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This document provides an overview of the endcap data processing and analysis tools used by James N. Bellinger at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. It includes information on the software, data files, partitions, reference information, scripts, and glitches associated with the process.
Endcap Processing Notes James N. Bellinger University of Wisconsin-Madison 13-August-2010 James N. Bellinger 13-Aug-2010
Locations /afs/cern.ch/cms/CAF/CMSALCA/ALCA_MUONALIGN/HWAlignment/Endcap Tools Non-CMSSW software: mostly data manipulation Data Main datafiles and partitioned subsets of them Partitions Subdirectories for each partition of the Endcap MEp1, MEm1, MEp23, MEm23, MEp4, MEm4, XFER Output Photogrammetry Reference information Plots profileData James N. Bellinger 13-Aug-2010
Data Dumps of online database Selected events, processed into Cocoa format (eg 1276014332.dat) Alternatively, a selected event’s profiles from profileData, refit and processed into Cocoa format Normal partitions of an event (eg MEm4_1276014332.dat) Special partitions for MEp1 and MEm1, which include hand-inserted data from Link and the IR-Z sensors Soft links to current event’s data: MEm4.dat => MEm4_1276014332.dat James N. Bellinger 13-Aug-2010
Partitions: example Partitions/MEp23 Script to process the data: makeit.com and makeit.Z.com Uncalibrated SDF file: MEp23.sdf Uncalibrated special SDF file: MEp23.ZONLY.SDF Results files are MEp23_survey.sdf created by applying calibrations to MEp23.sdf MEp23.ZONLY_calib.sdf created by applying some calibrations to MEp23.ZONLY.sdf mep23.xyzphixyz : fit chamber centers and rotations James N. Bellinger 13-Aug-2010
Partitions: why complexity? Plunger-style Z-sensor model is not integrated into Cocoa model It doesn’t work yet—inconsistent results Putting everything together uses too much memory Have to calculate Z-information for chambers separately and merge it. Current approach is Florida model James N. Bellinger 13-Aug-2010
Any glitches and gotchas? MEm1 model doesn’t work perfectly I get better DQM from refitting the full profiles than from the online fit—more information is available, even ignoring being able to eyeball the profiles Bug in the Z calculation somewhere James N. Bellinger 13-Aug-2010
How does it operate? Select a good event Use good profile root file and run Tools/makeplots.C on it (inspect) and then Tools/readRefit.sh to create the main datafile Use Tools/findgoodLine.awk on the database dump to find a good event, and then select out that event and run Tools/unpdbloose.awk (or unpdbtight.awk) and create the main datafile Make the partitions Data/makesplits.sh and create soft links for them Data/linkCurrentData.sh From Celso get the Link ME1/2 ASPD data and the Link fits for the Link disk Former in MEp1/MEm1.dat, latter in Partitions/MEp1/LDPlus….include James N. Bellinger 13-Aug-2010
How does it operate? 2 Select a time window and inspect the Z-sensor analog data for that interval. Find a good interval and collect the averages. Use the spreadsheet system in http://www.hep.wisc.edu/~jnb/cms/09Aug2010/June7.xls to calculate Z distances Create Cocoa-format data for the IR-Z sensors and insert this in the MEp1 and MEm1 data files From Celso get the MAB positions and tilts. Use the spreadsheet system above to calculate IR target positions in Z Edit the MEp1/MEm1.sdf files to reflect these positions James N. Bellinger 13-Aug-2010
How does it operate? 3 Some Z calculations which are not completely scripted yet are described in http://www.hep.wisc.edu/~jnb/cms/09Aug2010/ Copy the resulting file (redoForZONLY.awk) to the Tools area Run makeit.com in each Partitions subdirectory Run makeit.Z.com in each Partitions subdirectory (final filename isn’t fixed) create a file from concatenating all of the Partitions/XXX/xxx.xyzphixyz files Tools/runAll | awk –f Tools/createXML.awk > Endcap xml fragment: (no ME11 or DT) Assemble. James N. Bellinger 13-Aug-2010
Too many operator steps Selecting event Retrieving Link fits and data Rewriting MAB info in ME1.sdf files (scriptable) Rewriting ME1 data files with Link data (scriptable) Retrieving Z-sensor analog info Rewriting ME1 data files again (scriptable) Calculating Z positions of transfer plates and writing the rewrite script (scriptable) Assembling the final XML file, creating SQLite (scriptable) Checking the resulting displays This we keep James N. Bellinger 13-Aug-2010
Tools used but not provided Cocoa Excel (need to make a program instead) Pari/gp (free math program, I use scripts in this language) James N. Bellinger 13-Aug-2010
Medium term I will have to phase out work on alignment in the next couple of months Endcap hardware alignment Bullseye: analysis system complete and understood and turnkey 9-Ring: analysis system pieces in place and understood and ready for someone else to take over management 8-Ring: analysis system pieces in place and mostly working Integration Bullseye: communication between Link/Barrel/Endcap processing is turnkey 9-Ring: communication between groups does not iterate 8-Ring: no more than one iteration and results in 5 days James N. Bellinger 13-Aug-2010