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Achievements and Activities FY01 of SIMBIOS Project. Giulietta Sara Fargion SAIC General Sciences Corp. SIMBIOS Project Project Manager GSFC Mail Code 970.2 Greenbelt, Maryland. http://simbios.gsfc.nasa.gov. News Update. Last fall, Goddard Code 970.2 restructured as
Achievements and Activities FY01 of SIMBIOS Project Giulietta Sara Fargion SAIC General Sciences Corp. SIMBIOSProject Project Manager GSFC Mail Code 970.2 Greenbelt, Maryland. http://simbios.gsfc.nasa.gov
News Update Last fall, Goddard Code 970.2 restructured as • Office for Global Carbon Studies Dr. Charles McClain, Manager • SeaWiFS Project Dr. Gene Feldman, Manager Dr. Charles McClain, Project Scientist • SIMBIOS Project Dr. Giulietta Fargion, Manager Dr. Charles McClain, Project Scientist
970.2Office for Global Carbon Studies C. McClain, Project Office Manager Office Admin. : I. Robinson & J. Lentz Procurement: L. Hoppel Financial Analyst: P. Clow Outreach I. Antonenko SIMBIOS Science Team Carbon Project C. McClain SeaWiFS Project G. Feldman SIMBIOS Project G. Fargion Project Scientist C. R. McClain Discipline Science Representatives J. Abshire- Sensor Eng. J. Collatz - Land W. Gregg - Oceans J. Hansen - Climate R. Kawa - Atmos. J. Tucker - Land Calibration Round Robin G. Meister Project Staff J. Gervin - Mission Design F. Hall - Land P. Caruso - System Eng. K. Mitchell - Administration S. Signorini - Oceans SeaBASS Database S. Bailey Sun Photometer Program C. Pietras Calibration and Validation F. Patt Mission Operations G. Feldman Satellite Data Processing G. Feldman SeaDAS K. Baith SeaWiFS Data Processing G. Feldman Technical Documentation E. Firestone Calibration, Validation and Data Merger SeaWiFS Field Prog. S. Hooker
Protocol for Autonomous Measurements of LW from Oceanographic Towers PI: Giuseppe Zibordi Joint Research Centre (JRC), Italy Co-PI: J.F. Berthon, D. D'Alinonte & D.van der Linde, JRC, Italy S. Hooker, NASA-GSFC, Greenbelt, MD Measurements and Modeling of Apparent Optical Properties of Ocean Waters in Support to Ocean Color Data Calibration, Validation, and Merging PI: David Antoine Laboratoire de Physique et Chimie Marines (LPCM), France Co-PI: Andre Morel and Marcel Babin, LPCM, France Cyril Moulin, LSCE, France Contribution to Global Climatology of Surface Pigments from Ocean Color PI: Pierre-Yves Deshamps, LOA, France Yves Dandonneau , LODYC, France Co-PI: Jacques Neveux, UMR CNRS, France Jean Marc-Nicolas , LOA,UMR CNRS, France Cyril Moulin, LSCE,UMR CEA, CNRS, France Robert Frouin, SIO, UCSD, USA Cecile Dupouy, LODYC, France Gerald Bonnafoux, LOA, France CNES Contribution to Ocean Color Sensor Calibration PI: Bertrand Fougnie Centre National d'Etudies Spatiales (CNES), France Co-PI: O. Hagolle CNES/OTIS/GC F. Cabot, T. Tremas, P. Henry, A. Meygret and V. Bruniquel, CNES/OTIS/GC J-M. Nicolas and P-Y. Deshamps, LOA Evaluation and Improvement of the Atmospheric Correction and Bio-optical Algorithms for the Black and Barents Seas PI: Oleg Victorovich Kopelevich Ocean Optics Laboratory, P.P. Shirshov Inst. Of Ocean. (RAS), Russia. Co-PI: Vladimir I. Burenkov, Svetlana V. Ershova, Marina A. Evdoshenko Sergey V. Sheberstov and Guenrik S. Karabashev, SIO RAS Dmitry B. Rogozkin, Moscow Eng. Phy. Inst. Satellite Ocean Color and Contamination by Mineral Dust in the Mediterranean Sea PI: Emanuele Bohm Istituto di Fisica (IFA), CNR,Italy Co-PI: Rosalia Santoleri and Gian Paolo Gobbi, IFA-CNR, Italy Maurizio Ribera d'Alcala, SZN Intensive and Extensive Field programs for Data Products Validation of OCTS, SeaWiFS, MODIS and GLI PI: Joji Ishizaha Earth Observation Research Center NASDA, Japan Co-PI: Asanuma Ichio, JAMSTEC Furuya Ken, University of Tokyo Fukushima Hajime, Tokai University Harashima, Akira, National Institute for Environmental Studies Hirawake Toru, National Institute of Polar Research Ishimaru Takashi, Tokyo University of Fishery Kawamura Hiroshi, Tohoku University Kishino Motoaki, The Institute of Physical and Chemical Research Murakami Hiroshi,Earth Observation Research Center/NASDA Mukaida Akira, Remote Sensing Technology Center Saino Toshiro, Nagoya University Saitoh Seiichi, Hokkaido University Taguchi Satoru, Soka University SIMBIOS International Science Team (2000-2003)
Atmospheric Correction Algorithms for Japanese Satellite Ocean Color Programs PI: Hajime Fukushima Tokay University, Japan Co-PI: Wen-Zhong Chen, Earth Observation Research Center, Teruyuki Nakajima, Center for Climate System Research, Sachio Ohta, Hokkaido University, Sapporo Mitsuhiro Toratani, Tokai University A Comparison of Ocean Color Measurements between OCI and SeaWiFS PI: Hsien-Wen Li Dept. Oceanography, National Taiwan Ocean University, Co-PI: Chung-Ru Ho, Nan-Jung Kuo and Chun-Te Chen, National Taiwan Ocean University, Taiwan Data Product from Pear River Estuary for Inter-calibration and Inter-comparison of the SIMBIOS Project PI: Jay-Chung Chen Centre for Coastal and Atmospheric Research Hong Kong University of Science and Technology The Cal/Val of China Ocean Color Satellite (HY-1) PI: Junwu Tang Satellite Ocean Application Service, China Co-PI: Qinglian Chen , Tongji Liand Xiangnam Wang Institute of Ocean Technology, China Retrival, Validation, Intercomparison and Merger of Ocean Color Multi-sensor Data in the China Sea PI: Ming-Xia He Director, Ocean Remote Sensing Institute National Lab.,Ministry of Education of China, Co-PI: Lei Guan, Hai-Li Wang and Zhi-Shen Liu , Ocean University of Qingdao, China Zhong-Ping Lee, University of South Florida SIMBIOS International Science Team (2000-2003) • SIMBIOS Science Team is still open for new international collaborators • New members need to write a proposal on the solicited topics specified under the NRA-99 • Submit one copy to NASA HQ (Dr. John Marra) and one to the SIMBIOS Project. • For information email: project@simbios.gsfc.nasa.gov
SIMBIOS Project • Has a worldwide, ongoing in situ optical and atmospheric data collection program, an instrument pool, plus an operational data processing and analysis capability. • Collects data via the Science Team andwith Aerosol Robotic Network (AERONET). • Collaborates with NIST on round robin activities and with the science community on documenting bio-optical and atmospheric protocols. • Collaborates with SeaDAS group on code to display and process foreign ocean color missions. • Publish annual Project Reports as NASA-TM
SIMBIOS Project Achievements • Satellite Data Processing: • MOS, OCTS and POLDER • Data Product Validation: • Algorithm Validation and Calibration • Match-up Analysis • SeaBASS Interface • Satellite over-flight support • Sun Photometer and Calibration Activities: • Field Instrument Pool • Calibrations (Microtops, Prede, Cimel & SIMBAD) • Calibration RR (SeaWiFS Transfer Radiometer) • Project Office: • Science Team Support • Procurement & Financial Analysis Support • Administration & Technical Support
Satellite data analyses : • Reception, processing, distribution of IRS-P3 MOS data continued operationally. The coverage is the western North Atlantic and eastern continental U.S. and Canada. • The calibration of the OCTS and POLDER using MOBY comparisons and the SeaWiFS atmospheric correction scheme were completed. The analyses provide consistent data products from the two instruments using common match-up and regional average value comparisons. • Yearly SIMBIOS Project NASA TMs (1998, 1999 and 2000) available on the web and several publications in the open literature….
Satellite data analyses : • In October 2000, the Korean Aerospace Research Institute (KARI) solicited the Project’s assistance in calibrating the KOMPSAT/OSMI. The Project is currently working on the instrument characteristics and to obtain coverage over MOBY. • In December the Project was approached by NASDA about assisting in a reprocessing of the entire OCTS GAC data set based on the SeaWiFS data quality. The Project has accepted this invitation to collaborate and is working on logistical matters with NASDA. OCTS GAC data is expected to be released in late Summer 2001
The current prototype under development blends multiple satellite observations and in situ data. Extracts based on geographic location and ”quality” of extracted level-1 file. Subsequent standard or special Level-2 processing performed on extracts. Both Level-1 and Level-2 data available for browse and download via the Web for analysis and subsequent reprocessing. For 200 km wide extract (like BBOP) average Level-1 file size is 0.5Mbyte Diagnostic Data Set :
Diagnostic Data Set Multiple Satellite Capability MOS (above) and SeaWiFS (right) data extracts of Bermuda collected on 15 March 2000
Diagnostic Data Set All extracts can be browsed with a web utility and selected tiles can be downloaded via the web or ftp for subsequent analysis. http://seawifs.gsfc.nasa.gov/cgibrs/eos_core_sites.pl
AERONET is a ground-based world wide network of sun photometers SIMBIOS Project has augmented the AERONET network with 12 coastal and island stations (1998-2000). Both Projects collaborated on sun photometer calibrations, logistics and maintenance SIMBIOS Project developed multi-platform processing software, and protocols for: MicroTops, SIMBAD, PRP shadow band and CIMEL …very soon PREDE… SIMBIOS collaboration with AERONET
SeaBASS in a “nutshell” • SIMBIOS and SeaWiFS Projects sponsor in situ field data collections. Bio-optical and atmospheric data is archived in SeaBASS database for calibration and validation of satellite imagery. This worldwide archive has over 250 optical data sets (e.g. AOP, IOP, CTD, pigment data) • NEW “SeaBASS 2001” ASCII format with a standard set of case insensitive field names and units to fully define any data file. Standardized set is updated as the need arises. • Current data policy (NRA-99), password secure web access to data files, SQL queries, and supporting documentation via http://seabass.gsfc.nasa.gov/ • For additional information contact Jeremy Werdell • jeremy@simbios.gsfc.nasa.gov
13 Cimel, 2 Prede, 12 MicroTops, 1 SIMBAD, 2 SIMBADA and 1 Lidar SIMBIOS Project Instrument Pool SIMBAD MicroTops CIMEL PREDE MKII LIDAR
* BNL has been working to implement a sea-going autonomous radiation system (PRP) to be used on ship of opportunity.* In the last 2 start up years they have accumulated about 700 days of measurements.* This activity is supported by SIMBIOS and DOE/ARMShip PeriodBrown (from 01-15-99 to 02-07-99)Brown (from 02-22-99 to 03-30-99)Brown (from 06-17-99 to 07-13-99)MRAI (from 06-11-99 to 07-13-99) ARCS-2 (from 06-17-99 to 07-08-99)MELVIN (from 10-01-99 to 10-20-99)P. STAR (from 03-04-00 to 05-01-00)MIRAI (from04-29-00 to 06-10-00)MIRAI (from06-12-00 to 07-06-00)WHOI (from 05-19-00 to 07-10-00)WHOI (from 05-19-00 to 07-10-00)MIRAI (from 07-06-00 to 08-01-00)MIRAI (from 08-03-00 to 10-14-00)MIRAI (from 10-15-00 to 11-11-00)KAIMI (from 10 -15-00 to 11-11-00)cruises not plottedBROWN (from 10-16-00 to 11-16-00)KAIMI (from 11-13-00 to 12-13-00)ICEBREAKER (from 11-15-00 to 12-17-00)
SIMBIOS Project Calibration activities • Roof platform at GSFC used for transferring calibration to sun photometers • Project has done ~ 10 instrument calibrations per year • Integrating GSFC sphere “Hardy” used to calibrated SIMBIOS radiometers and sky radiometers.
Absolute calibration of the SIMBAD 06 radiometer at GSFC and at LOA. • Historic calibration coefficients since March 1997.
Project Calibration Round Robin • SeaWiFS Transfer Radiometer (SXR-II) • SXR-II was calibrated at NIST with SIRCUS in November-December 2000. • Participation in the radiometric comparison to be held in April 2001 at GSFC. The following groups will be participating: • - NIST, SDSU, Ames,GSFC, UA and RSI • - a total of 15 radiometers (VXR,ASD etc.) • Project will start up a new SXR-II round robin by Spring 2000 (i.e.,NRL,HOBI,UCSB & SIO)
Calibration Round Robin • Chlorophyll/pigment round robin Pat Glibert & Laurie Van Heukelem- Horn Point Lab • experiments were designed to investigate the sources of variability among SIMBIOS PIs (i.e., survey methods, instrument performance, extraction techniques, precision/accuracy, etc.) • final results have been published in the “SIMBIOS Project 2000 Annual Report” NASA TM-2001-. • Yearly updates on the protocols for measuring bio-optical and radiometric data implemented by the SIMBIOS Team and Project • “Ocean Optics Protocols for Satellite Ocean Color Sensor Validation, Revision 2” NASA TM-2000-209966 pdf documents are at http://simbios.gsfc.nasa.gov/
SeaWiFS prediction, scheduling & near-real-time imagery From 10/97 to 1/01 the Project has supported >207 cruises all over the world with more than 3450 tailored images Operational ocean color sensor over flight prediction: SeaWiFS, MODIS, OCI OCM and MOS-B SeaWiFS, OCTS and MOS satellite browsers are available on the SIMBIOS web page Support Services
Future Thrusts • Collaborate with NASDA on the reprocessing of the OCTS GAC data set; • Assist KARI in the calibration and processing of the KOMPSAT/OSMI data; • Work with the MOS Science Team on the use of MOS for linking the SeaWiFS with the ADEOS-I OCTS and POLDER time series; • Assist the SeaDAS group on incorporating POLDER processing capabilities into SeaDAS; • Collaborate with the MODIS Oceans Team and Science Team members on SeaWiFS-MODIS data merger;
Future Thrusts • Continue the development of a diagnostic ocean color data set, as recommended by members of the IOCCG; • Joint effort with the Science Team in writing the revised SIMBIOS Program mission statement document; • Design and execute the next calibration round robin experiment with the new Science Team; • Begin preparations for the ENVISAT/MERIS (2001) and ADEOS-II/GLI (2002) missions.The Project hosted a NASDA representative for two months in Winter 2000 to assist in the GLI preparations.
Data Merging Activities • The SIMBIOS Project with the Science Team will be discussing the data merging objectives to be achieved in the 2000-2003. The Project will propose two data merger examples of end products: 1) A climatology of chlorophyll-a that blends in-situ and satellite data i.e., monthly global fields on a typical 9 km grid. Satellite data input to start should be the first years of SeaWiFS data, OCTS and/or POLDER (and CZCS data ? ), adding in other satellite data (i.e., MODIS, etc) later. The climatology could be updated every year or two, by including more data as they become available. The blending/interpolation methodology, based on neural networks or more classical concepts (Reynolds, 1988), should be general -- and the methodology could also be a deliverable. It would use either level 3 data (i.e., chl-a), or level 2 data using consistent bio-optical algorithms, or both. The Project is presently funding Watson on the techniques for blending level 3 data, and Stephane level 2 data. 2) A set of products that blend data from several satellite ocean-color sensors flying at the same time, e.g., SeaWiFS and MODIS, with extension to MERIS and, then GLI, POLDER-2. These products, at the levels 2 and 3, would be similar to those produced by the SeaWiFS Project (or perhaps a reduced number of them), but improved in quality because they will combine several data sets. They will not be a climatology, but a time series. The SIMBIOS Project would generate these improved products routinely, adding data from more sensors as they become available.
Several approaches could be investigated to merge the products This could be done (1) at the top-of-atmosphere level, where the data from one sensor would be mapped spectrally to that of a reference instrument (e.g., SeaWiFS) and then the same atmospheric correction applied, (2) using water-leaving radiances, obtained independently for each instrument, but with consistent atmospheric correction schemes, or (3) at level 3. • The SIMBIOS Project role is to implement the approaches provided by the SIMBIOS Science Team. The SIMBIOS Project will continue to address specific topics, namely : (1) radiometric calibration (i.e., radiometric models and pre-launch calibration, post- launch onboard calibration, vicarious calibration); (2) evaluation of algorithms and products (i.e., bio-optical algorithms, and atmospheric correction), (3) trials of merging techniques of satellite/other data sets.
SIMBIOS Program mission statement first draft • I Ocean Color Program Objectives A. Science objectives Marine ecosystem studies Physical-biogeochemical process studies Temporal/spatial variability studies (days to decades/mesoscale to global) Carbon cycle studies (primary production, etc.) Provide consistent validated satellite data for model assimilation B. Operational objectives Goal is to produce consistent ocean color data sets Products (chlorophyll-a, etc.) Temporal continuity (satellite-to-satellite) Periodic reprocess entire time series Take advantage of advancements in capability in any dimension; (i.e., algorithm, correction procedure, data storage, computer speed, etc.).
II Requirements A. Accurate calibrations Satellite In situ Resolve calibration differences between satellites or between satellites and in situ data Provide guidance for how radiometric standards are developed and maintained B. Validation Compare field and satellite data sets Put uncertainty bounds on each product C. Algorithms Continually assess all algorithms used Maintain the leading edge approach while retaining consistency with previous work D. Data merger Merge established products (i.e., Gregg et al.) Develop procedures to provide higher level synthetic data products (i.e., Maritorena) E. Data policy Free open exchange is essential International Cooperation Between agencies and missions and between investigators
III Implementation of the SIMBIOS Project A. Wide spread bio-optical data base Protocols and round robins Globally distributed data Freely available to all interested investigators Leverage international cooperation B. Atmospheric correction algorithm evaluation Sun photometer data base Protocols and round robins Globally distributed data set Freely available to all interested investigators Leverage international cooperation C. Satellite instrument calibration Direct Complete specifications for pre-launch calibration and characterization (protocols) Strategy for calibration source verification (round robins) On-orbit methods (evaluation) Vicarious MOBY Sun photometers
D. Product validation Statistical comparison of all data products Bio-optical data comparison Sun photometer observations Satellite to satellite comparisons Make product validation a full-time activity Provide the match-up data sets to the community in graphical and data forms E. Data merger Merge established products (i.e., Gregg et al.) Develop procedures to provide higher level synthetic data products (i.e., Maritorena) Develop means of accounting for uncertainty Provide the products to the community F. SIMBIOS Team PI's selected into the 2000-2003 SIMBIOS program and how they fit into the above… G. Expected timeline.
Bio-optical & Atmospheric Data archived in SeaBASS (12/97-4/00)