacrum to “rock” on it’s L-shaped articulation. Foundations for Osteopathic Medicine, 2nd. Edition, p. 426
Assess tissue texture changes and motion restriction of the lumbar spine. If patient is not in the immediate postoperative period after abdominal or pelvic surgery: Palpate the abdomen for visceral dysfunction Assess restrictions of thoracoabdominal diaphragm Place one hand under the patient at T10-L2 area posteriorly. Other hand anteriorly, just inferior to the xiphoid process Perform motion testing The abdominal diaphragm dysfunction is named according to the direction of preferred fascial movement sensed by the abdominal hand. Lumbar Spine Examination
Assess rib excursion by having the patient breathe deeply. Palpate rib cage at the midaxillary line lateral to the sternum (upper ribs). If chest tube is present or patient on ventilator, follow the motion present by lightly resting hands on the rib cage. Lower and Upper Rib Examination
Sternal Palpation • Gently rest the palpating hand on the sternum and follow it’s motion, noting any fascial pulls and any costosternal articular restrictions. Foundations for Osteopathic Medicine, 2nd. Edition, p. 426
Chapman’s Reflex • Perform an anterior screen of the anterior Chapman’s and Jones points in the thoracic and abdominal areas. • Note any specific rib restrictions so they can be treated later.
Thoracic Region Examination • Place patient in Fowler’s position: • Standing and leaning over the head of the bed from behind, slide fingers under draw sheet down to the T12 - L2 area of the patient’s back. • Push anteriorly with fingertips of both hands, assessing the tissue texture changes then rotatory motion of the paraspinalelements. Foundations for Osteopathic Medicine, 2nd. Edition, p. 426
Individual Rib Evaluation and Treatment Position • Place the fingertips of the anterior hand against the costochondral junction, and those of the posterior hand at the rib head of the same rib. • Palpate along the region for tissue texture changes and somatic dysfunction in the individual ribs based on respiratory motion. Foundations for Osteopathic Medicine, 2nd. Edition, p. 427
Thoracic Inlet Examination • Assess the suboccipital area for condylar compression and OA and AA somatic dysfunction. • Gently cradle the head and upper cervical area with the fingertips and hands. Foundations for Osteopathic Medicine, 2nd. Edition, p. 427
Cranial Examination & Treatment Position • The cranium is now palpated for somatic dysfunction • The cranium can be evaluated with many hand positions. Foundations for Osteopathic Medicine, 2nd. Edition, p. 427
Sympathetic Nervous System SD indicated by palpation of the thoracic and upper lumbar area for viscerosomatic and articular restrictions, and of rib cage for restrictions affecting the sympathetic chain ganglia. Parasympathetic Nervous System SD indicated by palpation of the sacral, suboccipital, and cranial areas. Lymphatic System SD indicated by assessing the four major diaphragms of the body and rib motion. Pelvic diaphragm Thoracoabdominal diaphragm Superior thoracic aperture Tentorium cerebelli Neuromusculoskeletal System Evaluation- Summary
Visceral Dysfunction Reflected by positive anterior Chapman’s points, visceral palpation (when possible), and spinal somatic dysfunction that may be related to facilitated segments. Structural Components Asymmetries and abnormalities of the cervical, thoracic, rib, and pelvic areas affect optimal functioning of the autonomic and lymphatic systems. NeuromusculoskeletalSystem Evaluation- Summary
Always do a through osteopathic history. May need to obtain this from others 2. Incorporate the osteopathic exam into the physical examination. 3. Develop your own routine and stick with it 4. Ancillary tests such as radiographs, CT scans, etc., should be reviewed prior to evaluating the patient. Conclusion
Hospitalized patients have a compromised capacity: Don’t try to treat everything in one session. Indirect will be most easily tolerated if patient capacity is significantly compromised, e.g. can’t sit up, needs assistance rolling to side, etc. 2-5 minutes of treatment is going to stay within the patient’s capacity. Avoid over-treating. Conclusion-continued
6. Hospitalized patients have a compromised capacity: Short focused treatment several times per day is appropriate in the hospital setting. Example: Patient with potential Atelectasis Release thoracoabdominal diaphragm and superior thoracic aperture in the morning – assists lymphatic return Gently mobilize the sacrum or the suboccipital area and rib raise in the early evening – further assist with lymphatic return and modulate parasympathetic and sympathetic activity. Conclusion - continued
Over-treatment: How do I gauge this? Do the tissues stop responding with a sense of softening after one or two techniques? Does the patient start to complain of soreness even with gentle indirect treatment? Does breathing accelerate? Do vitals change negatively? Increasing heart rate? Negative change in blood pressure? Negative pulse oximetry change? Etc. Conclusion - continued
Hospitalized patients can derive significant benefit from focused problem based OMT. Work around what the patient can do in the hospital bed. Evaluation of the four diaphragms and their potential implications can be simple and straight forward. Think of: Fluid movement Autonomic influences Pain relief Gentle treatment that includes continuing evaluation of tissue response it most effective. Summary
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