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Understanding Arteries of the Cardiovascular System

Explore the intricate network of blood vessels within the cardiovascular system, from the head to the limbs and vital organs, including detailed illustrations and explanations of major arteries.

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Understanding Arteries of the Cardiovascular System

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  1. 19 The Cardiovascular System: Blood Vessels: Part C

  2. R. external carotid artery R. internal carotid artery L. external carotid artery L. internal carotid artery R. common carotid – right side of head and neck L. common carotid – left side of head and neck R. vertebral L. vertebral R. subclavian – neck and R. upper limb Brachiocephalic – head, neck, and R. upper limb L. subclavian – neck and L. upper limb R. axillary L. axillary Aortic arch Arteries of L. upper limb Arteries of R. upper limb Ascending aorta – L. ventricle to sternal angle L. and R. coronary arteries Thoracic aorta T5– T12(diaphragm) L. ventricle of heart Parietal branches Visceral branches Mediastinal – posterior media- stinum Esophageal – esophagus Bronchial – lungs and bronchi Pericardial – pericardium Posterior intercostals – intercostal muscles, spinal cord, vertebrae, pleurae, skin Superior phrenics – posterior and superior diaphragm Diaphragm Abdominal aorta T12(diaphragm) – L4 Parietal branches Visceral branches Gonadal – testes or ovaries Suprarenal – adrenal glands and Renal – kidneys Superior and inferior mesenterics – small intestine – colon Celiac trunk – liver – gallbladder – spleen – stomach – esophagus – duodenum Inferior phrenics – inferior diaphragm Lumbars – posterior abdominal wall Median sacral – sacrum – coccyx R. common iliac – pelvis and R. lower limb L. common iliac – pelvis and L. lower limb Arteries of L. lower limb Arteries of R. lower limb (a) Schematic flowchart Figure 19.21a

  3. Arteries of the head and trunk Internal carotid artery Arteries that supply the upper limb External carotid artery Common carotid arteries Subclavian artery Vertebral artery Axillary artery Subclavian artery Brachiocephalic trunk Brachial artery Aortic arch Ascending aorta Radial artery Coronary artery Ulnar artery Thoracic aorta (above diaphragm) Deep palmar arch Superficial palmar arch Celiac trunk Abdominal aorta Digital arteries Superior mesenteric artery Arteries that supply the lower limb Renal artery Gonadal artery External iliac artery Femoral artery Common iliac artery Popliteal artery Inferior mesenteric artery Anterior tibial artery Internal iliac artery Posterior tibial artery (b) Illustration, anterior view Arcuate artery Figure 19.21b

  4. R. and L. anterior cerebral arteries R. middle cerebral artery Anterior communicating artery Cerebral arterial circle R. and L. posterior communicating arteries Ophthalmic artery Basilar artery R. posterior cerebral artery Superficial temporal artery R. and L. vertebral arteries Maxillary artery Occipital artery R. and L. internal internal arteries Facial artery Lingual artery R. and L. external carotid arteries Superior thyroid artery R. and L. common carotid arteries R. and L. subclavian arteries Brachiocephalic trunk Aortic arch (a) Schematic flowchart Figure 19.22a

  5. Ophthalmic artery Branches of the external carotid artery Basilar artery Vertebral artery • Superficial temporal artery • Maxillary artery • Occipital artery • Facial artery • Lingual artery • Superior thyroid artery Internal carotid artery External carotid artery Common carotid artery Thyrocervical trunk Larynx Costocervical trunk Thyroid gland (overlying trachea) Subclavian artery Clavicle (cut) Brachiocephalic trunk Axillary artery Internal thoracic artery (b) Arteries of the head and neck, right aspect Figure 19.22b

  6. Anterior Cerebral arterial circle (circle of Willis) Frontal lobe Optic chiasma • Anterior communicating artery Middle cerebral artery • Anterior cerebral artery Internal carotid artery • Posterior communicating artery Mammillary body • Posterior cerebral artery Basilar artery Temporal lobe Vertebral artery Pons Occipital lobe Cerebellum Posterior (d) Major arteries serving the brain (inferior view, right side of cerebellum and part of right temporal lobe removed) Figure 19.22d

  7. R. vertebral artery R. common carotid artery L. common carotid artery Thyrocervical trunk L. vertebral artery Suprascapular artery L. subclavian artery R. subclavian artery Axillary artery Thoracoacromial artery Thoracoacromial artery (pectoral branch) Aortic arch Costocervical trunk Brachio- cephalic trunk Anterior and posterior circumflex humeral arteries Internal thoracic artery Brachial artery Anterior intercostal arteries Posterior intercostal arteries Lateral thoracic artery Deep artery of arm Descending thoracic aorta Subscapular artery Anastomosis Common interosseus artery Radial artery Ulnar artery Deep palmar arch Metacarpal arteries Superficial palmar arch (a) Schematic flowchart Digital arteries Figure 19.23a

  8. Vertebral artery Common carotid arteries Thyrocervical trunk Left subclavian artery Suprascapular artery Right subclavian artery Costocervical trunk Brachiocephalic trunk Thoracoacromial artery Posterior intercostal arteries Axillary artery Posterior circumflex humeral artery Anterior intercostal artery Anterior circumflex humeral artery Internal thoracic artery Descending aorta Subscapular artery Lateral thoracic artery Brachial artery Radial artery Deep artery of arm Ulnar artery Common interosseous artery Deep palmar arch Superficial palmar arch Digital arteries (b) Illustration, anterior view Figure 19.23b

  9. Diaphragm Abdominal aorta L. gastric artery Inferior phrenic arteries R. gastric artery Common hepatic artery Hepatic artery proper L Celiac trunk Gastro- duodenal artery Splenic artery R R. gastroepiploic artery Middle suprarenal arteries L. gastroepiploic artery Intestinal arteries Middle colic artery Superior mesenteric artery R. colic artery Renal arteries Ileocolic artery Gonadal arteries Sigmoidal arteries Inferior mesenteric artery L. colic artery Superior rectal artery Lumbar arteries Median sacral artery Common iliac arteries (a) Schematic flowchart. Figure 19.24a

  10. Liver (cut) Diaphragm Inferior vena cava Esophagus Celiac trunk Left gastric artery Common hepatic artery Stomach Hepatic artery proper Splenic artery Gastroduodenal artery Left gastroepiploic artery Right gastric artery Gallbladder Spleen Pancreas (major portion lies posterior to stomach) Right gastroepiploic artery Superior mesenteric mesenteric Duodenum Abdominal aorta (b) The celiac trunk and its major branches. The left half of the liver has been removed. Figure 19.24b

  11. Diaphragm Hiatus (opening) for inferior vena cava Inferior phrenic artery Hiatus (opening) for esophagus Middle suprarenal artery Adrenal (suprarenal) gland Renal artery Superior mesenteric artery Kidney Celiac trunk Gonadal (testicular or ovarian) artery Abdominal aorta Lumbar arteries Inferior mesenteric artery Ureter Median sacral artery Common iliac artery (c) Major branches of the abdominal aorta. Figure 19.24c

  12. Transverse colon Celiac trunk Aorta Superior mesenteric artery Inferior mesenteric artery Branches of the superior mesenteric artery Branches of the inferior mesenteric artery •Middle colic artery •Intestinal arteries •Right colic artery •Left colic artery •Ileocolic artery •Sigmoidal arteries •Superior rectal artery Ascending colon Right common iliac artery Descending colon Ileum Cecum Sigmoid colon Appendix Rectum (d) Distribution of the superior and inferior mesenteric arteries. The transverse colon has been pulled superiorly. Figure 19.24d

  13. Abdominal aorta Superior gluteal artery Internal iliac artery Inferior gluteal artery Common iliac artery Obturator artery Internal pudendal Deep artery of thigh Medial circumflex femoral artery External iliac artery Lateral circumflex femoral artery Femoral artery Adductor hiatus Arterial anastomosis Popliteal artery Anterior tibial artery Posterior tibial artery Fibular (peroneal) artery Dorsalis pedis artery Lateral plantar artery Lateral plantar artery Medial plantar artery Arcuate artery Plantar arch Dorsal metatarsal arteries Plantar metatarsal arteries (a) Schematic flowchart Figure 19.25a

  14. Common iliac artery Internal iliac artery Superior gluteal artery External iliac artery Deep artery of thigh Lateral circumflex femoral artery Medial circumflex femoral artery Obturator artery Femoral artery Adductor hiatus Popliteal artery Anterior tibial artery Posterior tibial artery Fibular artery Dorsalis pedis artery Arcuate artery Dorsal metatarsal arteries (b) Anterior view Figure 19.25b

  15. Popliteal artery Anterior tibial artery Fibular artery Posterior tibial artery Lateral plantar artery Dorsalis pedis artery (from top of foot) Medial plantar artery Plantar arch (c) Posterior view Figure 19.25c

  16. R. external jugular – superficial head and neck R. vertebral – cervical spinal cord and vertebrae Intracranial dural venous sinuses Veins of R. upper limb R. internal jugular – dural venous sinuses of the brain R. subclavian – R. head, neck, and upper limb R. axillary Same as R. brachiocephalic R. brachiocephalic – R. side of head and R. upper limb L. brachiocephalic – L. side of head and L. upper limb Superior vena cava – runs from union of brachiocephalic veins behind manubrium to R. atrium Azygos system – drains much of thorax R. atrium of heart Diaphragm Inferior vena cava – runs from junction of common iliac veins at L5to R. atrium of heart L., R., and middle hepatic veins – liver R. suprarenal (L. suprarenal drains into L. renal vein) – adrenal glands L. and R. renal veins – kidneys R. gonadal (L. gonadal drains into L. renal vein) – testis or ovary Lumbar veins (several pairs) – posterior abdominal wall R. common iliac – pelvis and R. lower limb L. common iliac – pelvis and L. lower limb Veins of L. lower limb Veins of R. lower limb (a) Schematic flowchart Figure 19.26a

  17. Veins of the head and trunk Veins that drain the upper limb Dural venous sinuses Subclavian vein External jugular vein Axillary vein Vertebral vein Cephalic vein Internal jugular vein Brachial vein Right and left brachiocephalic veins Basilic vein Superior vena cava Median cubital vein Great cardiac vein Ulnar vein Hepatic veins Radial vein Splenic vein Digital veins Hepatic portal vein Veins that drain the lower limb Renal vein Superior mesenteric vein External iliac vein Femoral vein Inferior vena cava Great saphenous vein Inferior mesenteric vein Popliteal vein Common iliac vein Posterior tibial vein Internal iliac vein Anterior tibial vein (b) Illustration, anterior view. The vessels of the pulmonary circulation are not shown. Small saphenous vein Dorsal venous arch Dorsal metatarsal veins Figure 19.26b

  18. Superior sagittal sinus Inferior sagittal sinus Superficial temporal vein Straight sinus Ophthalmic vein Occipital vein Transverse sinus Cavernous sinus Facial vein Posterior auricular vein Sigmoid sinus Internal jugular vein External jugular vein Superior thyroid vein Vertebral vein Middle thyroid vein Brachiocephalic veins Subclavian vein (a) Schematic flowchart Superior vena cava Figure 19.27a

  19. Superficial temporal vein Ophthalmic vein Occipital vein Facial vein Posterior auricular vein External jugular vein Vertebral vein Internal jugular vein Superior and middle thyroid veins Brachiocephalic vein Subclavian vein Superior vena cava (b) Veins of the head and neck, right superficial aspect Figure 19.27b

  20. Superior sagittal sinus Falx cerebri Inferior sagittal sinus Cavernous sinus Straight sinus Confluence of sinuses Transverse sinuses Sigmoid sinus Jugular foramen Right internal jugular vein (c) Dural venous sinuses of the brain Figure 19.27c

  21. Subclavian vein Internal jugular vein External jugular vein Brachiocephalic veins Axillary vein Superior vena cava Accessory hemiazygos vein Median cubital vein Azygos vein Hemiazygos vein Brachial vein Right and left posterior intercostal veins Cephalic vein Median antebrachial vein Basilic vein Ulnar vein Radial vein Deep palmar venous arch Metacarpal veins Superficial palmar venous arch (a) Schematic flowchart Digital veins Figure 19.28a

  22. Internal jugular vein Brachiocephalic veins External jugular vein Right subclavian vein Left subclavian vein Axillary vein Superior vena cava Brachial vein Cephalic vein Azygos vein Basilic vein Accessory hemiazygos vein Hemiazygos vein Posterior intercostals Inferior vena cava Median cubital vein Ascending lumbar vein Median antebrachial vein Basilic vein Cephalic vein Ulnar vein Radial vein Deep palmar venous arch Superficial palmar venous arch Digital veins (b) Anterior view Figure 19.28b

  23. Inferior vena cava Inferior phrenic veins Cystic vein Hepatic veins Hepatic portal system Hepatic portal vein Superior mesenteric vein Splenic vein Suprarenal veins Inferior mesenteric vein Renal veins Gonadal veins Lumbar veins R. ascending lumbar vein L. ascending lumbar vein Common iliac veins External iliac vein (a) Schematic flowchart. Internal iliac veins Figure 19.29a

  24. Inferior phrenic vein Hepatic veins Inferior vena cava Left suprarenal vein Right suprarenal vein Renal veins Left ascending lumbar vein Right gonadal vein Lumbar veins Left gonadal vein Common iliac vein External iliac vein Internal iliac vein (b) Tributaries of the inferior vena cava. Venous drainage of abdominal organs not drained by the hepatic portal vein. Figure 19.29b

  25. Inferior vena cava (not part of hepatic portal system) Gastric veins Hepatic veins Spleen Inferior vena cava Liver Splenic vein Right gastroepiploic vein Hepatic portal vein Inferior mesenteric vein Superior mesenteric vein Small intestine Large intestine Rectum (c) The hepatic portal circulation. Figure 19.29c

  26. Internal iliac vein Inferior vena cava Common iliac vein External iliac vein Femoral vein Femoral vein Great saphenous vein Popliteal vein Small saphenous vein Small saphenous vein Anterior tibial vein Fibular (peroneal) vein Fibular (peroneal) vein Posterior tibial vein Plantar veins Dorsalis pedis vein Dorsal venous arch Deep plantar arch Dorsal metatarsal veins Digital veins Anterior Posterior (a) Schematic flowchart of the anterior and posterior veins Figure 19.30a

  27. Common iliac vein Internal iliac vein External iliac vein Inguinal ligament Femoral vein Great saphenous vein (superficial) Popliteal vein Small saphenous vein Fibular vein Anterior tibial vein Dorsalis pedis vein Dorsal venous arch Dorsal metatarsal veins (b) Anterior view Figure 19.30b

  28. Great saphenous vein Popliteal vein Anterior tibial vein Fibular vein Small saphenous vein (superficial) Posterior tibial vein Plantar veins Deep plantar arch Digital veins (c) Posterior view Figure 19.30c

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