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CCCECE. FALL BOARD MEETING 9/27-9/28/2018. Strategic Plan review. At the June CCCECE retreat we reviewed and revised our Strategic Plan Mission - To serve as a dynamic voice for California Community College Early Childhood Education

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  1. CCCECE FALL BOARD MEETING 9/27-9/28/2018

  2. Strategic Plan review • At the June CCCECE retreat we reviewed and revised our Strategic Plan • Mission - To serve as a dynamic voice for California Community College Early Childhood Education • Current version of the 5-year strategic plan is on the website • Watch for the recently revised Strategic Plan to be posted very soon

  3. Cccece newsletter • CCCECE is now producing a newsletter to provide members with updates in the field of ECE, upcoming events, changes in curriculum associated to ECE in California, and other pertinent information • The newsletter will be distributed by email to CCCECE members three times a year

  4. Sarah Neville morgan – ELCD • Director of the Early Learning and Care Division (ELCD) • Resources for child development contractors, families and the child care community. • Everyone Belongs – new inclusive concept. Including children from across CA in their brochures, Strategic Plan • New Strategic Plan https://www.cde.ca.gov/sp/cd/re/

  5. Elcd - Strategic plan • Priorities in the plan • Attempting to create one system with unified voice for quality • Building equity, capacity and quality across agencies, programs, settings • Excellent service, integrity, stewardship and excellence in leadership, service, and support

  6. Project HOpe • Harness Opportunity for Positive Equitable Early Childhood Development • Collaboration between the Tribal Child Care Association and the California Department of Education • Joint project with Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO) and the National Governors Association • Ensuring a diverse, culturally and linguistically responsive, high-quality workforce across continuum of early learning and care settings • A system to meet needs of birth through 8 • Career Lattice is finalized https://www.cde.ca.gov/sp/cd/re/cddpublications.asp#eeresources

  7. Preschool Development grant (PDG) • Provide $250 million to states across the country to support activities zero to five • Administered by Dept. of Health and Human Services • Early learning and care in mixed delivery system process to apply • Needs assessment • Strategic plan • Parent choice and knowledge • Sharing best practices among early childhood service providers • Improving overall quality

  8. PDG approach • Try to bring organization to a fragmented system • Strengthen relationship between state agencies and community level leads • Multiple focuses: • Including adding funding to pay for the workforce • Health • Inclusion • Facilities • Financing • Unifying the state’s approach to quality

  9. Encroaching messages into media • How do we change the way in which we view early childhood, education, families, and supporting childhood in the US to make it a higher priority?

  10. Executive reports • Membership – 222; 110 joined for multiple years. A little over 100 due to renew in October. 110 did not renew last year. Sending out a reminder to the individuals that didn’t renew • Membership Benefits • Newsletter • Reduced costs and Priority Registration for attending CCCECE events • Childcare Exchange Subscription • Public Policy Update Alerts

  11. Dr. Annie white – csu channel islandsannie.white@csuci.edu (805) 437-2053 • Learning Stories • The Power of Learning Stories: Documenting Children's Learning • History – relooking at our assessment practices in CA with DRDP; dealing with time constraints to complete vs. trying to find meaningful relationships and engagement • Rethinking and reflecting on using learning stories as a a form of assessment methodology, curriculum planning, and deeper reflection • Visit to New Zealand for study tours to learn alongside of Dr. Margaret Carr

  12. Moving away from a deficit model to formative assessment via Learning Stories • There’s a different way to approach DRDP and assessment that engages the hearts and minds of children and their families • Dr. Margaret Carr and Dr. Wendy Lee mobilized change to develop a new approach to curriculum and assessment, whole of NZ use it with a TeWhariki (Maori) based curriculum. 98% of teachers use Learning Stories

  13. What are learning stories? • Two articles on Learning Stories • Examples

  14. 4 Principles • Holistic development • Empowerment • Family and community • Relationships

  15. 5 strands • Belonging • Well-being • Exploration • Communication • Contribution

  16. Learning Stories - process 1. Story – notice 2. Analysis – recognize 3. Planning – respond Title First person narrative Strength-based Your reaction to what you observed End with your name

  17. Ongoing work with learning stories • SALSA – Supporting the Advancement of Learning Stories in America – setting up an organization now and will be ready soon • National Learning Stories Conference: May 3 & 4, 2019, co-hosted by OCAEYC – in Orange County • Adapting to use inside the adult teaching classroom • Also working on a Childfolio App to put it on-line • Trying to create a Professional Learning Community around Learning Stories

  18. In Which courses could you embed this content? • Intro to curriculum? Child, home, community, the practicum? • How could you incorporate this into your college programs? • Study abroad experiences • Community engagement/service learning • Clubs • Self-reflections as students go through practicums, work experience

  19. Learning stories – cccece spring institute • Dr. Wendy Lee and Dr. Annie White presenting on Learning Stories • April 20th in Cosumnes River College • April 22nd at College of the Canyons • https://www.naeyc.org/resources/pubs/tyc/dec2016/learning-stories • $15 for members, $55 for non-members

  20. New cccece website • We’ve updated our website! • Watch for a CCCECE Shout-Out for the ‘unveiling’

  21. Legislation • Everything is quiet right now • Permit – all feedback is in from the most recent revision, but no update • New NAEYC standards seeking input from the field on Professional Standards

  22. Lab school liaison • State Academic Senate working on a paper re: apprenticeship, work experience • DRDP is on-line with Learning Genie • New state menu plan in effect

  23. CDTC – Stephanie aguilar • Delay in CDTC grant this year - hopefully it is now resolved and permits are being processed! • Fall Forum – Palm Springs this year - 11/8, 9, and 10th - No joint meeting with CDTC and MENTOR this year prior to the Forum • If CDTC pays for people to attend it is hoped you will attend the whole Forum. No meals provided but there is a reception on Thursday and Friday • Sessions are 3 hours to provide more depth of exploration of topics • How is information on Quality Rating getting out to Higher Education – trying to work out how to make this connection

  24. cdtc • Coordinators for CDTC struggling to get out to connect with students so money used to purchase folders with information inside the packets, staplers, post-it notes, postcards • If you need more folders contact CDTC to ask • Webinars will be created on how to help students/employees fill out the documents because there are mistakes occurring and going forward applicants will only have one opportunity to correct and resubmit • Webinars on how to use budget also

  25. Peach update • PEACH is applying for a Packard Grant for bringing the state together to expand opportunities for more Higher Education faculty to come together and recognize differences in the state • To look at the different situations ECE is dealing with across the state in the different regions

  26. Debi silverman - First 5 Education Administrator in Program management Getting Higher Ed involved in First 5 – How to do it? How can we make it happen? • Want to have Higher Ed at the table in meaningful ways to value the inclusion of HE in improving the quality of the workforce • Want our help to identify barriers to our inclusion, to identify which areas welcome our input • At state level helping with workforce efforts • Coaching certification program – competency video exists from CDE • Training certification program for Adult Learning

  27. Debi silverman • Activity – How do we make a difference in bringing IHE and First 5 together in a more collaborative relationship? • Vision IHE including both two and four year programs are instrumental in preparing the early learning workforce to meet the emerging expectations of California’s high quality, unified early childhood system. Faculty engagement in local QRIS consortia, and the Quality Counts California (QCC) State Consortium, is the cornerstone to ensuring early educators develop a consistent knowledge base, skills and mutual understanding around language and terminology, thereby reducing early educator's barriers to participation in QCC.

  28. June millovich • CDE to CSU transfer options – sabbatical work on transfer options • Based on existing Transfer degrees • www.livebinders.com/play/play?id=2369083 • Also accessible via the Saddleback Community College website under Student Resources

  29. June millovich – cap and early edu update • Early EdU Alliance https://www.earlyedualliance.org/ resources for educating ECE; how can we use it in CA in alignments with the CCC system? Trying to work out where Early EdU courses would fit into CAP – creating a crosswalk between the two systems • Trying to align content into a single location inside of CAP courses so no overlap/repetition • Considering a pilot group of faculty to try it out • A Faculty Institute would follow to show how to access and use the material • Materials can currently be used in CA CCC courses if you join the Alliance • Here’s a taste…Coaching Companion tool https://www.earlyedualliance.org/courses/

  30. Cecilia asher-falk – Policy managercommunity care licensing • Safe Sleep Regulation • Sudden Unexpected Infant Death SUID • Suffocation, ingestion, cardiac arrythmia and SIDs – over 3000 babies each year dying, including SIDs, 12 deaths per year in CA (primarily in homes, but some in centers - licensed) • Regulations conversation started in 2012 with Health and Safety Workgroup with a White Paper • Regulations submitted for approval, through the 45 day for comments, some hearings have been hosted, currently reviewing and responding to comments, some modifications are being made. • Secondary comment period for 15 days will come out once review is completed to hopefully lead to a final set of Regulations to be adopted

  31. Questions from CCCECE members • Q. A staff has to be in the room when an infant is sleeping…will this be tied to a specific level of units? • A. It could be a teacher, it could be an aid • Q. Native American population culture of swaddling, how do we deny and support Native Americans in their beliefs? Problematic to tell a family that what is their common practice is only allowed with a waiver; it is insensitive • A. Waivers could exist to the Reg to accommodate situations such as this • A. Swaddling has been identified as a hazard in contributing to SIDs • Q. A half wall, reason why someone has to be on the other side? • A. Current Reg is constant supervision of infant, watching them all the time – finding that the employee has many distractions in the room that might draw their attention away from the child

  32. questions • Q. Individual sleeping plan – will there be an opportunity to comment on it? • A. Still taking comments as part of the overall process • Q. Is the every 15 minute check time based on research/evidence specifically? • A. Constant supervision in the family home structure isn’t a reasonable expectation, but 15 minute is an attempt to find a reasonable amount of time to notice if a child is in distress

  33. National institute for children’s health quality • How safe sleep savvy are you? • Video quiz https://www.nichq.org/resources

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