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Cedar Valley

Prepare for the new school year at Cedar Valley with tips on easing your child's anxiety, school routines, meal information, visitor guidelines, and grade level beliefs.

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Cedar Valley

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  1. Cedar Valley New to CVES Parent meeting 2019-20

  2. Cedar Valley’s Theme Makin’ Waves

  3. First Week of School • It’s natural for children to experience some anxiety (as well as excitement!) about beginning school. Here are a few things you can do to make it easier for your child. • Make plans to attend “Meet the Teacher Night” on August 22, 2019 from 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. Your child’s teacher and room assignment will be posted in the cafeteria at that time. We will have staff members in the halls to help you. You’ll have time to tour the building, help your child locate his/her classroom, put away school supplies, and visit briefly with the teacher. • On the first day of school students should report to their classrooms. • We are a CEP campus, so all of our students are allowed to eat breakfast and lunch free. However, if they choose to get extra items, then they must have money in their accounts to cover that cost. • Be sure your child understands what to do AFTER SCHOOL. Is he/she to walk home? Is he/she sure of the way? Should he/she wait to be picked up by a parent or babysitter? Does he/she ride the bus, go to daycare, or attend YMCA? • If siblings are to walk together, communicate with the child’s teacher that the older student should pick up the younger student from their teacher. • Label all supplies and clothing with your child’s name. This is also important later in the year when coats, hats, and gloves are brought to school. Every personal item that comes to school should be marked.

  4. HUG ZONE • For the security of students, we do not allow parents to walk students to class after the first 3 days of school. We invite you to walk your child as far as the hug zone (right before the security doors) and then release your child from there. We have staff members all around the building to maintain security and provide assistance. We also have adults stationed near the security doors to help students in need. We appreciate your support in helping your child’s independence blossom.

  5. Building opens at 6:45 for breakfast and 7:00 for entrance to the halls. • Breakfast closes as 7:15 • School day begins: 7:25 • TARDY 7:30 • School day ends: 3:00

  6. MEAL COST • Student Breakfast and Lunches FREE (CEP Campus) • Adult Breakfast $2.50 • Adult Lunch $ 3.75

  7. Breakfast & Lunch Visitation • No eating with students the first two weeks of school • Follow policy in handbook • Dress appropriately • Sit at the Family Dining Table-please no cell phone • Visitation ends once your child joins their class • Refrain from sugary drinks

  8. Cupcakes • One for each classmate (teacher too) • Provided to student during the last 15 minutes of the school day • Parents are NOT allowed to accompany the cupcakes to the classroom • Please contact teacher if there are any allergies in the classroom and be prepared to provide an alternative • Stick with cupcakes or cookies.. Cakes get messy! • We don’t have Birthday Parties and can NOT pass out invitations • No Home Made Goodies

  9. Grade Level Beliefs • We are committed to designing engaging lessons. • We have high expectations and believe that all students can learn at higher levels. • We provide a safe learning environment. • Each child will be encouraged to do his/her best.

  10. Student Expectations:

  11. Bullying • If your child is reported for bullying a behavior short form will be filled out.  On the 3rd short form, the teacher is required to make a phone call home and alert the parents of the behaviors brought to your attention by their child’s peers. On the fourth incident a full office referral will be filled out.  Bullying is not tolerated at Cedar Valley.

  12. Grades and Testing • Grades are A-90 to 100, B-80 to 89, C 70-79, anything 69 and below are not passing. There will be several projects during the year with rubrics and points will be taken off for late work. • You can check grade through: Home Access, Report Cards, Progress Reports, Weekly Tuesday Folders • Teachers administer the following test three time during the year: MAPS Each nine weeks we test reading with Fountas and Pinell. • Students in 3rd, 4th, and 5th grades will take the STAAR test in the spring semester.

  13. TARGETS • Please talk with your student each night about what they learned that day. On our weekly notes we have listed our targets for that week so that you have a guide to help with these discussions. You can also find what we are teaching in our grade level monthly news letter. Working Mornings The building will open at 7:00 and computer labs will be open with adult help available for students needing assistance with homework.

  14. How to Help at Home • Check their backpacks daily for notes and homework assignments. Also a special Tuesday folder will come home on Tuesday’s with notes from the office. • Look at the work the teacher is sending home and ask questions about the work. • We communicate through: Connect Ed Calls, Tuesday Folder, Weekly Parent Letter, Marquee, Website, School Webpage and Remind/BLOOM/CLASS DOJO

  15. Visitation Policy: • A comprehensive list can be found in the handbook….. • Dress appropriately • Parents & Guardians only • *No cell phones or electronic device • *No young children tagging along • Complete the online observation request • *No talking or redirecting your child • *Please sit in the back of the room. • *Thirty minutes maximum per day

  16. After pick up Dismissal Procedures PK-2– left loop 3rd-5th - Right Loop Siblings - Right Loop Exit & enter curb side Display Car Tag in Window Replacements from main office Stay with your car • Please be mindful of others after picking up your children. Last year we had LOTS of parents and students remaining on school grounds after pick up. Many of the students weren’t being well monitored by their parents and we had several running injuries. The teachers were distracted from keeping their other students safe so we would appreciate your help with this safety issue.

  17. ParentalResponsiblilites • Leaving my child unattended or allowing my child to arrive on school grounds prior to 7:00 may be considered child neglect. • Failure to pick up my child after school later than 3:00 may also be considered child neglect. • Repeated incidences of early drop offs and/or late pickups may result in reports to Child Protective Services and/or the Police • Maintain correct and current up-to-date information on the student data card • Contacts not listed on the child’s enrollment card will not be able to pick up a student. Please make arrangements in advance to add additional contacts.

  18. THANK YOU! • Thank you for attending our parent meeting. • Please contact your teacher as needed through notes, emails, and phone calls. We want to keep the lines of communication open in order to provide the best education for each student. • We are looking forward to a wonderful school year. • Cedar Valley – 254-336-1480

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