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CS 431/636 Advanced Rendering Techniques

CS 431/636 Advanced Rendering Techniques. Dr. David Breen University Crossings 149 Tuesday 6PM  8:50PM. Presentation 4 4/22/08. Questions from Last Week?. Color models Light models Phong shading model Assignment 2. Slide Credits.

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CS 431/636 Advanced Rendering Techniques

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  1. CS 431/636 Advanced Rendering Techniques Dr. David Breen University Crossings 149 Tuesday 6PM  8:50PM Presentation 4 4/22/08

  2. Questions from Last Week? • Color models • Light models • Phong shading model • Assignment 2

  3. Slide Credits • Leonard McMillan, Seth Teller, Fredo Durand, Barb Cutler - MIT • David Luebke - University of Virginia • Matt Pharr - Stanford University • Jonathan Cohen - Johns Hopkins U. • Kevin Suffern -University of Technology, Sydney, Australia

  4. Motivation

  5. Extra rays needed for these effects • Distributed Ray Tracing • Soft shadows • Anti-aliasing (getting rid of jaggies) • Glossy reflection • Motion blur • Depth of field (focus)

  6. Shadows • one shadow ray per intersection per point light source no shadow rays one shadow ray

  7. Soft Shadows • multiple shadow rays to sample area light source one shadow ray lots of shadow rays

  8. jaggies w/ antialiasing Antialiasing – Supersampling • multiple rays per pixel point light area light

  9. Reflection • one reflection ray per intersection perfect mirror θ θ

  10. θ θ Glossy Reflection • multiple reflection rays Justin Legakis polished surface

  11. Motion Blur • Sample objects temporally Rob Cook

  12. Depth of Field • multiple rays per pixel film focal length Justin Legakis

  13. can we reduce this? Algorithm Analysis • Ray casting • Lots of primitives • Recursive • Distributed Ray Tracing Effects • Soft shadows • Anti-aliasing • Glossy reflection • Motion blur • Depth of field • cost ≤ height * width * • num primitives * • intersection cost * • num shadow rays * • supersampling * • num glossy rays * • num temporal samples * • max recursion depth * • . . .

  14. Bounding Regions

  15. Acceleration of Ray Casting • Goal: Reduce the number of ray/primitive intersection tests

  16. Conservative Bounding Region • First check for an intersection with a conservative bounding region • Early reject

  17. bounding sphere non-aligned bounding box axis-aligned bounding box arbitrary convex region (bounding half-spaces) Conservative Bounding Regions • tight avoid false positives • fast to intersect

  18. Bounding Volumes • What makes a “good” bounding volume? • Tightness of fit (expressed how?) • Simplicity of intersection Total cost = b*B + i*I • b: # times volume tested for intersection • B: cost of ray-volume intersection test • i: # times item is tested for intersection • I: cost of ray-item intersection test

  19. bounding sphere Bounding Volumes • Spheres • Cheap intersection test • Poor fit • Somewhat expensive to fit to data

  20. axis-aligned bounding box Bounding Volumes • Axis-aligned bounding boxes (AABBs) • Relatively cheap intersection test • Usually better fit • Trivial to fit to data

  21. oriented bounding box Bounding Volumes • Oriented bounding boxes (OBBs) • Medium-expensive intersection test • Very good fit (asymptotically better) • Medium-difficult to fit to data

  22. arbitrary convex region (bounding half-spaces) Bounding Volumes • Slabs (parallel planes) • Comparatively expensive • Very good fit • Very difficult to fit to data

  23. Intersection with Axis-Aligned Box From Lecture 2 • For all 3 axes, calculate the intersection distances t1 and t2 • tnear= max (t1x, t1y, t1z)tfar= min (t2x, t2y, t2z) • If tnear> tfar, box is missed • If tfar< 0, box is behind • If box survived tests, report intersection at tnear t2x tfar y=Y2 t2y tnear t1x y=Y1 t1y x=X2 x=X1

  24. (xmax, ymax, zmax) (x0, y0, z0) = (max(x0,x1,x2),max(y0,y1,y2),max(z0,z1,z2)) (x1, y1, z1) (x2, y2, z2) Bounding Box of a Triangle (xmin, ymin, zmin) = (min(x0,x1,x2), min(y0,y1,y2),min(z0,z1,z2))

  25. (xmax, ymax, zmax) = (x+r, y+r, z+r) r (x, y, z) (xmin, ymin, zmin) = (x-r, y-r, z-r) Bounding Box of a Sphere

  26. (xmax, ymax, zmax) (xmax_a, ymax_a, zmax_a) = (max(xmax_a,xmax_b), max(ymax_a,ymax_b),max(zmax_a,zmax_b)) (xmax_b, ymax_b, zmax_b) (xmin_b, ymin_b, zmin_b) (xmin_a, ymin_a, zmin_a) (xmin, ymin, zmin) = (min(xmin_a,xmin_b), min(ymin_a,ymin_b),min(zmin_a,zmin_b)) Bounding Box of a Group

  27. Acceleration Spatial Data Structures

  28. Spatial Data Structures • Spatialpartitioning techniques classify all space into non-overlapping portions • Easier to generate automatically • Can “walk” ray from partition to partition • Hierarchical bounding volumes surround objects in the scene with (possibly overlapping) volumes • Often tightest fit

  29. Spatial Partitioning • Some spatial partitioning schemes: • Regular grid (2-D or 3-D) • Octree • k-D tree • BSP-tree

  30. Acceleration Spatial Data Structures Regular Grid

  31. Regular Grid

  32. Cell (i, j) gridy gridx Create grid • Find bounding box of scene • Choose grid spacing • gridx need not = gridy

  33. Insert primitives into grid • Primitives that overlap multiple cells? • Insert into multiple cells (use pointers)

  34. For each cell along a ray • Does the cell contain an intersection? • Yes: return closestintersection • No: continue

  35. Preventing repeated computation • Perform the computation once, "mark" the object • Don't re-intersect marked objects

  36. Don't return distant intersections • If intersection t is not within the cell range, continue (there may be something closer)

  37. Cell (i, j) tnext_h tnext_v tnext_v tmin tnext_h tmin Where do we start? • Intersect ray with scene bounding box • Ray origin may be inside the scene bounding box

  38. dtv = gridy / diry gridy dth = gridx / dirx (dirx, diry) gridx Is there a pattern to cell crossings? • Yes, the horizontal and vertical crossings have regular spacing

  39. Cell (i+1, j) Cell (i, j) tnext_h tnext_v tmin dth dtv (dirx, diry) What's the next cell? if tnext_v < tnext_h i += signx tmin = tnext_v tnext_v += dtv else j += signy tmin = tnext_h tnext_h += dth if (dirx > 0) signx = 1 else signx = -1 if (diry > 0) signy = 1 else signy = -1

  40. What's the next cell? • 3DDDA – Three Dimensional Digital Difference Analyzer • 3D Bresenham Algorithm

  41. Pseudo-code create grid insert primitives into grid for each ray r find initial cell c(i,j), tmin, tnext_v & tnext_h compute dtv, dth, signx and signy while c != NULL for each primitive p in c intersect r with p if intersection in range found return c = find next cell

  42. Regular Grid Discussion • Advantages? • easy to construct • easy to traverse • Disadvantages? • may be only sparsely filled • geometry may still be clumped

  43. Acceleration Spatial Data Structures Adaptive Grids

  44. Nested Grids Octree/(Quadtree) Adaptive Grids • Subdivide until each cell contains no more than n elements, or maximum depth d is reached

  45. Octree/(Quadtree) Primitives in an Adaptive Grid • Can live at intermediate levels, orbe pushed to lowest level of grid

  46. Adaptive Grid Discussion • Advantages? • grid complexity matches geometric density • Disadvantages? • more expensive to traverse (especially octree)

  47. k-D Trees • k-D tree pros: • Moderately simple to generate • More adaptive than octrees • k-D tree cons: • Less efficient to trace rays across • Moderately complex data structure

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