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Human resource management Experience, competence and communication

Explore the ideology and practices of HRM focusing on employee management, competence, and effective communication. Topics include employee appraisals, Michigan and Harvard theories, and the role of HRM in a technical environment and for OR nurses.

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Human resource management Experience, competence and communication

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  1. Human resource management Experience, competence and communication Svanhildur Jónsdóttir OR nurse, B.Sc., MA Human resource management

  2. Lecture topics • The ideology of Human resource management (HRM) • HRM in a technical environment experience, competence and communication • HRM in the work environment of an OR nurse • Employee appraisals as a tool in HRM

  3. The ideology of HRM Definition: HRM covers everything relating to managing employees work and communication. • Decision making • Communication • Goals

  4. The ideology of HRM The discussion revolves around whether HRM can give organizations a competitive advantage Research shows that HRM does result in better performance for organizations in the form of: • Reduced employee turnover • Sales increases • Increased profit • More productivity HRM revolves around aligning the goals of the employee and the organization

  5. The ideology of HRM The role of the one in charge of HRM The essence of HRM Different emphasis in HRM Michigan theory • The emphasis on managerial behaviour and the management process where the purpose is to maximise the utilisation of human resource Harvard theory • Emphasis on cherishing and developing employees not only to maximize the utilization of employees • Take into account organization culture, employees and customers

  6. The ideology of HRM • Hard HRM Management is the main focus, how successful the organization is in creating methods to maximise the utilisation of human resources • Soft HRM Emphasis on experience, competence, motivation, job advancement and communication

  7. The ideology of HRM • HRM revolves around helping organizations to succeed by: • Building employee loyalty • Strengthening employee competence • Increasing employee independence at their work • Increasing job satisfaction • Encouraging the integration of work and personal life • Facilitating implementation of change

  8. The ideology of HRM Important aspects of HRM • The importance of the employee is acknowledged • Create a platform for innovation within organizations • Increase communication • Define the performance of organizations

  9. HRM in a technical environmentExperience, competence, communication Experience • Well trained employees is the foundation of good performance and financial growth of organizations

  10. Action What did you do? Experience Experience Observation What happened? Reflection What did you learn? Experience HRM in a technical environmentExperience, competence, communication Action-observation-reflection model

  11. HRM in a technical environmentExperience, competence, communication • Knowledge and experience are valuable information that can be used for decision making and performance • Explicit knowledge is tangible knowledge that can be documented and preserved with the organization • Tacit knowledge is subjective knowledge that is based on experience and is contained within each of us

  12. HRM in a technical environmentExperience, competence, communication Competence/qualification Human resource is the essence that the success of organizations rests on Scholars and managers in the work environment believe that success based development of employee competence is the biggest challenge in the field of human resource management in the next few years

  13. HRM in a technical environmentExperience, competence, communication Iceberg model Visible Competence Knowledge Self awareness Personal qualities Enthusiasm Hidden

  14. HRM in a technical environmentExperience, competence, communication Communication • Job satisfaction is linked to the quantity and quality of communication • Good communication is directly linked to performance

  15. HRM in a technical environmentExperience, competence, communication Results • Experience and employee competence are important factors in the long term success of organizations • Effective communication is a key factor in successful operations

  16. HRM in the work environment of OR nurses • Job satisfaction • Challenging work • Continuous training • Specific feedback

  17. HRM in the work environment of OR nurses Employee advancement • Need analysis • Job performance

  18. HRM in the work environment of OR nurses • Employee turnover is an indication of how the organization stands • Reasons for employee turnover • Low job satisfaction and low employee loyalty  Higher employee turnover

  19. HRM in the work environment of OR nurses Result • HRM is important because it creates a process or a platform for innovation which is the opposite to the mechanical order

  20. Employee appraisals as a tool in HRM • Definition of employee appraisal Regular communication between a superior and a subordinate regarding everything that has to do with work and the work environment • What is employee appraisal? Employee appraisals as they have developed today are tools for managers and employees to ensure a coherent relationship between the policy and development of the organisation and the utilisation of human resource

  21. Employee appraisals as a tool in HRM Development of employee appraisals Purpose and benefit of employee appraisals • Better job performance • Mutual information sharing • Facilitates employees in reaching their work goals • Mutual trust

  22. Employee appraisals as a tool in HRM Benefits of employee appraisals to the employee • The employee receives feedback on his job performance • Is a way to shape job advancement and employee training • Facilitates motivation, positive work atmosphere and improves the understanding of ones own work • The employee is more aware of the managements expectations • Better communication with management • Can prevent conflict • Increases flexibility • Improves the work atmosphere • Strengthens the team spirit • Provides an opportunity to express oneself on goals, management, and the strategy of the organization • Method to give employees feedback

  23. Employee appraisals as a tool in HRM Benefits of employee appraisals for organisations • Gives a comprehensive overview of the human resource • Good opportunity to familiarise the employee with the goal and strategy of the organization • Better cooperation between superiors and subordinates • Get better acquainted with the employee • Better foundation for future organisation • Can prevent conflict • Right person in the right place

  24. Employee appraisals as a tool in HRM Flaws of employee appraisals for the employee and the organizations • Can create too high expectations with the employee • Can create conflicts between superiors and subordinates • Lack of interest from managers to discuss work and work facility • Managers not sufficiently knowledgeable about the work field of the employee to be able to appraise performance • Managers are not comfortable with discussing negative performance • Employees suspicious of the appraisal • Time consuming

  25. Employee appraisals as a tool in HRM Useful tool for organizations and employees The goal of employee appraisals in the long run is to increase responsibility and improve employee professional qualification while increasing the welfare of the employee

  26. Employee appraisals as a tool in HRM Research by Svanhildur Jónsdóttir 2006 Faculty of Economics and Business Administration in University of Iceland Research questions • 1. Can employee appraisals be used as a tool in the management of organizations? • 2. Can employee appraisals create a coherent relationship between the strategy and evolution of a organizations and the utilisation of human resource? • 3. Do organizations use employee appraisals as a tool in job advancement? • 4. Do organizations use employee appraisals as a tool to praise the employee and to give feedback on performance? Methodology

  27. Employee appraisals as a tool in HRM Results of a research on employee appraisals as a tool in Human resource management • Useful tool • Creates a better job culture in the work place • Increased job satisfaction • Employees are more aware of the goals and strategy of the organizations • Shape job advancement • Increased use of praise and feedback

  28. Employee appraisals as a tool in HRM Successful communication - prosperous operations Employee appraisals are the way of the future

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