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Enforcement and Product Safety

Explore the role of stakeholders in product safety enforcement, harmonisation of legislation, and the impact of organizations like PROSAFE and ICPSC in ensuring consumer protection. Learn about international cooperation and future developments in market surveillance.

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Enforcement and Product Safety

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  1. Enforcement and Product Safety • Dirk H. Meijer • Immediate Past President of PROSAFE • Project leader of the EMARS project • Chairman of ICPSC • Regional Director Southwest • Food and Consumer Product Safety Authority • The Netherlands

  2. January 3, 2020 Non Food Market Surveillance 2

  3. Contents of the Presentation • Role of the players in the field • Harmonisation of Legislation • Harmonisation of Market Surveillance • PROSAFE • EMARS • ICPSC Conclusions

  4. Marketsurveillance and Responsabilities • Producers • Placing safe products on the market • Consumers • Using a product safely • Government • Determining safety criteria and enforcement of legislation.

  5. Harmonised Legislation • The European Commission made an enormous effort in establishing a harmonised system of Legislation in the EU • The efforts in setting up harmonised regulations will be hardly effective if the enforcement will not be harmonised

  6. PROSAFE • Informal organisation since 1991 • Market Surveillance Organisations • Throughout Europe • Safety of Consumer Products • 2002 Legal entity as Dutch “Stichting” • 2007 Recognized by the EC as formal applicant Non Food Market Surveillance 6

  7. January 3, 2020 PROSAFE • Provides, collects and exchanges information on dangerous products • Encourages and enhances cooperation in product safety • Improves market surveillance • Develops understanding and practical solutions of common problems • Builds mutual confidence in product safety issues Non Food Market Surveillance 7

  8. The aim of PROSAFE: effective, efficient, and fair enforcement in Europe Members: Market Surveillance and Enforcement Organisations in EU, Candidate countries, Norway, Iceland, Switzerland OBSERVERS: European Commission / EFTA / ANEC / Eurosafe / Business organisations Non Food Market Surveillance 8

  9. PROSAFE Project EMARS 2006 - 2008: Enhancing Marketsurveillance through Best Practice Core Objective: Basic level of best practice techniques & cross-sharing of information Non Food Market Surveillance 9

  10. Foreseen outcome of project Knowledge base Advise body Handbook best practise techniques Handbook risk assessment Strategy document Improvement of market surveillance Non Food Market Surveillance 10

  11. International cooperation between regulators ICPSC: The International Consumer Product Safety Caucus Global Informal network Linked with Prosafe Non Food Market Surveillance 11

  12. International cooperation between regulators • Objectives: • High level of consumer product safety • developing cooperation arrangements • facilitate surveillance and enforcement • exchanging information on best practices • identifying common needs • guidelines for international standards. Non Food Market Surveillance 12

  13. Future Developments • Future Developments of Prosafe • EMARS II • Joint Actions • Playground equipment (Poland) • Lighting Chains (Hungary) • Lighters • Sunbeds • Toys • Cords and draw strings • Collaborative Studies

  14. Conclusions • Within Europe we are on the brink of a structurized approach on Market Surveillance and Enforcement on a harmonized European Level. • Globally we can see the start of an analogous development

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