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Children’s Oral Health & the Primary Care Provider

Access website resources on dental caries, water fluoridation, and fluoride varnish application. Watch video clips on fluoride varnish use and find sources to order fluoride varnishes. Utilize this kit to review anticipatory guidance for parents, educate on ECC risk reduction, nutrition, oral hygiene, fluoride benefits, and dental home importance.

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Children’s Oral Health & the Primary Care Provider

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Children’s Oral Health & the Primary Care Provider Oral Health Tool Kit

  2. Oral Health Tool Kit: Objectives • Present website resources information on dental caries, water fluoridation and fluoride varnish • Present website video clips information on fluoride varnish application • Present sources where fluoride varnishes can be ordered

  3. Oral Health Tool Kit:Objectives • Review anticipatory guidance for parents • Parent information: to decrease the risk of ECC • Nutrition & dietary habits • Oral hygiene • Role of fluoride • Importance of the dental home

  4. Website Resources Information

  5. Iowa Department of Public Health http://www.idph.state.ia.us/hpcdp/oral_health_programs.asp

  6. AAP Children’s Health Topics: Oral Healthhttp://www.aap.org/healthtopics/oralhealth.cfm

  7. AAP Oral Health Initiativehttp://www.aap.org/commpeds/dochs/oralhealth/pedsCare.cfm

  8. Centers for Disease Control and Preventionhttp://www.cdc.gov/OralHealth/index.htm

  9. Website Video ClipsInformation

  10. http://www.kdheks.gov/ohi/index.html

  11. Kansas Department of Oral Health http://www.kdheks.gov/ohi/index.html

  12. YouTube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=khJDMuUrDA&mode=related&search=

  13. Fluoride Varnish: Ordering Information

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