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Explore the key traits of living things such as movement, respiration, response to stimuli, growth, reproduction, adaptation, and waste disposal. Enhance your knowledge about the diversity of living organisms and their behaviors.

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  1. THE CHARACTERISTICS OF LIVING THINGS A.Standard of Competence: Students are able to understand the variety of living things B. Basic of Competence: Students are able to identify the characteristics of living things

  2. C. Indicator / Objectives: 1. To enable students to collect information about the characteristics of living things 2. To enable students to conclude and write a report about living things 3. To enable students to explain the characteristics of living


  4. LIVING THINGS The characteristic of living things are : 1. Moving 2. Carrying on respiration 3. Receiving and Responding to stimulus 4. Requiring oxygen, water, and food 5. Growing and Developing 6. Reproducing 7. Adaptation to the environment 8. Throw the waste

  5. 1. Moving • Active Moving : If the living things move from one place to other place or not, and caused by internal factor Example : Horse runs

  6. Plants move :

  7. 2. Carrying on the Respiration • Respiration is : the process of breaking up food to gain energy. Chemistry reaction of respiration: Food + oxygen energy + carbon dioxide + water vapour C6H12O6 + 6O2 energy + 6CO2 + 6H2O

  8. Respiration process happens inside of cell, specially in the mitochondrion, so We can called this process by Cellular respiration

  9. 3. Receiving and responding to the stimulus • By using the senses living things can receive and respond the stimulus • Example:

  10. Stimulus is the external factor that comes from the environment and received by living thing. • Respond is the react from the living thing to the stimulus • Examples : Winter is the stimulus for Monarch Butterfly Migrate is the respond from the Monarch Butterfly

  11. 4. Requiring oxygen, water, and food Oxygen: main substance is needed by living thing for respiration process Water : main substance that contained by living things body. 2/3 parts of living things body is water. Water is the temperature regulatory of living things body. Food : main source of energy for supporting the life

  12. 5. Growing and Developing Growing is the increasing process of body’s size of living thing. Example : -Small change up to big Short change up to long Developing is :the change process of living thing to be mature Example : Simple body change up to the complete body ( methamorphosa )

  13. 6. Reproducing Reproducing is one of the manners for getting new generation. Reproducing Generative reproducing Vegetative reproducing

  14. Generative Reproducing ( sexual reproducing )is the reproducing started by fertilization process

  15. Vegetative reproducing ( asexual reproducing ) is the reproducing not started by fertilization process. Examples : -budding -fission -Fragmentation -parthenogenesis

  16. Budding

  17. Fission Phylum : Cnidaria Class : Anthozoa

  18. Fragmentation/ regeneration Body piece grow to whole body Example : Phylum: Platyhelminthes Class : Turbellaria

  19. Phartenogenesis • If the new generation comes from the egg without started by fertilization process. • Example : Honey bee

  20. 7. Adaptation to the Environment Adaptation is an effort of living thing for making the suitable condition with the environment. Adaptation Morphology adaptation Physiology adaptation Behavioral adaptation

  21. 8. Throw the waste/ excretion Excretion organ of human are : 1. Lever 2. Lung 3. Skin 4. Kidney

  22. Thank you for your attention and see you next time

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