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CS2006- Data Structures I

Learn about linked lists, insertion, deletion, traversal, and implementations in Java. Master ADT list operations and practical examples.

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CS2006- Data Structures I

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  1. CS2006- Data Structures I Chapter 5Linked Lists II

  2. ADT Linked List • Specification: • Elements: • Elements are nodes • One reference • Operations: • isEmpty: • Check if the list is empty • getLength • Get the length of the list • insert • Insert a new element at a specific position • remove • Delete an element from a specific position • retrieve • Rerieve contents of an element From a specific position • traverse • Perform a specific Operation on all the elements of the list

  3. Inserting a Node • Steps: 1.Determine the point of insertion 2.Create a new node & store the new data 3. Connect the new node to the list by changing “pointers” Special case?

  4. Inserting a Node • Finding Point of Insertion in a Sorted List • Java Code: Using for-loop  for (prev = NULL, cur = Head; / / Start (cur !=NULL) && (newValue > cur.getItem()); / / Termination prev = cur, cur = cur.getNext()); / / Step • Determining the values of cur & prev is simpler when you insert or delete a node by position instead of by value

  5. Deleting a Node • Node Deletion • Steps: 1. Locate the node that you want to delete (find cur) 2.Disconnect the node from the list by changing “pointers” 3.Return the node to the system • Special cases?

  6. Deleting a node not at the head • Deleting a node not at the head is similar to adding a node to the middle of the list. • We would have to set up previous (prev) and current (cur) • example

  7. Deleting from the middle public void deleteNode() { if(cur != null && prev != null){ prev.setNext(cur.getNext()); cur = cur.getNext(); } • The deleteNode() method works even if the node is a tail node. In this case, the next of the previous node will be assigned the null value.

  8. Deleting a Node • Node Deletion: • Observations • Links of the list can't be followed backwards • Two external “pointers” are needed: • cur: Node to be deleted • prev: Node pointing to cur • List should be traversed to find the proper positions of cur & prev

  9. Traversing a Linked List • Visit each node in the list , do some operation (e.g. display) on its items, until the end of the list is reached • Example • Displaying the Contents of a Linked List

  10. Traversing a Linked List for ( Node cur = head ; cur != null ; cur = cur.getNext() ) { System.out.println ( cur.getItem() ); } cur head 1 3 7 9 null Recursive?

  11. Insert and Delete operations on an empty list • Problem with insertion and deletion methods: • They require special cases and different actions for first nodes. • The addition of a dummy head node to the linked list eliminates the special cases “dummy" head node does not contain any data and its reference points to the first data containing node. An empty list now consists of a head reference and a header node with a null reference

  12. Interface for ADT List // **************************************************** // Interface for the ADT list //for easy understanding, I change Comparable to Object // **************************************************** public interface ListInterface { // list operations: public boolean isEmpty(); public int size(); public void addFirst(Object item); public void addLast(Object item); public void remove(Object item); public Node find(Object item); public void removeAll(); } // end ListInterface

  13. Comparable Node Class public class Node { private Object item; private Node next; public Node(Object newItem) { item = newItem; next = null; } // end constructor public Node(Object newItem, Node nextNode) { item = newItem; next = nextNode; } // end constructor

  14. Comparable Node Class (2) public void setItem(Object newItem) { item = newItem; }// end setItem public Object getItem() { return item; } // end getitem public void setNext(Node nextNode) { next = nextNode; }// end setNext public Node getNext() { return next; } // end getNext } // end class Node

  15. Implementation of ADT List // **************************************************** // Reference-based implementation of ADT list. // **************************************************** public class List implements ListInterface { // reference to linked list of items private Node head; private int numItems;// number of items in list public List() { numItems = 0; head = null; }// end default constructor public boolean isEmpty( ) { return numItems == 0; } // end isEmpty public int size( ) { return numItems; } // end size

  16. Implementation of ADT List // **************************************************** // Reference-based implementation of ADT list. // **************************************************** public class List implements ListInterface { // reference to linked list of items private Node head; private int numItems;// number of items in list public List() { numItems = 0; head = null; }// end default constructor public boolean isEmpty( ) { return numItems == 0; } // end isEmpty public int size( ) { return numItems; } // end size

  17. Implementation of ADT List (2) public Node find(Object findItem) { // Locates a specified node in a linked list. // Returns a reference to the desired node. Node curr = head; while((curr != null) && (!findItem.equals (curr.getItem)) { curr = curr.getNext(); } // end while return curr; } // end find public void addFirst(Object item) { // insert a new first node into the list Node newNode = new Node(item, head); head = newNode; numItems++; }// end addFirst

  18. Implementation of ADT List (3) public void addLast(Object item) { // insert a new last node into the list Node curr = head; if (curr == null) { // insert a new first (and only) node Node newNode = new Node(item, head); head = newNode; } else { while(curr.getNext() != null) curr = curr.getNext(); // curr now contains a ref to the last node on the list Node newNode = new Node(item); curr.setNext(newNode); } numItems++; } // end addLast

  19. Implementation of ADT List (4) public void remove(Object removeItem) { // if(isEmpty()) return; Node curr = head, prev = null; if(curr == null) return; while((curr != null) && (!removeItem.equals (curr.getItem)) { prev = curr; curr = curr.getNext(); } // end while - if curr == null removeItem was not found if(curr != null) { // if node is not found do nothing if(curr == head) // remove first node head = head.getNext(); else prev.setNext(curr.getNext()); // remove node after prev numItems--; } } // end remove

  20. Implementation of ADT List (5) public void removeAll() { // setting head to null causes list to be // unreachable and thus marked for garbage collection head = null; numItems = 0; } // end removeAll

  21. Implementation of ADT List (5) public void removeAll() { // setting head to null causes list to be // unreachable and thus marked for garbage collection head = null; numItems = 0; } // end removeAll

  22. Implementation of ADT List (6) public void printList() { // calls the recursive method to print the linked list printNode(head); System.out.println(); } private void printNode(Node curr) { // the recursive printing method if(curr != null){ System.out.print(curr.getItem()+" "); printNode(curr.getNext()); } } }// end List

  23. Implementation of ADT List (6) public void printList() { // calls the recursive method to print the linked list printNode(head); System.out.println(); } private void printNode(Node curr) { // the recursive printing method if(curr != null){ System.out.print(curr.getItem()+" "); printNode(curr.getNext()); } } }// end List

  24. Arrays vs. Lists

  25. Review • The last node of a linear linked list ______. • has the value null • has a next reference whose value is null • has a next reference which references the first node of the list • cannot store any data

  26. Review • A reference variable whose sole purpose is to locate the first node in a linked list is called ______. • top • front • Head • first

  27. Review • Which of the following will be true when the reference variable curr references the last node in a linear linked list? • curr == null • head == null • curr.getNext() == null • head.getNext() == null

  28. Review • If a linked list is empty, the statement head.getNext() will throw a(n) ______. • IllegalAccessException • ArithmeticException • IndexOutOfBoundsException • NullPointerException

  29. Review • To delete a node N from a linear linked list, you will need to ______. • set the reference next in the node that precedes N to reference the node that follows N • set the reference next in the node that precedes N to reference N • set the reference next in the node that follows N to reference the node that precedes N • set the reference next in N to reference the node that follows N

  30. Review • Which of the following statements deletes the node that curr references? • prev.setNext(curr); • curr.setNext(prev); • curr.setNext(curr.getNext()); • prev.setNext(curr.getNext());

  31. Review • Which of the following statements deletes the first node of a linear linked list that has 10 nodes? • head.setNext(curr.getNext()); • prev.setNext(curr.getNext()); • head = head.getNext(); • head = null;

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