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Restoring Water Levels on Lakes Michigan-Huron: Impact Analysis IUGLS Study Board Meeting Windsor, ON Nov 30, 2010. Bryan Tolson 1 Masoud Asadzadeh Saman Razavi 1. Assistant Professor Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering. Introduction.
Restoring Water Levels on Lakes Michigan-Huron: Impact AnalysisIUGLS Study Board MeetingWindsor, ONNov 30, 2010 Bryan Tolson1 Masoud Asadzadeh Saman Razavi 1. Assistant Professor Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Introduction • Purpose is to assess the impacts of “restoring” Lake MH levels by 10 cm to 50 cm • x-cm restoration here is defined as a permanent structural change to the St. Clair River that raises the long term average of Lake MH by x-cm • The actual structural change is not specified and thus the actual hydraulic impacts are not assessed here • Instead, we assume that reducing the conveyance of the St. Clair River as simulated in the co-ordinated routing model (CGLRRM) is roughly representative of system-wide restoration impacts of some actual structural change to reduce St. Clair River conveyance
Quantifying Restoration • Equation below describes the conveyance of the St. Clair River in CGLRRM • We simulate the system with the Equation coefficients set to describe the current conveyance regime of the river • to simulate system under restoration, we manipulate a coefficient in Equation to reduce conveyance of the river • primarily, we consider ymSC QSC = KSC((MH+SC)/2-ymSC)aSC (MH-SC)bSC-IW ymSC: Mean Channel Bottom Elevation of St. Clair River With the default value of 167.00 m Base case: ymSC= 167.00 m
Quantifying Restoration Restoration impacts are assessed with CGLRRM+1958DD down to Montreal (Jetty1) simulating 109 years of lake levels based on 1900-2008 (historical) residual NBS QSC = KSC((MH+SC)/2-ymSC)aSC (MH-SC)bSC-IW Increase ymSC from 167.00 so that the long-term average MH lake level increases by 10, 25, 40, and 50 cm Restoration average is calculated over the final 55 years of the simulation ( ‘equilibrium’ is reached … MH stops filling) In a sensitivity analysis, we will repeat with KSC (function of mean channel cross-section area and roughness) rather than ymSC 4
Outline of Restoration Scenarios # levels [4] [2] [2] [3] [2] • factors we will vary to define scenarios include: • 10 cm, 25 cm, 40 cm, 50 cm restoration targets • static versus dynamic behaviour of Lake Superior • one-time (instantaneous) versus staged restoration • vary initial lake levels/NBS inflows to estimate worst-case downstream restoration impacts (Lake Erie 1930s, 1960s) • restoration via the ymSC versus the KSC coefficient • we do not evaluate impacts of all 4x2x2x3x2 = 96 combinations of factor levels • we only evaluate impacts for some of these
Outline of Restoration Scenarios • Unless otherwise noted, you can assume the following factor levels for all restoration results: • 10 cm, 25 cm, 40 cm or 50 cm restoration target (will be specified in all results) • static behaviour of Lake Superior • one-time (instantaneous) restoration at start of year 1 in simulation (year 1900 initial lake levels) • restoration via the ymSC (bottom level) coefficient
Restoration Scenarios • Static Plan 77A for Superior releases: • Run 77A for the base case where ymSC = 167.00 m • Take the outflow of lake Superior • Study the effect of adjusting ymSC on Midlakes by simulating only Midlakes with static inflow to MH (outflow of Lake Superior constant at the base case) • Dynamic 77A: • Study the effect of adjusting ymSC on Superior and Midlakes (Lake Superior with plan 77A as well as Midlakes) • here Lake Superior levels (through Plan 77A) are allowed to respond to restoration • Static 77A deemed most representative of trying to restore Lake MH levels without changing/degrading Lake Superior levels
RESULTS for STATIC 77A • Upstream Effects of Restoration • Downstream Effects of Restoration
1-Time MH Restoration – STATIC 77A Long-Term Upstream Effects • more extreme flooding more frequently on Lake MH due to restoration
RESULTS for STATIC 77A • Upstream Effects of Restoration • Downstream Effects of Restoration 13
Long-term Impacts Downstream of Lake St. Clair • Results again for Lake St. Clair • All further downstream long term impacts look very much the same (0-2% increase in frequency for 50 cm restoration) • focus attention on short-term impacts downstream
Niagara River + Welland Canal Response to 1-TIME Restoration
1-Time Restoration – STATIC 77A Short-Term Downstream Effects Short-term impacts limited to ~10 yrs, max. impacts within year 1 How are most extreme base case levels exacerbated
Staged vs 1-Time Restoration • Short-term downstream impacts of restoration can be minimized by spreading them out (staging) over time • essentially this means filling Lake MH more slowly • We evaluate a staged 25 cm restoration case and compare to 1-time restoration (same principle applies to any restoration scenario) • Staged restoration scenario evaluated: • 5 stages of restoration • each restoring 5 cm to Lake MH • each spaced in time by 5 years • thus, 20 yrs between start and end of physical restoration changes
Lakes Michigan Huron Response to 1-Time vs. STAGED Restoration • Staged restoration accomplishes same thing as 1-time restoration in the long term
Niagara River + Welland Canal Response to STAGED Restoration
Staged Restoration Summary Findings • 25 cm staged restoration can almost completely mitigate the negative downstream impacts of a one-time restoration • similar concept applies to any other selected level of restoration • exact mitigation extent is of course dependent on being able to stage whatever structural channel changes are selected • minimal downstream impact restoration (staging) takes longer (25 yrs instead of 10 yrs in this example) 37
Sensitivity of Short-term Restoration Impacts to Initial Lake Levels/NBS variability • Purpose here is assess worst case short-term downstream impacts due to a poorly-timed project [Worst case impacts upstream are in the long-term and so timing a project to start during a high water period will not be worse - all we would show is that it would be better to start project during high water period] • How are impacts exacerbated if physical restoration changes are completed just before period of very low Lake Erie levels? • Based on observed Lake Erie levels, there are two points in historical record to consider …
Simulated Lake Erie Level under Base Case “1960s” start “1930s” start
Starting the 10cm Restoration in Dry Period of the 30’s
Starting the 10cm Restoration in Dry Period in 60’s